The right to keep and bear arms in defense of one's self is NOT a constitutional right. It is a natural right that is reinforced in the constitution. A document that has been degraded by fiat.
I do think, however, OP just wanted to spice up the forum today.
It's actually not at all what we do. Suggest you pick up a copy of Jocko Willink's "Extreme Ownership".
A great manager owns the outcome, and delegates where appropriate.
A true manager would never walk away from the outcome or allow his team to take blame.
I will just say this. Y'all get one mulligan. If this shit happens again and you dont have masks, gloves, hazmat suits, ammo, food, etc then I'm calling y'all stupid m'fers.
Seems to be a decrease in most crime except domestics, which are way up. So now I'm staying strapped in case the Mrs. starts acting up after she gets into the 'shine.
I don't think it's time to rally the neighbors yet beyond checking in a couple times a week.
1 bottle of olive oil is about 8000 calories. Another day for our family of four.
No attention to fats, protein, carb ratios. No attention to vitamins or minerals.
The point I'm trying to make is that you need a metric shit ton of calories. I wonder if most of us know what we truly have and...
Now let's assume 2000 calories per day per person. That's 8000 calories per day.
Essentially, that's 2# of rice, 2# of beans and 2# of flour per day.
That makes a month of food for a family of 4 60# of each, or 1800# total.
From another thread....
How many calories do you need to survive? For a month? For a year?
A pound of rice, on average has 685 calories. A pound of beans on average has 580 calories. Flour has about 1650 calories per pound.
So if you have a pound of each, you have 2915 calories. Let's say...
My first question would be about your shooting experience. If you're new, I'd probably say it's the shooter.
If not, we could dig deeper.
I'd also refer you to this video. Differences arent as great as yours, but there are some...
The headline is clickbait for sure, and as @Darth says, it proves nothing.
However, many of the gun channels I watch on YouTube are doing, "welcome new firearms owners" videos.
The biggest hurdle I see is that a lot of classes appear to be pistol focused. I don't and likely won't ever have a pistol permit (personal choice and topic for another thread).
I need my own shoot house.
I'm scheduled for a shottie class outside Pittsburgh in June. Thanks @OnSight Firearms Training!
But I'd really love to find some peeps I could go to a range with where we could push each other to get better. Literally, I want somebody I can work with to come up with complicated drills and...
It's an older model. And it's 1.25 claim is more likely 1.5, but it's a second focal plane Leupold that's built well and has great glass. Good enough for my uses.
I don't think you can beat this deal. Picked one up myself. $800 (retail) variable power Leupold for $360 with free mount and free shipping.
Just ordered one of these because, why not...
Please note there is a discount code for the free mount. In the comments.