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  1. Magnus

    Matt Damon moving to Australia because of Trump

    HA how you like them apples
  2. Magnus

    Cuomo's Anti Gun Ad

    How is stopping law abiding concealed carriers putting an end to gun violence?
  3. Magnus

    NY Compliant AR-15

    What am I supposed to do the rest of my train ride?
  4. Magnus

    NY Compliant AR-15

    This is actually standard behavior when someone posts about AR15’s on their first post, with no introduction.
  5. Magnus

    Text From My Son

    Lol students gathering near a bell tower to protest gun violence? Charles Whitman approves.
  6. Magnus

    NY Compliant AR-15

    Do you plan to commit a mass shooting? Yes or no It’s important to know because I am strongly against using that rifle in a mass shooting. Some people are for it, e.g the mass shooter, but I am personally against it. So help depends on your answer.
  7. Magnus

    NY Compliant AR-15

    You bought a NY compliant Assault Rifle 15, and didn’t learn about its features? How do you know you didn’t buy the one with full semi auto?
  8. Magnus

    Massive solar storm that will slam Earth TOMORROW 03/13/18

    so what SPF do they recommend?