This should come under the "Full faith and credit" clause, same as drivers licenses, duly issued in one state, honored in all states. It won't be that simple, but lets push the hell out of it.
I'm not sure how these things work, can the idiot in the White house give he a pardon if she hasn't been indicted or convicted yet? I'd hate to see her and her foundation skate off fee and clear.
Ryan or McConnell standing up to the occupier never happened. If we have the misfortune to see Clinton elected, expect them to roll over and piss themselves in their hurry to go along with her.
Trump wins popular vote and electoral vote by a slim margin, and Clinton channels Al Gore and demands recounts for the next four years. Or she goes to jail and we never hear from her again. OK, wishful thinking there.
Couldn't give a crap about Feinstein, Obama's time is about over, and FUCuomo is a rank amateur compared to Hildabeast Clinton. So I'm going with hating Clinton the most.
The Howard Light electronic ear muffs work well, even if you ocassionaly forget to take out you hearing aids. If I used hearing protection all those years ago, I probably wouldn't need them now. There used to be a plug type called 'Sonic ear' or something like that by Silencio that worked...
Been told, after getting a 3 day delay myself, that when the check system gets backed up they just delay some to get things moving again. But a friend who just spent 8 months waiting to get his pistol permit got denied when he went to do the NICS. Now his lawyer says it's likely to take 6...
You could be right SubOhm, I haven't paid as much attention as some to the endless chatter coming from the political camps. What I do know is that as bad as the choices are, I will vote for Trump if for no other reason then he is not a Clinton. Either way I'm thinking we're screwed. Would...
Honestly I don't know. I have heard "more competition" mentioned, but I don't know what his plans for that are. Maybe there will be some government safety net, God help us, like medicaid, and then insurance companies will be able to get competitive over rates. I wish I could give you a better...
Obamacare was supposed to turn into single payer government run "health"care and if Clinton gets elected it will. No competition and very little care, but lots of money soon to be diverted to political friends.
There's all this crap available to be read, encouraging theft of Trump signs, littering with Clinton signs, vandalizing cars, and trying to convince pelevthey'll be sexist if they vote for a fat old lady, and yet the media is all over questionable claims bt a group of women front 13 to thirty...
The only reason Clinton would not endorse the 'Safe Act' would be that it doesn't infringe enough on the 2nd ammendment. And it doesn't have her name on it.