Unfortunately, I agree with you. I hate to think that the political machine could be this monstrous and self-serving, but, I’m reaching the point where I can’t think anything else. The pattern always seems to be the same, and, the shootings always seem so illogical. For instance, in El Paso, the shooter says he was pissed about illegal immigration - I don’t know in what way he was pissed, as I haven’t read his “manifesto” - so he shoots up a Walmart. How does that in anyway further his goals? It makes no sense.I'm finding it hard to believe these are random psychos rather than contrived false flags.
Every time the headlines look bad for the Democrats and/or the deep state people start getting shot, coincidence?
The Mueller testimony was a disaster for the Democrats.
The Democrats just looked like clowns on the debate stage for two nights straight.
Gun free zone
https://brooklyneagle.com/articles/2019/07/29/brooklyn-today-nycha-wasted-millions-on-roof-repairs/Gilroy Garlic Festival
El Paso
In the last 6 days... hmmmm
Maybe my tinfoil hat is to tight but do not think so.
Including the one in New Zealand.@Deplorable Me you got me to turn on CNN for a few minutes. It turns out this was President Trump's fault.
Sure we will.We never will get all the facts.
White man with semi automatic rifle and high capacity clips, 24/7 coverage and brain trust presidential candidate debate topic. How come no attention to the perpetual murder stream in Chicago, Baltimore? Many of those murders by repeat offenders, some with long rap sheets.Gilroy Garlic Festival
El Paso
In the last 6 days... hmmmm
Maybe my tinfoil hat is to tight but do not think so.
GOT AMMO ?Ak in Texas, .223 in Ohio. Here comes the panick buying.
I'll never be caught again without a good stockpile..
Bloomberg apparently was involved with picking this week / weekend, already knowing that Congress was scheduled to be in recess, as a date for a political anti gun group to meet in Washington DC. He spoke to the group on Friday just before the El Paso tragedy. On Saturday they were immediately available to protest after the El Paso tragedy.
Can't bring myself to turn on CNN.
Unfortunately, I agree with you. I hate to think that the political machine could be this monstrous and self-serving, but, I’m reaching the point where I can’t think anything else. The pattern always seems to be the same, and, the shootings always seem so illogical. For instance, in El Paso, the shooter says he was pissed about illegal immigration - I don’t know in what way he was pissed, as I haven’t read his “manifesto” - so he shoots up a Walmart. How does that in anyway further his goals? It makes no sense.
More than ever before, its not the guns, it’s the people.
Does every wack job have a LinkedIn page?
I certainly do not say this with any glee but I think the rest of the country is about to get a taste of NY style gun laws.
I would bet big money on a federal hi cap mag ban. Absolutely would pass the House and I don't believe the Senate would sufficiently be against it. And Trump would never veto it.
Did anyone notice that one of the shooters victims was his sister? He drove her and another person to the venue. He went back to the car, returned, and started shooting. Something is up with that.
@Deplorable Me you got me to turn on CNN for a few minutes. It turns out this was President Trump's fault.