The 380 is more pleasent to shoot in the smaller packages than the 9mm. It is the bottom caliber of what I consider a defense round. The micro nines are not very pleasant to shoot with any full power defense rounds so the 380 is a viable option. If the gun is not pleasent to shoot it will not get practiced with and the shooter will never gain proficiency with it. Smaller stature people like my mother and my wife still have trouble pulling the slide on the micro nines verses the 380 is another reason that to go with the lighter caliber. We are also only talking about 15 feet or less for engagement distances so the 380 is "enough gun" to bring to that fight.I see a lot of new shooters and even "veteran" carriers seem to still go for .380s and for the life of me just don't understand why.
Ok 15 years ago you could make the argument size, but today your stupid little .380 is practically the same size as a stupid little 9mm.
Let's take the glocks for instance, glock 42 43 and 26 are basically the same footprint, now I will pretend to see why people would pick a 43 over a 26 as their primary EDC, but why are people even considering a 42 over a 26 or 43
The glock is just an example there is also the shield but smith was actually not dumb and decided no .380
You mean to tell me that the top one is so much more difficult to carry than the bottom one, or can't do as well aiming and blah blah blah that you are going to take an already compromise (handgun ammo) and then go even more of a compromise (380 vs 9mm)
Yes. Just like a pipe. Twice the diameter gives you 4x the volume.
Snaller is smaller. less recoil etc etc.
Too bored to read the entire thread. What did you say is the holy grail of carry guns that you use? Can you hit anything with it? Do you practice? Which monthly match do you plan to participate in? You should.
Damn all I was asking was why would someone go to a smaller bullet for a similar size gun, didn' realize I said in as John fucking wick
I see a lot of new shooters and even "veteran" carriers seem to still go for .380s and for the life of me just don't understand why.
Ok 15 years ago you could make the argument size, but today your stupid little .380 is practically the same size as a stupid little 9mm.
Let's take the glocks for instance, glock 42 43 and 26 are basically the same footprint, now I will pretend to see why people would pick a 43 over a 26 as their primary EDC, but why are people even considering a 42 over a 26 or 43
The glock is just an example there is also the shield but smith was actually not dumb and decided no .380
Calm down there Cowboy!
If you don't want answers or opinions then why you asking questions? Don't get razzeled because the answers take a direction of there own.![]()
Yes. Pretty safe to assume these are not your guns. P938 snd P238 are noticably different to shoot, pocket / ankle carry, and in overall reliability. Clear facts. Both have a niche. All handguns are a compromise and many fill certain needs. Personally, I usually carry an EDC and a BUG. A P238 or P938 are often a BUG choice I am comfortable with. If I carry just a P938 or P238, it would be the most effective compromise choice (with the most effective round choice) I could "get away with" under the circunstances I was facing.You mean to tell me that the top one is so much more difficult to carry than the bottom one, or can't do as well aiming and blah blah blah that you are going to take an already compromise (handgun ammo) and then go even more of a compromise (380 vs 9mm)
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Yes. Pretty safe to assume these are not your guns. P938 snd P238 are noticably different to shoot, pocket / ankle carry, and in overall reliability. Clear facts. Both have a niche. All handguns are a compromise and many fill certain needs. Personally, I usually carry an EDC and a BUG. A P238 or P938 are often a BUG choice I am comfortable with. If I carry just a P938 or P238, it would be the most effective compromise choice (with the most effective round choice) I could "get away with" under the circunstances I was facing.
Don't pay him any mind. Cooolone is guy that is bothered by everything and everyone.
Primary, Everyday... I am with you. My wife, however, is a different case. She can empty a P238 or P226 9mm rapid fire into essentially the same hole at defense distances. She can not match that performance with a small sub compact 9mm. Second shots are much slower and groupings (although scary small) open considerably. If she can not conceal her PPS M2 or her Sig P225A, her carry choice is a P238. I understand that. It is much easier for me to conceal a service size handgun.Oh I understand a BUG role, but as a primary every day only gun is what I'm trying to understand.
And no they are not my guns, I personally don't like Sig (nothing wrong with Sig but I just have no interest in owning any, well other than an X5 or a p210)
I mean Cooolone not you. He gets worked up over everything. Read his posts in other threads and you will see.Who gets worked up? I am almost never worked up in any aspect of my life (it makes the day that much easier to just roll with) but sadly i must never seem to come off that way and sound worked up
I see a lot of new shooters and even "veteran" carriers seem to still go for .380s and for the life of me just don't understand why.
At my place of employment, if I'm caught in possession of a firearm while on company property, I'll get escorted out the door IMMEDIATELY. No questions asked. With the job that I do, I simply can't conceal a G26/27 or G43 and be effective at what I do. The LCP is among the best options for being able to carry a firearm on-body and maintain deep concealment. I have other options available to me off-body, but that's taking the discussion in a slightly different direction.
Can I ask how you carry it, I'm very interested.
380s make a smaller gun than 9mm. No 2 ways about it. I pocket carry a P238 when I can't fit my G26 in swim shorts.
That's like saying the .308 Win's stupid bc it's just a short 30-06 Sprg..380's that are the same size as a 9mm are stupid. For example. The Glock 42 in .380 is the same exact size as the Kahr PM9 or CM9 in 9mm.
However, .380's in the Ruger LCP size or in an even smaller Seecamp size are in a totally different ballpark. Those things are tiny.
As far as performance goes, there is no .380 ACP hollow point that penetrates enough. Even the best performing ones barely make the 12 inch mark and only do so by barely expanding or partially expanding to the .40 range. Many times even then they end up penetrating slightly less than 12 inches so why bother? There just isn't enough case to push the bullet into decent penetration levels after expanding and parachuting to a stop.
With a FMJ or Hard Cast it's a different story. Those will penetrate both sides of a human body through bone and muscle just the same as any 9mm FMJ or Hard Cast would even after going through a mild barrier like a car door.
Isn’t the P938 the same size?380s make a smaller gun than 9mm. No 2 ways about it. I pocket carry a P238 when I can't fit my G26 in swim shorts.