Marine Cpl
.577 Tyrannosaur.
This is a gun forum. We have discussions. I say something and then you say something. If you say something that I feel to be incorrect, I tell you why and point to a law or another example. If you say something in response to me being incorrect, I welcome it and expect you to back up your opinion with a law or other example. Perhaps I'll see something I want seeing and learn from it. That's how it works.Obviously, when you ask a question for opinions, then proceed to attempt to contradict everything everyone else has said, you clearly don't give a shit about opinions in regards to the question you asked. All you are doing and continue to do is create and atmosphere where you try and argue why you are right and all others are wrong.
Nobody gives a rats ass what you think is legal or not. Your continued rhetoric just reinforces the fact that you are clearly just around to incite arguments.
More than one person has replied in the same fashion to your origional question, yet you continue to repeat your same counter as if you are the one making the laws the law.
You don't have a good argument for anything and just talk in circles.
You have no balls to call out Bulletguy by his name but yet to support your own personal crusade you can say in this thread the ATF ruling says a sig brace is good but in another threads aboit a product he is selling, you say ATF rulings don't apply in NY. You can't have it both ways based on your personal opinion o meet your agenda.
And that's what this is. Your personal opinion. Do what you want. No one here cares. As does no one care about what you think is legal either. You think because you can read English your version of what you comprehend is always correct. Well it's obvious that several others here in this thread disagree with you as do I'm sure many, many others that don't chime in.
No take this for what it's worth. That's my opinion. And as far as yours goes.....that's fine too. But don't post things stating how you are right and others are wrong when it's your interpretation of things versus someone elses.
I don't expect you to take my opinion as command and I don't expect you to give me an opinion as a command. It's a discussion. There is no need for getting butt hurt over anything.
Many people here are really flawed individuals that take challenges to their opinion personal like children.
What is it that you want? You want for me to take someone's opinion and stop right there and close the thread or vice versa? Holy shit man. Get a grip. I welcome differing opinions. You learn from them and see things from different points of view. That's the purpose of a forum.
Would you rather me just post in the joke of the day thread? Where are your contributions to gun related topics? At least I try to come up with gun related topics to make people think.
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