Marine Cpl
.577 Tyrannosaur.
There is no law that says that your car shall not have the ability to fly. There is one however about rifles having the ability to accept a magazine that detaches. So I do not understand your point.Again, my car has the ABILITY to fly, if I change the way it is and add things to it. Can a person pick up a regular rifle and drop the mag and re-insert it under normal operating circumstances? If so then it has the ability to accept a detachable mag. Now can that person pick up a fixed mag rifle drop the mag and re-insert it under normal operating circumstances? Nope. You need to modify the rifle to do so. The law doesn't say the rifle must be IMPOSSIBLE to alter by the use of all tools and resources. It just says it can't accept. My mag is fixed. Try jamming another mag in there. It's not gonna work.
And the law also doesn’t say if it can readily accept another magazine. Only if it has the ability to do so.