6.5 Creedmoor
Sadly, you’re contributing to the losing side in either situation. Save your money for one more pizza.I agree... send us more money... I was an NRA member for many years. I bowed out, let my membership lapse about 10 or so years ago as they didn't seem to be at all interested in NYS 2A issues. I'm sure that some of the NRA folks have NY gun owners best interest at heart but the organization as a whole, or those running the show, not so much. Maybe the other two you mention are or would be a better bet, but I just don't know. I think if gun owners want to contribute to the cause, the $$ would be better spent by contributing to people running for elected office that have a PROVEN track record and or history of being pro 2A. Problem is, a 2A politician will have a tough time winning in the socialist state of NY.