I don't believe the Koreans fear anything. They're Korean. These aren't westerners. This is their homeland and they are ready to die for it.
I believe the 0nly thing they would respect, not fear, is actual force
Nk is basically armed with the same weapons as iraq was. So they are looking at that as us propaganda or poor leadership from Iraq. Ineither case they are completely under estimateing us power.
They understand that the US is casualty sensitive and doesn't have the resolve to take massive casualties ,they think the us weapons are bull shit.
In poker there's a saying that you can't bluff a sucker. A sucker is going to call you every time
North Korea is a sucker. Your going to have to show them a hand .
If anybody thinks they are going to back down, they're not. They're going to the river.
Something will happen sooner or later, whether Trump acts or not. It's not all up to the USA. NK is free to act on it's own as is China or Russia, SK and Japan. However, we're in a somewhat tight spot with our posturing and rhetoric now. I think we have painted ourselves into a corner here. NK is developing REAL weapons and REAL capability and they are not afraid of us, if we haven't been using REAL threats backed by REAL action, then what the hell we are we doing? We should just stop trying to influence or coerce any other country starting now. We have been speaking loudly and carrying Nerf bat. Teddy would be very disappointed.
We should do what's in our best interest. We should start with withdrawing from the UN and kicking them off our soil. If NK is really that much of a threat to us, which I believe they are, we absolutely should either shit or get off the pot. If we shit, it's a no-brainer, we do it right and take them down hard. We could try and work something out with China and maybe even SK to fill the void after hostilities cease.
The way I see it, China uses NK as a bargaining chip. It's a screw they can turn on us when they want to manipulate. China hates that we support Taiwan, so I can see how China would want to use NK in a similar way towards us. China also likes having the buffer on their border, which is why in my last post I mentioned having China and South Korea handle reconstruction should we take the north out. We don't need to occupy. China stays out of the fight and doesn't give us problems for going in. Shit we might even be able to get them to pay for the war, like they did Iraq, if we give them back a buffer state when it's over. I know it's more complex than that, but you get the idea I'm going for. Unless there are natural resources involved, which would then call the "threat" talk into question as far as our motives.I agree with you about the UN. But how much revenue does NYC lose? Would our NY taxes go up to offset that loss?
I cannot understand why China is so reluctant to deal with their own back yard? What is their problem? Do they do more commerce with NK than with USA / Canada / other western allies? I just don't see how NK adds value to their lives.
Who made neutron bombs illegal? Those are epic. Kill the targeted people; but leave the building standing. You melt the entire political structure (when they do those military parades, for example) and just let the civilian population hold free elections and replace the government structure.
Nothing will happen. Trump Train is all show and no go. He doesn't have the balls to do anything about North Korea. Just another hot windbag from the business world. Trump is as wimpy as Obama; maybe more so in fact. I can't wait until we get an Eisenhower or Teddy Roosevelt type badass POTUS in charge someday to clean out the bad tyrants. Maybe it's a different world than the 1950's; where the world now wants those tyrants to exist and doesn't support cleaning house? Good thing I wasn't elected I guess - I would have made 100 neutron bombs and melted the NK capital while all the politicians and generals were in attendance.
We had a chance to have a real badass president. He was a democrat named James Webb. A highly decorated Viet Nam, Marine combat Veteran and former Secretary of the Navy. But he's a moderate and the democrats only want the most progressive as the republicans only want the most conservative.
Webb was the first democrat to drop out of the primary because he saw the fix was in for Hillary.
I just mentioned this before reading it about THAAD! I think it makes sense for the USA to agree to this IF china in particular stops fvcking around. We need a clear drawn out path that makes it very clear inside of a couple of months the cruise missiles will be loosed if something doesn't change. We are at the 11th hour on this and can't let it go into next year and the following. NK's program needs to be stopped and also reversed immediately.I don't see The U.S. agreeing to this one
Something may happen, but the US has been in a corner for a very long time and not lashed out at NK so I'm not sure it will do anything.
We need to decide if we particularly care if NK has nuclear IBCMs. The official stance is we do, but actions have belied these statements. Is strategic patience over? Doesn't look like it to me.
If USA is serious about this it should flatten the site this missile was launched from and then tell NK unless there is convincing evidence inside of 30 days they are unwinding their entire program that it will have a total naval blockade and possibly attacks on military infrastructure. Also make best buddies with russia and china. Tell china if it also supports the blockade and locks the border down 100% to NK that the THAAD missiles will be removed and no more rhetoric for now on tough trade talk with china. NK can be brought to its knees without war, can't it?
The nice thing about a blockade is it means NK has no targets they can reciprocate their rage to other than SK, which would then be an attack on SK and invite a response. USA could officially do the blockade without any agreement from SK so that SK has plausible deniability. Japan also.
But hey I only watch movies and surf the net, so this may be a lot of bullshit
I have a feeling North Korea will be taken care of suddenly and decisively not too many months hence. Maybe weeks, or days.
Are they capable of mounting a nuke on them ?NK does have a considerable amount of road mobile intermediate range ballastic missiles.
I think they are the KN08 and KN14
These would have to be a high priority to track and destroy.
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This is pretty significant to call these guys in with no notice on a major holiday