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  1. Curmudgeon

    Home defense adjustments

    Anything you don't like about them?
  2. Curmudgeon

    Home defense adjustments

    Tight corner. Cover/concealment. Otherwise I'm fully exposed. Yes, that's why I'm buying it. :)
  3. Curmudgeon

    Home defense adjustments

    my issue is more about being able to activate the light easily when shooting off hand than the safety. What's odd is I've run through this scenario many times and never considered the light on my off hand.
  4. Curmudgeon

    Home defense adjustments

    That feeling when you realize your current setup doesnt match reality... Home defense rig is a mossberg 500. I'm a lefty so the tang safety works well for me. However.... I have an elzetta tube mounted flashlight that I activate with my support (right) thumb via the tailcap. Walked through...
  5. Curmudgeon

    I’m getting very sick of the governors Covid rules- state parks limited now

    What about muh roads? edit and fun fact... when I type "muh"on my phone, my first suggestions for a next word are "ballz" and "roads".
  6. Curmudgeon

    PUMP ACTION AR15 (upper OR complete rifle available)

    "child killers like troy" What am I missing?
  7. Curmudgeon

    Building a featureless AR

    Sadly, I think you'll have difficulty finding much in stock currently.
  8. Curmudgeon

    Debate: If The Safe Act Was Gone, What Would Happen?

    I dunno. How many startups vs. existing shifting? Statistics might help the conversation.
  9. Curmudgeon

    Debate: If The Safe Act Was Gone, What Would Happen?

    Pretty sure they adapted to get into the business.
  10. Curmudgeon

    Debate: If The Safe Act Was Gone, What Would Happen?

    Nothing would happen. Absolutely nothing. Free Americans would continue to live as free Americans. Cucks would continue to live as cucks.
  11. Curmudgeon

    WTB Flip up front sight.

    They would. Just wanted to see if anyone had an oddball they wanted to part with.
  12. Curmudgeon

    Salacious introduction

    Well done. Welcome.
  13. Curmudgeon

    WTB 10/30 AK and or AR mags

    I've got a blocked to 10 20 round size pro mag. You're welcome to it. PM me if u want it.
  14. Curmudgeon

    Darth Gets His First 1911

    Online: submissive bitch wrapped in plastic Real life: shoots .500 snubby
  15. Curmudgeon

    Darth Gets His First 1911

    Smooth looking piece! Is that wheel gun your .50? What's that? A 3" barrel?
  16. Curmudgeon

    DONE KARMA: Pelican 1150 case

    In. Thanks dude!
  17. Curmudgeon

    Mil Surp

    Missed that.
  18. Curmudgeon

    Mil Surp

    For a semi? SKS, Garand. I think there's an Egyptian - Hakim maybe. For general purposes, I love my sks'.
  19. Curmudgeon

    WTB Flip up front sight.

    Have a magpul flip up rear. Need a front if anyone has something.
  20. Curmudgeon

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    I was simply noting the quality of the crop job. A properly cropped photo just makes the subject seem to pop out and come alive. Do you have formal training? :rolleyes:
  21. Curmudgeon

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Nothing like leupold glass and a well cropped photo.
  22. Curmudgeon

    Can you turn a .45 into a .78?

    Not about your butt-hole sir.
  23. Curmudgeon

    Can you turn a .45 into a .78?

    You know, like "put the needle on the record"?
  24. Curmudgeon

    Can you turn a .45 into a .78?

    Totally thought this was going to about records....
  25. Curmudgeon

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Being pistol ignorant, that front sight has no adjustment?
  26. Curmudgeon

    You think psa might move into the sporter ak market in the future?

    Is this a random thought? Did you read something somewhere? Curious minds want to know...
  27. Curmudgeon

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Packages on the way from OH and the dead center of TX.
  28. Curmudgeon

    Starting a "What did you Get today" thread. Let's give it a try (dont forget pics)

    Thought about doing a 20" DMR build. Next thing you know there a Ballistic Advantage 20" 223 Wylde barrel on the way along with a Larue 2 stage MBT. Gonna pair that with my Leupold variable power glass.
  29. Curmudgeon

    Swapfox scopes???

    No experience. However I'm digging the Leupold I just got. Couple days left... Free Leupold Mark AR 1-Piece Picatinny-Style Mount with Purchase of Leupold VX-R Patrol 1.25-4x 20mm
  30. Curmudgeon

    Swapfox scopes???

    Never heard of them. What kind of scope?
  31. Curmudgeon

    Good Brand For 5.56 Ammo

    Off topic, but thinking of getting a 20" .223 Wylde rig with a nice barrel, trigger and glass.
  32. Curmudgeon

    Good Brand For 5.56 Ammo

    I'll take "when is a chart a shart?" For $200 Alex.
  33. Curmudgeon

    Good Brand For 5.56 Ammo

    And yes, when I say "higher twist rate" it's actually lower. One twist in 12 is a lower rate than 1 in 8 is.
  34. Curmudgeon

    Good Brand For 5.56 Ammo

    Im not an expert and I'm speaking generally. Generally the higher the twist rate (2nd number), the lower grain ammo will work better. I believe some of the old AR A1 types had a 1/12 rate which would suggest lighter grains. 1/8 should be stable with everything commercially available, 1/7 would...
  35. Curmudgeon

    Rifle Rack Ideas

    I like the horizontal look better, but curious how many you intend to display. I think you'll get more horizontally than vertical if the idea is display.
  36. Curmudgeon

    Biden Website Reveals Alarming Gun Control Agenda

    Available, one machinists apprentice.
  37. Curmudgeon

    Biden Website Reveals Alarming Gun Control Agenda

    But what they didn't know, was that Frosty was the fastest belly-whomper in the whole county.
  38. Curmudgeon

    Biden Website Reveals Alarming Gun Control Agenda

    Biden's platform on guns is "alarming"? This is neither alarming, nor surprising. Freedom begins between the ears. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.
  39. Curmudgeon

    DeBlasio's COVID Snitch Line Flooded With Penises and Nazi Photos

    Cock or dick works. "Daddy's" ahead of it helps.