E the massive
.308 Win
I have been jumped and beaten, more than once. So maybe I'm a little biased when it comes to the use of force or maybe I just know the nature of people.
Ive been in triple digit altercations in my adult life, and for the most part they were just street fights over bs, but i never truly felt my life was in danger to justify dpf, even when i was outnumbered. Twice i had a gun pulled on me, but it felt like an empty threat.I have been jumped and beaten, more than once. So maybe I'm a little biased when it comes to the use of force or maybe I just know the nature of people.
I have been jumped and beaten, more than once. So maybe I'm a little biased when it comes to the use of force or maybe I just know the nature of people.
I hate the Handicapped Justice Warriors almost as much as I despise the ADA that made them law.1. People need to stop getting so worked up over handixapped spots there are way too many of them anyway
You just slighted me. I feel threatened. I'm going to stand my ground. 9mm vs .45 ACP. I'll be wearing a level 2 vest that your round will not penetrate. May the best man caliber win.Well I can see why.![]()
You just slighted me. I feel threatened. I'm going to stand my ground. 9mm vs .45 ACP. I'll be wearing a level 2 vest that your round will not penetrate. May the best man caliber win.
Groin shot.Head shot!
Groin shot.
Even better!
Nah. I'll be wearing a cup. The .45 can't penetrate that either.
Gotta run a a 45 Super set up for that.Nah. I'll be wearing a cup. The .45 can't penetrate that either.
@ECU PiratesGotta run a a 45 Super set up for that.![]()
The .45 smc has been pretty impressive so far. And it looked like a bs shoot to me also.
So assuming "Stand Your Ground" was legal here, everytime someone in your life when you were young talked shit and said they were going to "Fuck you up!" or pushed you in the school yard or bus stop on your way to school you would have killed them? "Assuming it was legal for you to carry in this hypothetical.
I understand what the intent of "Stand your ground" is supposed to be and I agree with it (wish we had it here) but it's being warped and used to cover up murder.
If I had the ability to do what that guy did when I was a teen, I'd have at least 20 deaths under my belt. Hell, add probably 10 more in the barracks when I was active Marines and probably a few more in various bars oversees against other Marines and Sailors.
I've been threatened numerous times in my life with bodily harm.
You just slighted me. I feel threatened. I'm going to stand my ground. 9mm vs .45 ACP. I'll be wearing a level 2 vest that your round will not penetrate. May the best man caliber win.
Right or wrong this situation was preventable because they are both idiots. One is a dead idiot and the other will probably be on trial shortly (either civil or criminal).
Don't have so much pride where you can't just ignore something and walk away. Is a handicap spot worth getting into a shooting over? Hell no. You never know what drugs someone is on, how mentally unstable someone is or what someone is capable of. Don't provoke the situation. Don't put yourself in that situation. A seemingly simple situation can rapidly escalate especially if some of the parties involved are not mentally sound or rational.
Maybe the shooter genuinely felt he was under imminent threat and had physical limitations and genuinely thought he was forced to defend his life. Maybe he was just over reacting and his temper and adrenaline got the best of him. Who knows.
IMO It shouldn't have gotten to that point. It's not worth it. Just let it go.
A personal Example, just yesterday I was driving in the right lane on an expressway early Saturday morning with very light traffic, the left lane was totally open. Some guy was driving like a complete jackass came flying up behind me at least 20 mph faster than I was going on an expressway, he swerved out of my lane at the last second he couldn't have been more than 3 or 4 feet from my bumper and then drove past me and honked. My immediate thought was to honk back and flip him off. I hesitated for a second and thought better of it. I ignored it and even though it pissed me off I just let it go. There was nothing to gain and no possible good meaningful outcome was going to be reached. All I would be doing is provoking a road rage incident with someone who is unstable.
Pushing somebody on the pavement is not a capital offense, punishable by death. I would hazard a guess that an defense attorney might make an argument for serious bodily injury , but as a juror in that court, its going to be a tough sell for me. its true we don't have access to all the information , so we only have the video to go by. the chances of the victim getting stomped are high as the attacker moved forward. I believe the attacker would have continued to beat the man, but he didn't, and once he saw the weapon he withdrew quickly, Taking several steps away from the man on the ground. at this point I observed no imminent threat of injury or harm. ie: no cause to use lethal force to stop the threat, because the threat was no longer present. I see it as a just a bad judgment call. I personally would not have fired on that man .
1. People need to stop getting so worked up over handixapped spots there are way too many of them anyway
2. Dumb shit never had the right to push a guy on the ground for talking.
3. There is no way the guy on the ground actually felt he was going to die or be massively injured. After being adsaulted he should have been ready to defend himself with his gun but it is clear after he pulled that the guy who pushed him was not going to pursue it further. I am sure he could have gotten out of this without shooting.
4. All three people are idiots.
The shooter needs to get over himself and not initiate an argument over something stupid