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  1. Curmudgeon

    Michigan Attorney General Lesbian Activist Warns Trump

    She looks like none of the lesbian "actors" I've seen in my life. Just sayin...
  2. Curmudgeon


    That's shitty.
  3. Curmudgeon

    Social security and Corona

  4. Curmudgeon

    Social security and Corona

    Isn't all taxation theft?
  5. Curmudgeon

    Beau Harbin’s NRA questionnaire

    Dont know who he is, fuck the NRA, not clicking link.
  6. Curmudgeon

    2020 Gardening Thread

    Had a bunch of stuff started indoors. Squash is starting to flower already.
  7. Curmudgeon

    2020 Gardening Thread

    Finally got a tiller today. Got the bed set up and ready to plant tomorrow.
  8. Curmudgeon

    Political Picture thread. (humor/memes/etc)

    This is about the best I've seen lately...
  9. Curmudgeon

    Wanted: Recommendations Variable Power Scope

    They have a very solid detent and can reset to zero so you'll notice if they get moved. That being said I have yet to notice an issue.
  10. Curmudgeon

    Wanted: Recommendations Variable Power Scope

    That leupold was just on sale at Midway last month. $369 with free mount and free shipping. I got one and love it