When Taylor & Vadney was on Central Ave. in Albany, years back, it was a great store. George and Mary Ellen were shooters, loved what they did and the shop reflected that. Spent a lot of money there.
So what is her area of expertise? Communication? English? How about major idiot 101? How the hell do people put up their hard eared money to send their offspring to these indoctrination centers?
China made a number of Broom handle C96's in .45 ACP. If this story was true, I'd want one! My .30 Mauser set me back about $100 thirty years ago from Century Arms.
When has CNN got a story right in the past year? Big ears may pardon her but I don't think he will. Then again, the crystal ball is frosted over and I can't see past Saturday!
Tin pot dictator handing out door prizes. Not to be confused with the Congressional Medal of Honor which has significant meaning. This baubel is a door prize.
When does NY get divided into two states? I'm so tired of downstate legislators deciding my tax dollars would serve their illegal immigrant voters better if only they were given more of them. I already pay tuition for one grandkid, and he doesn't get much help from NY state, why should some...
The woman spent sleepless nights, searched her soul, and agonized over tyranny flooding through our doors? What's she been doing the last eight years? I don't think President Trump will miss her voice in the choir.
They can't let go of the dream of never having to take responsibility for their own lives, big government isn't going to be there to prop them up with President Trump in the White House. So this is the last minute attempt to change the election, and it will fail, and I will laugh at them.
Best scenario, maybe because they're not going to willingly repeal it, may be that like the ammo instant check, it just fades into obscurity. Or maybe we could just secede from NYC and forget the whole thing.
I would not doubt for a minute that McConnell will throw the "nuclear option" out the door of the senate, and leave national reciprocity open to a filibuster.
As a rule, I don't waste time on Piers Morgan, this time he actually said setting I could agree with. And that isn't likely to happen again for a long time.
Cut off federal student aid/loans to any school providing a 'safe space', play dough, or therapy puppies for 'students" over the age of six. And stop providing educational funds for any program that does not produce, nationally, at least 8 jobs, like gay and lesbian hispanic studies. Yes, there...