No. It's happened a few time in the past. And because information travels faster and wider, there are more people outraged at what happened. See Emmit Till or Ryan White for examples of media putting things global.
Because White people dont give a shit. Nor do they have a belief (founded or not) that they have been marginalized since the 1600's. Are you seriously blaming that in the media?
Media sucks, but the belief of black people that they are marginalized has been around way before CNN.
These riots could be funded by dozens of people/groups. Including Soros, Antifa, KKK, etc. Please explain why you know it's Soros. And Soros in all instances.
Please show your work. You brought it up. I can make up crazy things all day. My testicles are the one true god; for example.
How is the murder of George Floyd going to ensure that the economy will never recover?
Follow up: why do your facts matter?
ps. I love that you tried to call me a...
That's my point. Where is the point of desperation that you, as a reasonable person would have to reach in order to think your best course of action is to burn down a police precinct?
Note to self from Sun-Tzu....
When crowds gather in front, fire starts in back.
A lot of fed up peeps out there.
Looting just devalues the whole thing though.
Also, mag in well, weapon off safe. Can somebody help me understand why the weapon would left in that condition 2 hours after the incident?
Not a conspiracy thing, just curious why it wouldn't be cleared and made safe immediately.
Not the best angle, but is that a Daniel Defense stock? They're pretty distinct. Maybe @Podmonkey can tell.
Point being, it's not a cheap, off the street gun.
This is a shitty situation. Guy didn't need to die based on what I've seen and am willing to let evidence show otherwise.
Earlier, I thought to myself that all cops should be black so police brutality and racism don't get conflated.
Based on what I've seen, and I'm willing to let evidence...
Crazy, and I'm sure it was a chaotic scene.
If it was used in the incident and is evidence, wouldn't they clear the weapon immediately?
OT, I know, but curious.
Edit: dont see sights or optic on it.
I think if you add one of those undermount shotguns like Billy used in Predator you're GTG cuz you cant grasp the grippy part.
Now the only question is, "where do I get an undermount 10ga for my .22?"