.223 Rem
Oh sure I bet you would label 1911's are superior to Glock's fake news too?
Oh sure I bet you would label 1911's are superior to Glock's fake news too?
NEW Lapua Brass is too nice and no fun to reload
Oh there is.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I won't.Please don't explain.
NEW Lapua Brass is too nice and no fun to reload
Ok, then its going in the trash!!!!
Well I am up to 1400 loaded with 600 more to go, then I am done with 300 BLK for the winter.
Been developing loads for almost 30 years.Your lucky, I have to develop a 150 &175gr 30cal loads and .45ACP load before I start production
Of course.Question for those who use dish detergent. When you open your tumbler up is it full of foam?
Yes. Dish detergent and Lemi-shine.Ran some 500 (each) 300 BLK cases and 200 (each) 30-06 cases through the wet tumbler last week. Those things came out looking new. Question for those who use dish detergent. When you open your tumbler up is it full of foam? Three hours, just makes them sparkle. after I rinsed and sifted them I set the sorter basket on the heater grate and let them dry over night. I am all set to switch calibers to 30-06 after I finish with the 300 BLK.
I like the wash and wax with lemi shine the best. That's in an ultrasound cleaner. Regular dish detergent brass would tarnish to quickly for my liking.Yes. Dish detergent and Lemi-shine.