Why does any topic that has to do with an element of religion immediately go and jump the shark and end up going to theoretical extremes which have nothing to do with the actual topic of the threads original post.
What has been said has been said again, and will be said again, in many ways, in many languages, but still, the search continues, and will continue.
Disagreements don’t equate to animosity. I’d invite @Darth to shoot with me anytime he’s in my area.Why does any topic that has to do with an element of religion immediately go and jump the shark and end up going to theoretical extremes which have nothing to do with the actual topic of the threads original post.
I am well aware of your quirky ideas about the definitions of atheism and agnosticism.Atheism does not say "God didn't do it."
Atheism is a lack of belief in a God or Gods. It doesn't say anything of the beginning of the universe.
How are you determining there are no other possibilities?
Evolution says nothing about the cause of the selective breeding.That’s not evolution. That’s called selective breeding. There is an outside agent acting upon those horses. Evolution says chance makes it happen. Impossible.
The horses on the Outer Banks have been left alone. Guess what—they are still horses. Where’s evolution making them faster and faster?
You see a building and know an architect designed it. You wear shoes and know they were assembled by child labor in China. In both cases, you weren’t there, but you know soneone made it.
The theory of evolution breaks every law of physics and nature and we are to believe the impossible? It makes zero sense
You have not answered the question.
The first step in suppressing the truth — Romans 1 is clear on this— is eliminating God from your conscience and denying His existence. It’s not that God doesn’t exist, it’s that you don’t want Him to exist. Why?
He demands no other gods before Him. You want to do what you want. You are the master of your own destiny. You want to be like god yourself. It’s the same lie believed by Adam and Eve in the garden 7,000 or so years ago. (Maybe 10,000 if you don’t believe in a young earth.)
The heavens declare the glory of God and you say that’s not proof enough? What do you need, a sign?
He gave you a sign when He rose from the grave. Eyewitnesses testified to it. They died for it. You say you want more proof. How much is enough?
You think we have evolved? Nope, we are the same as we’ve always been—sinners in need of a savior.
Well, Atheism isn't a belief, so my earlier point still stands
Atheism is not a belief. It is a lack of belief in a God or Gods.I am well aware of your quirky ideas about the definitions of atheism and agnosticism.
I prefer to use the more widely understood notions.
Atheism is the belief in the absence of a god.
Agnosticism is the lack of a belief either way.
The notion underpinning your definitions, that you can believe something without thinking that you know it, is absurd and not worth considering.
As for why I think those are the only possibilities, I am done discussing your other absurd concept, that there is another possibility besides a universe with a beginning or one without a beginning.
If you can describe such a possibility I would discuss it, but I'm not playing your current game any longer where you demand proof for the most obvious conclusions, yet refuse to claim they are incorrect.
Riiiiight. You just keep believing that.Well, Atheism isn't a belief, so my earlier point still stands
Evolution has nothing whatsoever to do with "chance."
That’s not evolution. That’s called selective breeding. There is an outside agent acting upon those horses. Evolution says chance makes it happen. Impossible.
The horses on the Outer Banks have been left alone. Guess what—they are still horses. Where’s evolution making them faster and faster?
You see a building and know an architect designed it. You wear shoes and know they were assembled by child labor in China. In both cases, you weren’t there, but you know soneone made it.
The theory of evolution breaks every law of physics and nature and we are to believe the impossible? It makes zero sense
No need, as I can demonstrate it to be true.Riiiiight. You just keep believing that.
I agree some people feel they have faith. Faith is the reason people give when they don't have a good reason to belive something.You guys are making it too complicated to explain religion with math. It can be simply explained with one bit binary method.
0=you dont have faith.
1=you do.
Agnosticism is a lack of belief (look at greek roots of the word, it means not knowing).Atheism is not a belief. It is a lack of belief in a God or Gods.
You've done this intellectualy dishonest sideshow before, and it's no more true now than it was before.
Yeah, they must have got those dictionary makers to belive the lie too.Agnosticism is a lack of belief (look at greek roots of the word, it means not knowing).
Atheism is the belief in the lack of a god. Look at the roots of that one. It literally means no god.
You can pretend they are flipped if you want, but it's intellectually dishonest to purposely misuse words in a discussion.
Faith is a very primitive way to wrap up all the things we do not understand. It doeant have to be academic ignorance but all things, including mortality or hope in the face of the impossible.I agree some people feel they have faith. Faith is the reason people give when they don't have a good reason to belive something.
They probably aren't.Faith is a very primitive way to wrap up all the things we do not understand. It doeant have to be academic ignorance but all things, including mortality.
And lets be realistic, the average joe is not going to engage in philosophy or quantum mechanics.
You cannot know that because I am convinced inside a human brain there are not two versions of faith or God that are the same or at the same level.They probably aren't.
But as stated faith is the reason people give when they don't have a good reason to belive something.
Sure. It only does if you want to keep the scientific process going.You cannot know that because I am convinced inside a human brain there are not two versions of faith or God that are the same or at the same level.
I think atheists play a very important role in science and philosophy as they help move the bar up of what is known and allowing people to expand.
It is obviosus religion institutions are not up to date but this doesnt mean that giving spirituality to the unknown through faith has to jump oit the window.
Of course there were other religions but there were people still looking for more. So people got together and created another religion. Im pretty sure I mentioned that previously.When Christianity was created there were already other religions that had existed for centuries.
Christianity wasn't needed. It was just one more "start-up", created as a way of controlling the masses (ie: giving one or a few power over others), and survived not only by threatening people with some unnamed, vague "eternal damnation", but by incorporating existing religious practices, holidays, and rituals. Kind of like hostile corporate takeovers.
It is far easier to convert people if you can say "see, we have the same rituals, just with different names". It lends a level of authenticity, and hides the fact that you are attempting to subvert or steal another religion's members.
This budding religion also quelled other pre-existing religions by murdering their members, breeding their women, and otherwise "running roughshod over the Earth".
You mean like Methodist, Catholic, Protestant, etc.?
They may not have been as violent, but they were, at the start "cults" that have managed to use the original religion's tactics to survive and thrive.
Yea, they all totally agree with you...Yeah, they must have got those dictionary makers to belive the lie too.
atheism nounYea, they all totally agree with you...
What’s The Difference Between Atheism And Agnosticism?
Atheism and Agnosticism get mixed up a lot when the question of divine existence comes up. How familiar are you with the difference between them, pray tell?www.dictionary.com
"There is a key distinction. An atheist doesn’t believe in a god or divine being. The word originates with the Greek atheos, which is built from the roots a- (“without”) and theos (“a god”). Atheism is the doctrine or belief that there is no god.
However, an agnostic neither believes nor disbelieves in a god or religious doctrine. Agnostics assert that it’s impossible for human beings to know anything about how the universe was created and whether or not divine beings exist."
You claim to be agnostic, but you seem to be a lot like the vegan enjoying the plate of ribs I mentioned in the other thread.atheism noun
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athe·ism | \ ˈā-thē-ˌi-zəm \
Definition of atheism
1a: a lack of belief or a strong disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods
b: a philosophical or religious position characterized by disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods
2archaic : godlessness especially in conduct : UNGODLINESS, WICKEDNESS
agnostic noun
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ag·nos·tic | \ ag-ˈnä-stik , əg- \
Definition of agnostic (Entry 1 of 2)
1: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable
broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
2: a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something
Now there is no question. Theism deals with belief. Gnostisism deals with knowledge. No more questions.
Now enough with this sideshow. Of the 4 possibilities one can be, I'm an agnostic atheist.
I don't "claim to be agnostic." That is my position on the Gnostisism issue.You claim to be agnostic, but you seem to be a lot like the vegan enjoying the plate of ribs I mentioned in the other thread.
You ridicule theistic religious belief constantly. That hardly comports with your claim that you believe it's possible they might be right.
You also keep insisting that belief and knowledge are different. In the context of religion they are not.
And there you go, lumping the major religions of the world in with fairy tales.I don't "claim to be agnostic." That is my position on the Gnostisism issue.
I ridicule people that belive in nonsensical fantasy that they wish to affect my life with. If you told me you believed in leprechauns I would ridicule you too when you propose that we force school kids to lean from the doctrine of lucky charms. They may exist however. It wouldn't be on me to prove they do not. It would be on those that claim they do to prove it.
I don't "insist" anything. Knowledge is a subset of belief.
Did you just flip the chessboard and claim victory?And there you go, lumping the major religions of the world in with fairy tales.
Your smug self assurance that you are right and several billion other people are wrong, and your insistence on shouting it at every opportunity demonstrates my point.
I rest my case.