And those are the people that will be shocked when the taxation hits them as well. This how they sold the income tax. It was only going to affect the "rich".
What does he gain by calling it out? Nothing, but he gives the Dems more "he's a racist" ammo. If he could just stick to policy he could win this. But he can't. He lacks the discipline to stay focused on a message, and resorts to the schoolyard crap instead.
Based on your opinions, it's completely reasonable to assume a cop at the door is an imminent threat, and by your "book" that imminent threat should be met with immediate lethal force. It's all about Citizen Safely.....citizens will die if we don't react this way.
It's reasonable to consider a gun being pointed at you, or even being in motion to do so to be an imminent threat. It's not reasonable to consider a gun that is merely present to be an imminent threat. Don't quote "the book", as I don't care, your book is trash.
This is the part you can't seem to wrap you mind around: YOU ARE NOT EFFING JUDGE DREDD!! I give no shits as to what the "blue book" says. If it says killing an innocent citizen is ok, then the "book" is trash! You are why people hate the police. An innocent man is dead at the hands of an...
Oh I get that in your mind the life of an officer is vastly more important than the life of an innocent citizen. Thats what you keep going back to. This officer screwed up, and an innocent man is dead because it. End of discussion.
Sad that a law abiding citizen has to concern themselves with what not to do to prevent being killed in their own home by a panicked officer. Not at all understanding why anyone thinks that is acceptable. Your sole focus is "a cop might get killed". Not one word for the INNOCENT CITIZEN who did...
All the more reason not to be shooting first and asking questions later. Officer chicken shit got to go home to his family. The completely innocent airman got to die. Zero excuses accepted.
Say it all you want. It's still bullshit. Defending stuff like this doesn't change minds, it just reinforces the "blue mafia" stereotype. An officer saw a gun and panicked. An innocent man is dead as a result. There must be severe consequences.
Nope. No excuses for a chicken shit that shoots first and figures out what is going on after. "Kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out" is not acceptable in law enforcement. The deceased was in his own home doing nothing wrong. If this is ok, then so is the homeowner opening the door and unloading...
No, it's not a tough call at all. The officer unloaded on the kid and didn't yell drop the gun until after he had done so. The kid was not pointing the gun at the officer, or being threatening in any way. This was an execution.
When you intentionally assault an officer with it, I 100% agree with calling it a deadly weapon. The precedent needs to be set to these kids. FAFO! FYI, article says it was a metal Gatorade bottle.
Good. No one should be in a situation where they are unable to work after leaving their job. Don't want them to compete against you? Make them want to stay!
Just what the GOP needs 7 months before the election. More dysfunction, internal squabbling, and generally showing voters that they can't govern. I'm about as far from being a Democrat as you can get, but these fools make it pretty difficult to support them.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of speech. Unless you are a Dem politician. Still waiting for Schumer to be arrested for threatening SCOTUS.
Frankly, we should be worried about it happening here. Millions have come across the border in the past 4 years, and we have no clue who a lot of them are.
I don't think this is ever likely to happen until or unless one end of the political spectrum gains outsize control of the process. Too much to risk for anything less. A lot of the people who call for a convention don't understand that everything is on the table were one to happen. Hard to...
The article is subscription only, but the picture of the weapon says it all.
What sane business would enter NY after seeing this? All our AG and court system have shown is that if they don't like you thay will crush you any way they want. Hell they'll even change laws in order to go after you.
No President is empowered to sign an international agreement that infringes upon the Constitutional Rights of Americans. To do so would be an act of treason IMHO.