.450/400 Nitro Ex
Again for range use either the .44 or 30-30 will be just too expensive.
.38 special is pretty cheap and .357 Magnum will certainly satisfy the desire for something with "kick".
@meketrefe is the BRL available in .223?
That is the goto range round for centerfire rifle.
Or 7.62x39.
Actually I see that it is. They are expensive rifles though. For range plinking the best rifle calibers are .223/5.56 and 7.62x39 due to cost.
If a bigger boom is wanted the .308 can be had for a reasonable price online. Retail though its $1 a shot and to me at least that is too much.
The standard is 308 that is a service round, and yes, go and find a used one because one will save big and a used one of these
is better than any other new. So many benefits in the way they are designed and manufactured.
With the 308 one can shoot 7.62x39 and other 30 bore calibers using inserts. Also subsonic ammo.
With the 358 winchester one can shoot 9mm. 38 spc, 357 and several others in 35 caliber using inserts.
It is just a matter of inverting on the inserts vs. reloading and then refilling the insert but in the end with a couple of magazines is
a about teh same time as filling a tube. with the original ammo one can actually reload so much faster (actual magazines)
A rimless like this can do many calibers including some rimmed int he same bore and for practice.
There are many ways to skin a cat.