Marine Cpl
.577 Tyrannosaur.
If my car is in drive and I step on the brakes to hold it, is it still in drive or is it no longer in drive because my brakes are interrupting the forward energy?
If you get a double feed, is the rifle no longer semi automatic because the action is interrupted?
Just proving a point. It's me against the world!Lol! Your really reaching now.
Just proving a point. It's me against the world!
I was told that was what was happening on this forum so it must be true.Sounds like you know the feeling well.
That's how it goes around here. When you cannot prove a point, it's defense mode time at all costs. You lob an insult here and there or make a joke and then press the ignore button if you are pissed off enough that you cannot come back with a factual rebuttal.You are proving more and more you have nothing relevant to say.
Which it doesn't so the energy from the cartridge both extracts and chambers the next round. Unless of course you are saying that the sole energy from your finger pulls back the bolt and sends it forward.Not me. I haven't heard anything out of you that makes me think otherwise. Your rebuttals aren't based on fact. They are opinion. I made a simple point that you cannot counter. The law says extracts AND chambers. If it only does 1/2 the process it does not satisfy the wording in the law period. You have said nothing factual to contradict that. Except pointing out the obvious that the law doesn't say anything about a bolt interrupted. That's why it side steps the law and can not be considered illegal as far as what you say. I'll make a simple version like you. You can drink. You can drive. When you put AND between them it becomes illegal. Without that key word either on it's own are good to go.
It's not that I don't get it. It's that you don't get it because you want that bolt catch to work. I can go on and explain it again, quote the law, break it down word by word and then you'll ignore it again and come back and tell me that the spring is what's chambers the next round totally ignoring the fact that something pushed that spring back just like in any semi auto. The spring is part of the gun which utilizes a portion of energy from the cartridge. It didn't go back by itself and you didn't push it back now did you? What pushed that spring back?Still clueless. The spring chambers the next round by closing the bolt when released. Why is it when you don't get it you say the same thing over and over? You cannot say the energy from the prior round chambers the round. It facilitates the beginning of the process, but since the bolt is locked open the round never actually chambers. Why is that fact so hard to grasp for you? Was my drinking and driving analogy not simple enough? The process isn't complete. I assume you know what chambering a round is. And where the cartridge has to be to be considered chambered.....just like the chassis in your origional question by definition is a shroud. Look it up. Shroud: something which covers, conseals or protects. You yourself said what is a "shroud" in response to another post when it was pointed out to you the law doesn't say barrel shroud, it just says shroud. So, by defination the "chassis" you originally posted about by standard English defination is a schroud. And don't go back in circles saying a handguard on a rifle is on as is a slide on a pistol.......the question was about the chassis legality. Your the one who also says you can read and comprehend English when it comes to reading the laws. So what's the issue?
Semiauto=extracting AND chambering.
Plain English.
Comprehend what? That the spring didn't close the bolt like it does on any semi automatic? Tell me where the energy came from to pull that spring back.Worthless. As usual. Still stuck and can't comprehend. I'll do you a favor. I'll run all this by a county supreme court judge and let you know what he says. But wait....that won't be good enough because you obviously are the resident judge.
Correct. But it serves a purpose.Cause it's ugly as sin??
The angles grip doesn't count take that one of the list.Tell me why this isn't legal assuming you take off the forward grip, remove the stock and add a stabalizing brace.
Before commenting, read the law.
(c) a semiautomatic pistol that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least one of the following characteristics: (i) a folding or telescoping stock; (ii) a thumbhole stock; (iii) a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand; (iv) capacity to accept an ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip; (v) a threaded barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender, flash suppressor, forward handgrip, or silencer; (vi) a shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel and that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the non-trigger hand without being burned; (vii) a manufactured weight of fifty ounces or more when the pistol is unloaded;
Hera Arms Triarii for Glock 17 GEN 4 Black
It would be removed or not installed.The angles grip doesn't count take that one of the list.
Guess you couldn't answer the questions.Can't argue with someone who has allnthe answers.
And admittedly as predicted, has no interest in the original product that was questioned. Typical internet wanna be smart guy. Enjoy yourself and all your infinite wisdom. Nobody will convince you otherwise. Not even the person who is the deciding factor. I give in. You've overwhelmingly brought me to my senses and are correct on all accounts. Got to be hard being you.
I mean I'm pretty sure the verticle grip (not that carpenter square shaped one in the pic) is the illegal one in the "second grip" part.It would be removed or not installed.