There is one person on this forum who continually talks in high praise about the opportunity to have a civil war, so that he can kill democrats. Another who has said they should all be hanged. And others who also jerk off at the notion of killing anybody with a biden or bernie sticker, so don't pretend to me the right is not poisoned with hatred. They refer to it as the great reset so that they can hobble their geriatric asses out the door with their rifles and pick off liberals.Clearly you're talking about hillary clinton. She's the only one that derided the half of the country that didn't support her. Lol, do you not see your projection?
A grown man that let his wife tell him who to vote for should not be accusing others of cuck behavior... LOL
He's not the antichrist, just an autocrat who unfortunately for him was born in the usa and not russia. There's a reason he admires putin. Trump was continually hamstrung by our bothersome laws and processes that prevented him from doing what he really wanted.The right is not the group foaming at the mouth about Trump being the antichrist.
Or how *this* time they have incontrovertible proof that he has committed felonies and will go down for sure.
The man has lots of room for improvement, there is much I don't like about him. But he is easily the best POTUS since at least Reagan, by any reasonable metric you care to name.
So that's the "There" there?BREAKING NOW: Trump's home search unearths documents COVERED BY ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE that were already examined by FBI..
No, just destruction of potential evidence against them.January 6 th witch hunt?
Matters not IF there was anything, the damage and besmirchment of Trump was the goal, same as ALL the other attacks on the President... Perhaps a few possible voters would be dissuaded, but they would be replaced by converts, and through it all his supporters see right through the bullshit making them even more determined to support his return.A good read folks
☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Saturday, August 27, 2022 ☙ THE AFFIDAVIT
A roundup of Biden Raid Affidavit news along with some things you might not have heard anywhere else; and Governor DeSantis lowers the boom on four Broward school board
In its summary section, the Affidavit — as expected — was so heavily redacted that it does NOT establish probable cause for a raid of a former’s president’s home, despite what some otherwise smart pundits argue. Plus, there were other tools available to the FBI, like a subpoena, but they went with the most invasive and violent choice instead, and the Affidavit does not explain that remarkable decision. I’ll return to this point in a bit.
Here’s how it started. Between May and December 2021, deep-state bureaucrats at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA or the National Archives) pestered Trump’s people about a small number of presidential documents that NARA thought should’ve been turned over to the Archives instead of stored at Mar-a-Lago.
Those conversations ended in early January when Trump returned fifteen boxes of documents to NARA. Fifteen banker’s boxes of documents is NOT a lot. For reference, even my smallest trial cases consume more than fifteen banker’s boxes of documents. In one case, now settled, my client recently got around to picking up five year’s worth of payroll records; those ALONE filled about twelve banker’s boxes, never mind all the OTHER documents related to the case.
So fifteen boxes of documents from a four-year Presidential term is really nothing.
I sense Timmy may succumb to a case of acute Epsteinenza or chronic Clintonitis that's been going around.
Same asshole investigating voter fraud in 2020 and found, "Nothing." He also traveled with Bruce and Nellie Ohr to the Czech Republic in February 2016 when Nellie was employed by Fusion GPS. Are some of you sheep STILL asleep?
Or he might get a cushy gig at MSDNCI sense Timmy may succumb to a case of acute Epsteinenza or chronic Clintonitis that's been going around.
Good to know.An FBI raid cannot be predicated on a document conflict between the National Archives and a former president.