Please, if I am incorrect, tell me.....
As for the part of the conversation about the losses of Russia....
I had the honor on a couple of occasions, of working side by side with Russian Soldiers in the past.
Their attitudes and mindsets were very similar to those of the Klingon warriors in Star Trek. Dying for the Empire (Mother Russia) is the most honorable reason to die.
Most Russians can trace their DNA and ancestors to some of the greatest warriors and clans to ever exist. Their honor runs deep. While I am sure none wish death, they do not fear death the way that many in the Western world do.
Not all Russians are willing to die for their country, but definately enough to make Russia uncunquerable to some of the best armies of Europe. Imperial, Soviet or post-Soviet; "no one dies twice and all are mortal" has been the moto of Russian Military.
Most of Ukrainians are members of the same ethnos and capable of the same personal sacrifice, but they are asked to die in defence of Europe from uncivilized herd of savages from the East. Not only this nerrative was borrowed from the Nazis, there is also a huge disconnect, since these savages (orks) are their grandfathers and ancestors.
Russians are rallied around their heritage and history, Ukranians are rallied around narratives and artificial history created for them by cool people in another hemisphere. Many are not buying it.
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