Way to assume the worst about the kids with zero evidence. The only thing we do know is this paranoid asshole shot at them without anything resembling good cause.
Read this, then tell me he’s a victim. Remember, he’s not just an actor, he’s a producer on this film.
Look at Trumps wives. Look at dalliances he is alleged to have had. His taste in women seems pretty consistent. This wing nut does not fit the profile. Not even close.
I would imagine the only thing giving them much pause at all on doing this is the potential for an armed response from the people. You don't have much to lose after they've wiped you out financially.
Our friends at Davos have a simple goal. A return to feudalism, where they are the lords, and we are the serfs. Even the little bit of economic prosperity the masses now enjoy is too much in their view.
Very late to this party, but I have a Henry .410 lever side gate, and I have been very happy with it. Well made, and as smooth an action as you could ask for.
To make themselves look like a car full of clowns? If so, box checked. Unless you mean it was a Dem plan to assist the Pubs in looking like the aforementioned car full of clowns. In that case, neatly executed.
I didn't get any special treatment from NYS when I was military, and I guarantee that I have had more firearms training than most LEOs will ever see. NO privileged classes!
I agree posting pics of firearms on social media is unwise. That said, I’d really like to see this FFL outed so everyone can make informed decisions as to who they do business with.
Scary that you get a visit just for buying ammo. One more reason to buy out of state.
She makes progressive noises, and in her first term tried to follow through, but then she fell in line with the Dem leadership. Same with the rest of the squad.
The WEF/UN have aspirations of power that make the Third Reich look like a bunch of limp wrists. IMHO, if we sign on to this we no longer have a legitimate government and should act accordingly.