Search results

  1. Clancy

    Second night of Newburgh gunfire

    It's not the second night in a row that there was gunfire in Newburgh. It's just the second night in a row it's been reported. I used to work in that cesspool.
  2. Clancy

    Covid has taken the lives of 220 million Americans in the last several months!

    Well, I guess that explains why the bar I tend at has been slow.
  3. Clancy

    818,000 "created" jobs disappear as Biden-Harris disinformation corrected by Labor Dept

    I don't know, but there is no way it's only 2 to 3%.
  4. Clancy

    818,000 "created" jobs disappear as Biden-Harris disinformation corrected by Labor Dept

    Wait till we see what the real rate of inflation is after the election.
  5. Clancy

    24-year-old man shot in Poughkeepsie

    Police say the victim is suspected to be in stable condition. That's a strange way to phrase it.
  6. Clancy

    Will TRUMP Cost Us ANOTHER Election In 2024 ????

    That's the funniest thing I have seen on the internet in at least 20 minutes.
  7. Clancy

    Will TRUMP Cost Us ANOTHER Election In 2024 ????

    From the Los Angeles Times: By Michael FinneganStaff Writer March 23, 2018 8 AM PT Share A former Playboy model recalled having sex with Donald Trump dozens of times in the early years of the president’s marriage to Melania Trump, sharing elaborate details of what she described as a 10-month...
  8. Clancy

    Will TRUMP Cost Us ANOTHER Election In 2024 ????

    I know a lot of poor, working class guys that have done that, too. My oldest stepdaughter's now ex-husband didn't just fuck around on her while she was pregnant, he bought home an STD for her as a gift.
  9. Clancy

    Will TRUMP Cost Us ANOTHER Election In 2024 ????

    You don't think cheating on your wife while she is pregnant is a pretty low-class thing to do?
  10. Clancy

    Will TRUMP Cost Us ANOTHER Election In 2024 ????

    When my son was in high school he waited tables in a local restaurant that Trump and his family frequent. My son says he is funny, gracious, not at all entitled and a great tipper. His Secret Service? Not so much.
  11. Clancy

    Will TRUMP Cost Us ANOTHER Election In 2024 ????

    Weird, isn't it, how Harris gets beat up all the time for her sexual past and the same people who despise Harris for that give Trump a pass when he is even worse in that aspect.
  12. Clancy

    Will TRUMP Cost Us ANOTHER Election In 2024 ????

    The one thing that turned the red wave into a faded pink trickle in the midterm elections was the Dodd decision. The Democrats have been able to turn the Supreme Court decision to send the abortion issue to the individual states into the narrative that Trump singlehandedly took the right to an...
  13. Clancy

    Do we have a warrant canary for NYGF?

    You guys think government surveillance is something new? 30 some years ago a friend of mine talked me into FOILing the FBI to see if they had a file on me. I had never been arrested, did not serve in the military and while I traveled around the country a lot, I think I had led a pretty mild...
  14. Clancy

    Inflation is seriously impacting the retired folks

    Life sometimes throws curveballs at people. I had to drain my 401K to pay for a lawyer, private investigator and forensic psychologist when I went for custody of my son. It damn near drove me into bankruptcy but I would do it all over again. I won, and it was worth every penny. So now I am...
  15. Clancy

    State Trooper Relieved of Duty following Arrest on Robbery, Criminal Mischief and Official Misconduct charges.

    47 years old, he just threw away his reputation, career and retirement. What a dumbass.
  16. Clancy

    Since when is 2.9% inflation a victory?

    After the Democrats win the election, and I fear they will, I wonder what the "adjusted" real rate of inflation will be.
  17. Clancy

    Erie County Sheriff refuses to return 30 firearms despite no charges; plaintiff sues; follow the case here.

    In the early 90's a friend of mine moved back to NY from Oklahoma. He had a Colt Python and a Belgian Browning Hi-Power that we considered putting on my pistol permit while he applied for his. For whatever reason he decided to turn the handguns in to be held by the State Police. He got paperwork...
  18. Clancy

    BREAKING… State to close Sullivan Correctional Facility

    True, no one forces them to stay. But here in Sullivan County a CO can make well over $100,000 a year with overtime. Not many high school graduates without nothing but that HS diploma will ever make that kind of money.
  19. Clancy

    BREAKING… State to close Sullivan Correctional Facility

    A sergeant at Woodbourne Correctional Facility, which is next to Sullivan CF told me Woodbourne will most likely be closed in the next year, too. He has 14 months to retire and can't wait. He has been out on sick leave for the past 2 weeks after getting his ass kicked by 2 inmates. He is facing...
  20. Clancy

    Biden ends bid for second term in White House as he drops out of his 2024 rematch with Trump

    Under Islamic fundamentalism if a woman is raped and cannot provide 4 witnesses saying she was, she would be executed.
  21. Clancy

    Biden ends bid for second term in White House as he drops out of his 2024 rematch with Trump

    Agreed. Anyone who thinks Harris is a fool should check out some of the YouTube videos before she became VP. She is a much more polished public speaker than Trump and will make him look like an idiot in a debate, and Trump will help her. Remember, half the voters of this country despise Trump...
  22. Clancy

    Help me decide 686 or Python?

    I have handled a couple of the new Pythons and they are but a pale shadow in comparison to my Python I bought in 1978. The 686 is a far more robust revolver that will outlast the new Pythons and, sadly, mine, too. Old Pythons are beautiful works of art. They just don't hold up as well as the L...
  23. Clancy

    NYC CCW Holder Arrested For Carrying

    Hochul's Concealed Carry Improvement Act is working just as she planned.
  24. Clancy

    Shooting in Town of Newburgh

    There are shootings in the Newburgh every day. I guess they only make the news when someone is hit.
  25. Clancy

    Europe in Chaos

    Not at all. A good friend took her dream vacation to Ireland last February. When she got to the hotel staff told her she should not go out, alone, day or night, as it was not safe for a lone woman to be out on the street. That was Dublin. Muslim men are patrolling the streets, accosting...
  26. Clancy

    Israel: 'State of war' declared after thousands of rockets fired from Gaza Strip

    All one need do is Google Palestinian children with Ak's. There are lots of pictures of them.
  27. Clancy

    Westchester County Amendments?

    Living in Delaware County, all I have to do for an amendment is send a check to the pistol clerk for as many purchase coupons as I want, at $3 for each coupon, take the coupon to the gun store where I have found a pistol, pass the NYST check, pay for the gun, bring the gun home and I have 10...
  28. Clancy

    Ammunition question

    I have seen police officers and retired military be denied when they went to purchase ammunition. Just last week a good friend of mine, 22 years in the US Army, bought a rifle, and had no problem passing the NICS check and then get denied when he went to purchase ammunition. It's bullshit, but...
  29. Clancy

    Ammunition question

    No, it isn't. I am not going to name the store as I have a good friend who works there PT.
  30. Clancy

    Ammunition question

    My LGS manager insists it is now a felony to go out of NYS to buy ammunition. Does anyone know if this is true? I purchased a new pistol yesterday and had no trouble getting the NICS check ok'd. When he called for the ammunition I was denied. Absurd, isn't it? When I said I will just go to...
  31. Clancy

    Woman arrested for carrying guns at Liberty High School

    The article doesn't say if the woman was carrying or not. She could have had them in a case in the trunk of the car, for all we know. As I understand it, just that she had them on school property is all the cops needed to arrest her.
  32. Clancy

    Civil War

    How about Fast Attack Reaction Team?
  33. Clancy

    Civil War

    I mistakenly forgot to add "refused" in this line "Can you provide any examples of our military to fire on civilians?" I agree with you 100%. Our military has never refused to fire on civilians. From strike breaking to The Bonus March, where 2 American heroes, MacArthur and Patton attacked...
  34. Clancy

    Civil War

    Comic relief?
  35. Clancy

    Civil War

    "all of our troops in all the arms of our military, have to unite w/ all the police forces in the country." Can you provide any examples of our military to fire on civilians? Can you provide any examples of our police refusing to enforce laws unless ordered not to by their leaders...
  36. Clancy

    Is Russia Mobilizing In Schools?

    I used to date a woman from Poland who graduated from high school when Poland was still a member of the Warsaw Pact. One of the requirements to graduate high school was to be able to field strip and reassemble an AK47. 20 years later she could still do it.
  37. Clancy

    Target Sports USA

    I have ordered ammunition for Target Sports and had it sent to my son in Pa. No problems at all doing so.
  38. Clancy

    “Europeans Will Succumb To Islam” – Former Top German Spy Issues New Warning

    Yeah, that would really have helped me get custody of my son. He and the ex are out of the picture now and that's all that matters.
  39. Clancy

    “Europeans Will Succumb To Islam” – Former Top German Spy Issues New Warning

    My ex-wife converted to Islam, married some asshat from Morocco and became an American hating fundamentalist. While it certainly helped me get full custody of my son, her husband has told my son several times that he needs to convert to Islam as one day everyone in the US will have to and it...
  40. Clancy

    Obama’s Leaked Confession Could Spell the End for Biden

    But most of them will still vote for him rather than any Republican running. Not just Trump, but any other Republican.
  41. Clancy

    Muzzleloading supplies

    Thruway Sports in Walden had a very good selection of inline accessories the last time I was there.
  42. Clancy

    Muzzleloading supplies

    Black powder or inline?
  43. Clancy

    Trust VivekGRamaswamy or not ?

    I don't trust any politician. If they told the truth none of them would ever be elected.
  44. Clancy

    Anyone know which states sell ammunition to NY Residents?

    The cool thing about buying ammunition in New Hampshire is the state owns the liquor stores and there is no tax on liquor. A bottle Balvenie 12 year old single malt Scotch is $90 here in NYS, $65 in New Hampshire.
  45. Clancy

    Liberty man arrested on stolen gun charge

    Good point. Can the original owner be held responsible for a law that did not exist at the time of the theft? Of course, it is New York State, so anything is possible.
  46. Clancy

    Liberty man arrested on stolen gun charge

    In the early 90's a friend of mine moved here from Oklahoma. He owned a Colt Python and Browning Hi-Power. He turned them into the local state police to hold while he applied for his permit. 14 months later, permit in hand he went to collect his pistols. No pistols, no record of them ever being...
  47. Clancy

    Liberty man arrested on stolen gun charge

    If the Liberty Police Department has the gun, they may. If the NYS Police has it, they will destroy it. The gun was stolen back in 2012 so the legitimate owner may not even be around here any longer.