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  1. Rethin

    Long Island Gun Cases

    Glad to hear you are continuing.
  2. Rethin

    Libertarian Party of Erie v. Cuomo (NY Handgun carry case)

    Oral arguments in the second from last wens. What a joke.
  3. Rethin

    Now Trumps a sell out and bans bump stocks.

    The real crime is those pants
  4. Rethin

    NYC Transport Case distibuted for conference 1/4/19

    Basically the strategy for these briefs is to toss everything against the wall and see what sticks. Who knows what a justice will latch onto and if you don't raise it in your brief you can't raise it in your oral arguments. A win on the commerce clause argument means nothing to us outside of...
  5. Rethin

    NYC Transport Case distibuted for conference 1/4/19

    Distributed for conference of 1/4/19 Search - Supreme Court of the United States Short easy to read and very well written reply linked above.
  6. Rethin

    Long Island Gun Cases

    Thanks for keeping us in the loop
  7. Rethin

    Young Vs. Hawaii update? Anyone? Hawaii requested en banc
  8. Rethin

    9th circuit rules for open carry

    That would be very bad. Please don't try that. This ruling has invalidated no laws. It reverses a dismissal by the district court in Hawaii that refused to even review the merits of the case. It has been remanded back to hawaii for another go in the district court.
  9. Rethin

    9th circuit rules for open carry

    The 9th ruled in our favor for peruta. But that was overturned en banc and scotus declined to hear it
  10. Rethin

    9th circuit rules for open carry

    U.S. appeals court: Constitution gives right to carry gun in public Note this is not binding here in the 2nd. But this could very easily go to scotus in the next year or two. Hawaii will almost certainly ask for a stay while this is appealed en banc. It has very slim chances of surviving...
  11. Rethin

    California’s 10 round mag ban injunction upheld.

    No, upholding the injunction just means the lower court didn't overstep its bounds. Its not a ruling on the merits of the injunction. Furthermore the lower court has yet to decide on the case. This particular case is in its infancy.
  12. Rethin

    Brief Filed Against Sullivan Act

    Ok, I tossed some money into the pot. We need cases in the pipeline. Going after Sullivan in the home seems a good strategy.
  13. Rethin

    Long Island Gun Cases

    I just tossed a couple more bucks in the pot.
  14. Rethin

    Trump says he's skipping White House Correspondents Dinner

    After the drubbing he took the last time he attended I don't blame him.
  15. Rethin

    Fourth Circuit overturns pro-gun ruling

    Don't worry. The anti's aren't done making stupid laws.
  16. Rethin

    FPI tells Nevada to go pound sand over its UBC Basically when you weren't watching Nevada barely passed a UBC that required all private transfers to do a NICS check. Except Nevada already had it own background check for new gun purchases that...
  17. Rethin

    This Lawsuit Could Shatter ALL Federal Gun Control Laws

    This is crap. State exemption laws don't work, these guys were already found guilty Jury finds Kansas men guilty on weapons charges despite state exemptions
  18. Rethin

    Hearing Protection Act

    The law as proposed only pre empts states from taxing suppressors. It does not pre empt bans.
  19. Rethin

    M1A functioning with 10 round stripper clips

    When designing the M14 they originally wanted to use 10 round clips but couldn't get them to work. They decided having the troops use 2 5 round clips was the better solution and went with that.
  20. Rethin

    Hearing Protection Act

    Lots of talk about fast tracking the Hearing Protection Act to Trump's desk All Info - H.R.3799 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Hearing Protection Act of 2015 Unfortunately the pre-emption section of the bill only pre emps taxing suppressors, not out right bans on them. Even if this bill gets...
  21. Rethin

    "Unprotected Power Grids: A Ticking Time Bomb"

    Even worse, you don't have the technology that made the 1800's work without power. Our modern day tech has made our world into a trap. We can't live without it. James Burke explains it much better than I can
  22. Rethin

    Remington R51 part 2

    and people complained the ccp was hard to take down.
  23. Rethin

    Pistol Permit Re-Certification Getting Closer Political or Gun Talk?

    I'm pretty sure you'd have committed a felony or two if you did that.
  24. Rethin

    Pistol Permit Re-Certification Getting Closer Political or Gun Talk?

    That works for pistols I possess and someone else has on their permit. But if I have someone else's pistol on my permit, I'm not including it on this recert since its not in my possession. So my recert won't match my county license and they will have to investigate.
  25. Rethin

    Pistol Permit Re-Certification Getting Closer Political or Gun Talk?

    >4) The filer will need to provide certain identifying information, address, etc. and will need to list on this application all handguns that they possess. What about cross licensed pistols?
  26. Rethin

    EMP threat

    I believe its on netflix
  27. Rethin

    EMP threat

    It's not just emp, natural or man made. But plain old computer hacking can shut the grid down. And its not just a theory Inside the Cunning, Unprecedented Hack of Ukraine’s Power Grid
  28. Rethin

    Did I miss something?

    I got your PM. I just wasn't sure what happened to cause such a shift. Was there an event that precipitated this all? I knew about the sale, I just didn't think it was a big deal. Whatever, I'll come here if this is where the conversations are.
  29. Rethin

    MSI Files Complaint Against HQL Lawsuit

    Ok, that quoted bit is impossible to read. This forums needs some tweaks.
  30. Rethin

    MSI Files Complaint Against HQL Lawsuit

    Maryland and the 4th circuit, but does have a lot of parallels with the permitting system here in NY
  31. Rethin

    Did I miss something?

    What happened over in NYFirearms that caused everyone to migrate here?