What does everyone think is the most likely scenario here in the "empire" state
What does everyone think is the most likely scenario here in the "empire" state
Drug store is the first thing that is raided in a riot,... SHTF would not be any different ....Then they burn the place to the ground ...I'm in the same boat. My wife requires daily medicine if she misses it she will get worse as the time goes on. Because her medicine isn't useful for much (getting high or healing), I'm hoping to be able to raid the local drug store after it's been sacked for more enticing medicines.
I gotta go with the ease of knocking out the 100 year old power grid..NE out for days and days not so long ago because a simple glitch..wait til someone plans..
How long do you think the grid would have to be down for shtf?
How long do you think the grid would have to be down for shtf?
I gotta go with the ease of knocking out the 100 year old power grid..NE out for days and days not so long ago because a simple glitch..wait til someone plans..
Drug store is the first thing that is raided in a riot,... SHTF would not be any different ....Then they burn the place to the ground ...
Just long enough where supermarket's run out of food and then it graduates from Stage 1 SHTF to Stage 2 SHTF.How long do you think the grid would have to be down for shtf?
Obviously nobody has that answer, but for real I think quite a long time weeks minimum to get their act together and place where it originated and then a fix.
Obviously nobody has that answer, but for real I think quite a long time weeks minimum to get their act together and place where it originated and then a fix.
If you haven't yet read Ted koppels book "lights out" I think you would enjoy it
It was a real shock for me how vulnerable the grid is. Heck it's gone down by mistake and on accident. If done delibretly it can be damaged for an extended period of time.
That is close to the top .. Economic meltdown I think is first on the list ....A depression like our fore fathers went through could happen overnight. . IF they did away with food stamps and folks were in bread lines like the 30's we would say we were in a depression ...right now .....
The gold standard for redundancy in contingency is x3.
x2 and even x1 is better than x0 but you know... Murphy's law.
What this means is up to you...
3 plans
3 locations
3 routes
3 times more supplies than your best estimate.
3 hideouts
I may have to gander at that, thanks.
My son was 1 Month old in that scorching August 2013 blackout for 4 days for us in Ulster..,nowhere prepared for it like we prepare now..nearly shit my pants on the heals of 9/11 many of thought it was the ole Red Foxx "it's the big one, Lizabeth"
During the ice storm in 1992 some people here were w/o power for 3 weeks.
A really bad time to go looking for generators and gas.
It's not an exciting book per say, but it is chilling and will make you think. The book has been written like an investigative report including interviews with high ranking government officials. My conclusion after reading that is if there is any type of major grid down, look out. Not good.
Power of 3 eh?? @meketrefe is part of the illuminati...god damn knew it!
It might come to us naturally, think about it for a second..
If you have a lighter for fire, a few matches and the the magnesium bar you are already applying the same rule.
But if you have all that in the same pack and you loose the pack you have nothing so you might take the lighter
and put it in your pocket and the bar around your neck.
And even overtime might have 3 complete emergency pacakges hidden in 3 different locations.
In my BO plan if I estimate a 2-3 days walk I am having food for 7-8 days. (X3 again)
Minimum x2, x3 ideal.
OHH WAIT a minute..your the "drinkthekoolaid" dude that according to your post 2 days ago, we should all have be dead this past afternoon and COG is already in Cheyenne Mountain..I'm gonna pass on this book recommendation.
Lol at least you have a sense of humor. I'm not crazy, just looking at the world differently than I used to.
I hope not I'm banking on some thyroid medicine. If not the wife is going to make my life miserable.How long do you think the grid would have to be down for shtf?
You aren't the only one.Lol at least you have a sense of humor. I'm not crazy, just looking at the world differently than I used to.
I'm only called paranoid when I'm patrolling the back yard in my tin foil hat. They aren't buying the safety first line anymore.Lol at least you have a sense of humor. I'm not crazy, just looking at the world differently than I used to.
It might come to us naturally, think about it for a second..
If you have a lighter for fire, a few matches and the the magnesium bar you are already applying the same rule.
But if you have all that in the same pack and you loose the pack you have nothing so you might take the lighter
and put it in your pocket and the starter bar on a necklace around your neck.
How long do you think the grid would have to be down for shtf?
the pharmacist would give them a single tablet to hold them.
A few years later we had a small fire on the roof when the A/C turned on, fire department made us evacuate and close as they investigated. With 3 (THREE!!!) fire trucks in the parking lot (which included ladder truck for the roof) people STILL tried coming into the store, with half a dozen firefighters right by the front door. During holidays it's much the same.. A lot of people wait until the last minute to refill prescriptions (and in some cases they can't fill early), only to find out they need a new 'script (pharmacy lingo), and it's a holiday weekend and their doctor's office is closed until Tuesday. Happens every holiday without fail. And they expect the pharmacist to float them pills like it's no big deal. News flash: (Most) Drugs aren't cheap.
Between 60 and 70% of Americans are on at least one prescription medication. And I think you'd be surprised at just how many of them are on anti-psychotic (or other psychiatric) medications. If they start going without for just a few days they can go into withdrawal and eventually revert to their previous non-medicated jolly selves.