.308 Win
Any recommendations?
Always get regular mil. spec. parts unless there is a compeling reason. Less problems down the road. The only exception is trigger and barrel.
.........Did you just "this" your own post? Dafuq?!This
Yes, BCM gunfigter mid length latch. Just as nice as my giessli stuff at 1\2 the price.
Imagine thinking a top quality charging handle will make a rifle not functional but if you put a cheap ass milspec it will somehow then work
Like my raptor LT.
Yuup i bet you've seen so many Giessli or Radian or BCM charging handles cause an AR to not function and the solution being as simple as tossing in a milspec charging handle and then the gun runs flawless.
And if you say have then you are 100% a liar
First of all they haven't been around long enough to know how well they will hold up. Mil spec charging handles been around forever. My go back to late 90's.
Second, I am challenging the concept not any specific brand or part and I speak from vast experience.
I think I'm on, or damn near, 10k rounds across two rifles with the Raptor. No problems. Not sure what problems a charging handle could possibly cause but............ I'm hard pressed to even think of a single malfunction in general with the Daniel Defense rifles, the only defect of the first one being the wear on the hydrodipped finish over which the customer service dept. at Daniel Defense saw fit to replace the entire rifle over. I have at least 4k rounds through its replacement (having switched the Raptor charging handle over from the previous rilfe. This was done by the DD folks without a word from me which was a pleasant discovery)
And I certainly can't bring a single malfunction to mind with the second DD rifle. The NYGF build, Geisselle handle and all, has giving similarly sterling service as well.
Didn't you have a problem with bolt catch, which ended up being stuck and you couldn't take it out.?
Name one issue a top quality charging handle will cause in an ar15...
Oh yes, on the NYGF build. Not sure what happened there, noticed the issue after a 2 month long stint in storage. Could have been an issue with the plunger/spring or possibly the receiver. It has been rectified, certainly nothing to do with the charging handle in any case.Didn't you have a problem with bolt catch, which ended up being stuck and you couldn't take it out.?
Oh I did?? Wow that's so weird.. can you source that? What was my problem with a bolt catch? Did I fix it?