.338 Win Mag
Why cant we go Chinese and sword their asses?
See this is where @meketrefe and @dsdmmat need to come in.
What do you guys think is the lightest caliber possible that can maintain effective fire out to 600-700 meters in a rifle and 1000 meters machinegun?
Myths and misconceptions. 5.56 is effective. Just maybe not at particularly long range which doesn't matter since the overwhelming majority of shooters cannot connect at long range anyway.Grain stops people in their tracks ,.45 for instance. That's what the army needs ,a man stopper round .
At 300 yards its its almost like shooting a .22 at an enemy . If I remember correctly , it begins to drop at about 150 yards. She loses velocity all the way to the target , and starts tumbling soon after, all rounds do , of course, but because of its small weight , it doesn't carry the punch of a larger 300 yards Its still a .22 caliber round. (on steroids) Its true effectiveness is less than 300 in my opinion.
Theres been many cases where the bullets failed to expand at short range , ice-picking through the target with minimal damage, allowing an enemy to fire back after he was struck . Personally I think the Army did soldiers a disservice with the 556. God forbid if our enemy's had vests, we'd have to beat them to death with the rifle. Its time the 556 went quiet into that dark night and retire.
People have surived direct hits to the head from full caliber rounds and not bought it. And what is usaully happening on these "dead when he hit the ground" shots is the shock of the hit renders the target unconscious and they bleed to death before the ever wake up.Did you guys ever see any of that ww2 footage of people getting shot with an 06? they're dead before they hit the ground . No twitching just dead.
The point is, that it is a man stopper. We definitely need a heavier round.
We shouldn't go back to a "full power" round. We should move to something somewhere in the 6mm range. And for an AR replacement chambered in such I think the SCAR is already a mature design. Maybe improve the stock.So what type of rifle should we use to fire a full power round? AR10,
FAL, G3, other?
Look at my beautiful 06 kill <3556 vs deer
308 vs deer
06 vs deer
Scout snipers don't use a .223. There are many BS articles like that one floating around. Similar BS ones about the 9mm as well.Please, allow me to introduce myself. I was a Marine scout/sniper. I fought in Fallujah, Iraq in Nov 2004 with 1st Battalion, 8th Marines, Alpha Co, 1st plt. I was in the historical “Candy Shop” skirmish. I was also involved in Afghanistan, Liberia, Djibouti, and a slew of other places many people have never heard of. I know what I am talking about and usually stay quiet on many subjects, but the subject of gun control has me irritated . . .
Recently there have been many arguments that the .223 (or 5.56) is a powerful round that civilians cannot handle or is for military/law enforcement use only. I have a personal story to share to the contrary.
This is a true and accurate account of what happened to me and my fellow Marines in a deadly firefight in central Fallujah, Iraq.
I was sitting on a roof top of a two story building, we were pushing south with other units. Our tactics were to move at night and setup in buildings during the day for the fight. Rarely did we move during the day, and if we did, it was not far. The other Marines on the rooftop with me were spotting targets and eliminating them. I noticed a bad guy, with a AK strapped to his back, run out into the middle of an ally about 100yds from me, produce a RPG and take a knee.
This bad guy took a knee and started to aim his RPG at our building. I fired once, hitting him square in the chest. The man stumbled a bit but regained his balance and steadied his weapon. I fired again, again hitting him. But this time, it did not faze him and he was able to touch off that grenade. The explosion rattled the building and injured a Marine below me on the second floor.
The bad guy dropped the RPG once he fired it, got up, and ran down the alley away from me. He still had the AK on his back. I fired again, twice, both times hitting him in his upper thoracic region. He was not phased. My L-T was shooting at him while yelling at his sniper (me) to kill him!
The man started pushing himself up a short wall near the end of the alley way. The wall was maybe 4 1/2ft tall. I decided to take a head shot at about 125yds. I centered the cross-hairs, and squeezed. JUST as the round broke, the man ducked his head, the bullet entered his brain housing group just at the base of the skull, effectively removing the back portion of his dome. I skull capped him.
He stumbled over the wall and fell down behind it, out of my view in the dead space. For a split second, I thought “there…” until I saw him RUNNING away from me, brains leaking from his head! As soon as I saw him, he fell down and did not get up again. It took 5 well aimed rounds to put this guy down. Granted, he was most likely on something, but it still took 4 in the chest, and one head shot to stop this guy. I was not the only Marine to be involved in something like this. Who is to say that an attacker in the U.S. is not “on something?”
Now, is the .223 (5.56) a deadly round? Absolutely! A .22lr is deadly in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing. Is it effective? In this Marine’s opinion, no. The .223 is a varmint round, meant to kill targets no larger than a rabbit or coyote. Because of its horrible terminal ballistics and external ballistics, many people build AR’s in other calibers.
Marine: .223 May Not Be Lethal Enough for Civilians - The Truth About Guns
Scout snipers don't use a .223. There are many BS articles like that one floating around. Similar BS ones about the 9mm as well.
That's not how ballistics work. A .30-06 FMJ goes clean straight through. In fact, a round that fragments does more damage.""Come on Holdover. You know better than that. Central nervous hits and vital organ hits like the heart are what do that. Not caliber.""
That doesn't always happen in combat though. A close enough hit with a larger caliber will .
Again, a heavier round that doesn't fragment goes straight through soft tissue. It doesn't dump more energy. That's how hollow points work.There is no way on Gods green earth that a 556 is equal to or better than a 308 or 06, 300 .
A heavier round is going to transfer more energy . why do you think a lot of police depts. went from the 9mm to the 40?
I never had to kill anybody , Im not an expert in ballistics but everything I know from vets and hunters and personal experience . a heavier round in the 6 mm family would be beneficial .
Its a given that hitting a critical area is going to drop a man in 99% of the time . A .22 is still a deadly weapon in the right hands . no argument there.
It's BS. A Scout Sniper doesn't use a .223.On what grounds are you calling it bullshit? vets and hunters will confirm it
Thousands upon thousands of people have been killed upon the hands of a .223 in a FMJ configuration at that isn't as effective as a hollowpoint.Ill concede the point that shorter barrels and standard ball ammo weaken the 556 and maybe you can gain some improvements ,but overall I want to have the confidence in my rifle that it is going to kill or stop an enemy .
It's BS. A Scout Sniper doesn't use a .223.
Thousands upon thousands of people have been killed upon the hands of a .223 in a FMJ configuration at that isn't as effective as a hollowpoint.
Again, a heavier round that doesn't fragment goes straight through soft tissue. It doesn't dump more energy. That's how hollow points work.
As far as the .40 vs .9mm goes, it's been proven that they do the same damage.