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  1. J

    NRA Shits The Bed and Folds

    That's the NRA, giving up gun rights since 1968. And after the total failure of responding to the Safe Act, they never saw another nickel from here.
  2. J

    Bill to ban bump stocks and binary triggers introduced

    All the talk of banning bump fire stocks should get the price up to $750 or more on the panic market. Too bad I don't own any, I could use the money.
  3. J

    Antifa at West Point

    Waiting to see how this plays out. Know a couple West Point graduates, I'll have to show them this.
  4. J

    If you're Black and offended by this..sorry, you're an idiot..

    Can Ms. Rider open a bottle of Tylenol without being offended?
  5. J

    Name a gun you regret selling!

    A Ruger Redhawk .44, 5 inch barrel. Never should have sold that one.
  6. J

    De Blasio shows his true colors

    Screw being governor, he wants to be president.
  7. J

    New Henry Classic Lever 22LR

    Skinner sights are great, not cheap, but worth the money.
  8. J

    Why Zuckerberg should not be the next President

    No the anti-christ is living in D.C.'s Kalorama neighborhood, protected with my tax dollars.
  9. J

    New pocket knife

    Nice looking knife, and with a little use, it will look even bettrr.
  10. J

    Taylor and Vadney sporting goods

    When Taylor & Vadney was on Central Ave. in Albany, years back, it was a great store. George and Mary Ellen were shooters, loved what they did and the shop reflected that. Spent a lot of money there.
  11. J

    SAGA or National Recipprosity

    Either bill passing will make Cuomo's head explode, so I'm good with both. But I would like to see national reciprocity.
  12. J

    Sen. McConnell hits Trump for having ‘excessive expectations’

    McConnell has been in the swamp so long he has gills.
  13. J

    NAGR Sleazy practices

    Got one, shredded it. Never heard of them.
  14. J

    Question of the Day: Can Breast Implants Counteract a Bullet?

    What sort of blow out kit would you use for a shot implant?
  15. J

    About How Much Older Than You Is Your Oldest Gun?

    Somewhere around 207 years older. 1st Pattern Brown Bess.
  16. J

    Response to Classmate RE: immigration policy

    Nicely done, your points well stated.
  17. J

    Whats your unobtainable dream gun?

    A WWII Johnson Rifle. At least at a price I can buy it and survive her wrath.
  18. J

    PELOSI GALORE: Slams ‘stupid economy’, repeats words, bursts into laughter

    The dementia is progressing rapidly.
  19. J

    I'm a Professor! meltdown

    So what is her area of expertise? Communication? English? How about major idiot 101? How the hell do people put up their hard eared money to send their offspring to these indoctrination centers?
  20. J

    Is there a large cache of Chinese Mauser Broomhandles still in China ?

    China made a number of Broom handle C96's in .45 ACP. If this story was true, I'd want one! My .30 Mauser set me back about $100 thirty years ago from Century Arms.
  21. J


    Great idea, not likely to happen, but a great idea.
  22. J

    NRA Massachusetts lawsuit

    So will the NRA bother with NY again if Scalia's replacement is an originalist, or will they just not file a suit?
  23. J

    Cuomo's Presidential Prospects

    If Trump can deliver on half of his goals, Cuomo won't even get noticed. I don't think he'd be a contender in any event.
  24. J

    A Deep State Orchestrated Storm Awaits Trump in Office

    If President Trump gets going, in spite of the progressives, in two years time there might be a lot fewer of them returning to Congress in 2019.
  25. J

    Jesse James NY compliant AR

    Nice grain in that stock, interesting looking rifle overall.
  26. J

    Conversation with a NYS Pistol Permit Holder

    Rensselaer County has Unrestricted at the top of the card.
  27. J

    Hillary’s Pardon – Will He or Won’t He? CNN Indicators Point to “YES”!…

    When has CNN got a story right in the past year? Big ears may pardon her but I don't think he will. Then again, the crystal ball is frosted over and I can't see past Saturday!
  28. J

    Medal of Honor has been devalued!

    Tin pot dictator handing out door prizes. Not to be confused with the Congressional Medal of Honor which has significant meaning. This baubel is a door prize.
  29. J

    Custom Knives

    They all look good, but that folder...Damn I like that!
  30. J

    JEFF KLEIN: Taxpayers Should Pay MORE Tuition for Illegal Immigrants...

    When does NY get divided into two states? I'm so tired of downstate legislators deciding my tax dollars would serve their illegal immigrant voters better if only they were given more of them. I already pay tuition for one grandkid, and he doesn't get much help from NY state, why should some...
  31. J

    Mormon Tabernacle Choir Member Resigns Over Inauguration Performance

    The woman spent sleepless nights, searched her soul, and agonized over tyranny flooding through our doors? What's she been doing the last eight years? I don't think President Trump will miss her voice in the choir.
  32. J

    Facing a wave of calls, Pa. electors sounding unshakable

    They can't let go of the dream of never having to take responsibility for their own lives, big government isn't going to be there to prop them up with President Trump in the White House. So this is the last minute attempt to change the election, and it will fail, and I will laugh at them.
  33. J

    Spear Hunting

    Lends new meaning to 'primative' season. Not my style, don't climb trees any more, and prefer firearms.
  34. J

    Ruger 10/22

    Good looking 10/22 there, I like the full length stock.
  35. J

    Calibers that Didnt make it!

    .375 Winchester, which is a great round in my opinion.
  36. J

    Showing Classic Cuomo Competence, NY Screws Up Gun Permitting

    Best scenario, maybe because they're not going to willingly repeal it, may be that like the ammo instant check, it just fades into obscurity. Or maybe we could just secede from NYC and forget the whole thing.
  37. J

    Want To Shoot My 20" .308 1k!

    Thanks for the explanation guys, thought that might be the case and now I know.
  38. J

    Want To Shoot My 20" .308 1k!

    Quick question, not being too familiar with long range shooting, what are 20 degree scope mounts?
  39. J

    Obama Falsely Claims No Terrorist Attacks In America In The Past 8 Years

    Trump is getting more attention than Obama and the narcissistic clown can't stand it. As far as all the aplause, ther's probably an app for that.
  40. J

    My Next Rifle, you are all punks!

    I wonder what the muzzle energy is with that round? Impressive and expensive Christmas present there!
  41. J

    ANTI-Safe Act guns

    That would be a good pistol to have. Wonder just how much under 50 ounces it is?
  42. J

    Voter ID for all ...

    That's making a good point. But liberals won't get it, it doesn't support their viewpoint.
  43. J

    Democrats promise to filibuster and kill national reciprocity for concealed carry in the US Senate

    I would not doubt for a minute that McConnell will throw the "nuclear option" out the door of the senate, and leave national reciprocity open to a filibuster.
  44. J

    Trump keeps Preet

    Good choice there, start swamp cleaning close to home.
  45. J

    EnCon Officer Shot!

    Maybe I'm mistaken, but it seems like there used to be a lot fewer stupid people in the woods. Hope the officer recovers with no problems.
  46. J

    Trump reportedly picks Nikki Haley for U.N. Ambassodor

    Interesting choice, she was not a supporter during the campaign. Maybe Trump likes to keep his enemies close?
  47. J

    Locked and Loaded: Take a Shot at Our Firearms Quiz

    28 out of thirty. Why I can't I remember the H&K VP 70Z was plastic? And Colt's production line, thinking re
  48. J

    Piers Morgan Tells Snowflakes to "...stop whinging for a bit and learn some lessons from Trump"

    As a rule, I don't waste time on Piers Morgan, this time he actually said setting I could agree with. And that isn't likely to happen again for a long time.
  49. J

    Pay hike for New York state lawmakers rejected

    Let's make sure they don't get one for another 17 years. To damn many career politicians who do nothing for the money the earn/steal now.
  50. J

    Hundreds walk out of Stanford classes, demand "Sanctuary Campus"

    Cut off federal student aid/loans to any school providing a 'safe space', play dough, or therapy puppies for 'students" over the age of six. And stop providing educational funds for any program that does not produce, nationally, at least 8 jobs, like gay and lesbian hispanic studies. Yes, there...