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  1. 1

    FBI seen with guns drawn during arrest on Route 32 in Woodbury

    Briefing before the arrest, let's make sure we pull him over right in front of a elementary school on one side and a large open area shopping center on the other side. What a bunch of idiots.
  2. 1

    Recert repercussions? (Pistol permit)

    That's exactly who they are. See post above. Amendment paperwork went to the clerk, who passed it onto the judge. Judge obviously checked into it for some reason. Once again, obviously the Ulster County Sheriff's called him and said he had turn in his pistol, singular, because he only owned one...
  3. 1

    Recert repercussions? (Pistol permit)

    Except that is what happened to him, Ulster County Judge revoked his permit because he failed to recertify. He did recertify it after the fact and before he submitted the transfer paperwork, but it didn't matter to her. His other pistol is now in custody of the Ulster County Sheriff's office...
  4. 1

    Recert repercussions? (Pistol permit)

    How so?
  5. 1

    Recert repercussions? (Pistol permit)

    Update on this, a friend, whose brother in law was transferring a pistol from his sister located in orange county to his ulster county permit was called by the sheriff's office and told his pistol permit was revoked by a female ulster county Judge. The judge had reviewed his recertification...
  6. 1

    Judges refuses motion and says Trump must be sentenced in hush money trial

    Not a bad idea, shut his courtroom down, force him to go through a security screening. Then make sure the security wand is defective, so it keeps going off, force him to be stripped search and then have the bodycam footage be leaked.
  7. 1

    USS Gettysburg Shoots Down US Navy F18

    Command staff of the Gettysburg looked non dei, with 20 plus years of service. However it was on it's first deployment after a couple of years refit, and had just joined the squadron only a day or 2 before dropping the F/A- 18 and nearly hitting another.
  8. 1

    Man accidentally shoots himself while hunting in Kingston

    According to some here, this is allowed.
  9. 1

    UnitedHealthcare CEO shot, killed outside Midtown Manhattan hotel; suspect sought

    I just noticed in the video, several large suv's parked. Probably other vips security, did not notice one them do anything other them start heading out of dodge.
  10. 1

    Hunting accident leads to a Criminal Possession of A Weapon charge

    A fishing expedition that worked, when the guy gave consent
  11. 1

    Hunting accident leads to a Criminal Possession of A Weapon charge

    Based on the police report and Mr. Joyce's alleged Facebook post, your going to need a search warrant to search his vehicle, unless consent is given.
  12. 1

    Things are heating up in the Donbass

    History professor Robert James Maddox wrote: Another myth that has attained wide attention is that at least several of Truman's top military advisers later informed him that using atomic bombs against Japan would be militarily unnecessary or immoral, or both. There is no persuasive evidence...
  13. 1

    Couple’s handguns go missing at Charlotte airport; TSA, airline investigating

    Don't think he was looking for guns, he wanted the dresses and makeup
  14. 1

    Couple’s handguns go missing at Charlotte airport; TSA, airline investigating

    Last time I flew, I used one, put it under the padding, and no problem.
  15. 1

    Otsego man facing a mountain of felonies after house fire reveals "ghost" guns

    Probably, but in this case the biggest dummy is Snook. After that fire, should made sure everything illegal should have been involved in a boating accident.
  16. 1


    Happened to my parents, moved from 18 to 19, only found out at vote time
  17. 1


    Well at least you got a winner!
  18. 1

    All Things Presidential Election 2024

    Even worse, both counties are red, so the 2 hours extra is good.
  19. 1

    Suspect sought in shooting of NYS Trooper

    Sounds like someone may have been bored and was playing a little quick draw McGraw and lost
  20. 1

    Accidental discharge of firearm leads to arrest

    Those pesky brass knuckles
  21. 1

    Lancaster County PA investigating 2,500 voter registrations that might’ve fraudulent

    Real close to Philadelphia, makes it easy to cast your first ballot in the city, then on to a bus for a trip out to the suburbs for your second.
  22. 1

    All Things Presidential Election 2024

    Can you imagine a male reporter constantly and rudely interrupting the cackler as she tried to answer the question. He'd be out of a job in seconds.
  23. 1

    JD Vance - Tim Walz, debate

    The only thing that disappointed me about Vance's performance tonight was the fact that he had several opportunities at the end to bring up the rhetoric of the democrats that have now resulted in 2 assassination attempts of DJT.
  24. 1

    Gun Arrest On The Taconic State Parkway

    My guess, probably had just left work at (insert name of closet strip joint)
  25. 1

    Orange County Amendment Time

    Wow! Signed by the judge the next day. Mailed 8/27, in the mailbox yesterday with a holiday. Something in the water in Goshen.
  26. 1

    Orange County Amendment Time

    Dropped off the amendment today, no one asked and I didn't offer. It definitely is a question to ask our supposed 2A friendly county clerk on why this is being part of the amendment paperwork.
  27. 1

    Orange County Amendment Time

    Has anyone seen this? They want you to hand in with the amendment package.
  28. 1

    State Police arrest Cambridge man for possessing two ghost guns

    Just wondering if you got your panties in a knot first?
  29. 1

    State Police arrest Cambridge man for possessing two ghost guns

    Marijuana is legal nowadays, so guess you would treat like OTC meds. Body parts in the trunk would make it a crime scene. Safe in the car that's bolted down, if crime suspected get a warrant, if not, probably best to voucher it for safekeeping.
  30. 1

    State Police arrest Cambridge man for possessing two ghost guns

    Except when you're the guy who's at the other end of Internal Affairs investigation or criminal investigation by the DA, after said scumbag claims he had a couple of grand inside said vehicle before he left by ambulance, that you failed to inventory before the tow company took possession.
  31. 1

    New Paltz Deputy Mayor convicted by peers

    She's a piece of work, turns on fellow democrats, complains that the complaint should have been secret, but tells everyone that she has a complaint. Finds out a complainant is running for the town board and thinks they shouldn't be allowed. Once found guilty, tells the complainant to call HER...
  32. 1

    President Trump shot

    What's the Milwaukee Police Departments policy on tattoos?
  33. 1

    President Trump shot

    Both Jill and Kamala had campaign events in Pennsylvania on Saturday. Jill's was in Pittsburgh, (200 people) and only scheduled 2 days before. Wonder how big there ss details were.
  34. 1

    President Trump shot

    Maybe? Could also have been blocked out by the height of the stage behind DT, Geometry?
  35. 1

    President Trump shot

    Just looking at a Google map of the location would make any sensible person question how could the secret service screw up so badly. The shooters location is the only elevated spot within a five hundred yards of the stage in any direction.
  36. 1

    President Trump shot

  37. 1

    Biden Trump debate Thursday, who’s watching?

    100%, Machavelli would be proud.
  38. 1

    Theory: Biden drops out of the race / Who wil be the nominee ? (Mutli-merged threads)

    Certainly would be tough to give up all that money, I think she gets 500k+ for speaking. I can only imagine she is probably schedule out for a couple of years.
  39. 1

    Things are heating up in the Donbass

    Kinda figured your arithmetic was wrong because the post was about NK or did you miss that.
  40. 1

    Things are heating up in the Donbass

    Did they? I believe the goal of that invasion was to unite Korea into 1 country under communist leadership. So if you look at things in 2024 did that happen?
  41. 1

    Things are heating up in the Donbass

    Seriously, your response shows that you have proven yourself to be nothing but a putin apologist. What you haven't noticed is that NK has been a small part of a bigger picture since 1950.
  42. 1

    Things are heating up in the Donbass

    Let's be honest, what are the mutual benefits for both sides. The russians will get a bunch of clowns to be minesweepers and the nk's will have alot less mouths to feed, because they aren't coming back.
  43. 1

    Things are heating up in the Donbass

    I thought I saw this a few years back
  44. 1

    New Nostradamus Predicts WWIII is just days from now

    Jeez, go to the things are heating up in the Donbas thread, every other guy who post their is a Nostradamus
  45. 1

    New Nostradamus Predicts WWIII is just days from now

    Come on man, incorrect pronouns. They will be lined up for gender transition surgery, no need to claim flat feet.
  46. 1

    Things are heating up in the Donbass

    No, learn how to properly abandoned the sinking ship
  47. 1

    Theory: Biden drops out of the race / Who wil be the nominee ? (Mutli-merged threads)

    I think he stays at this point. I think the English doctor of a degree not a real doctor has won the politic knife fight in the democratic party. She won't allow him to be replaced.
  48. 1

    FL cops burst into wrong apartment killing a US airmen for defending his home

    I disagree here, sometimes you go months without touching your service weapon except to take it out of the holster to put it in your locker at EOT, other times when that radio is humming and the local hoodlums are running amuck, you might have out several times a night. All cops on here will...