Let's flip this around and ask the conspiracy theorists a question.
Theorists, why in the world would the government, who was apparently interested in killing as many people as possible and creating chaos, make the buildings fall like they were in a controlled demolition? Why would they even risk it looking like that? To leave breadcrumbs for people to figure them out? Wouldn't it make more sense to have it topple over?
With the government I would personally say the fact that it looks like a controlled demolition is enough to prove it wasn't. I know if I was planning this the last thing I would have said is "alright folks, let's figure out how to bring these down as cleanly as possible", it would have been a lot more like "let's make a fuckin mess".
I wouldn't be surprised if flight 93 was shot down. It makes complete sense to tell people that the passengers heroically brought it down rather than to say they shot it down to prevent further loss of life. Why shoot the plane down anyways, if the towers weren't really destroyed by the planes? Flight 93 posed no risk. Unless there were really terrorists on board.
They needed to completely destroy the buildings of course. And I say "they" but I have no idea if it was our government or another. But if demolitions were used to asymmetrically bring down the building (say, only destroying the levels where the planes hit so the towers would have fallen to the sides) then there would have been a risk of leaving evidence to that method behind. Bringing the buildings completely down pulverized them nearly into dust, and destroyed a lot of evidence. Not all of it though, like iron microspheres in the dust, a remnant of a thermitic reaction.
So you at least will give me that 9/11 LOOKED like controlled demolitions?
I can't find the ignore thread button(((( This is the stupidest thread I have ever seen. It's embarrassing me to be on this forum. Where are the forum's officers????
A lot of your comrades disagree: U.S. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth And thank you for your service.
I know it's frustrating to argue about traumatic things like 9/11, but at the core of things we 9/11 truthers have our hearts in the right place. We believe that evil should be punished, and we believe if 9/11 was a massively orchestrated false flag event that the perpetrators need to be brought to justice.
So let's just follow the evidence where it leads, no matter what. Hence the need for an investigation.
capitalcrew, concerning your question about why shoot down the Flight 93 if the planes really brought down the towers? I'm not denying that the planes HIT the towers. They certainly did. And they probably provided a cover for the subsequent demolition of the towers, or at least that's what I believe the evidence points to.
I don't know who was behind the attacks ultimately. If our government wasn't, then shooting down Flight 93 is pretty much SOP (standard operating procedure) given the circumstances. Heck, considering the "official story" I'm wondering why people aren't more upset that the government, by their own account anyways, did not end up shooting anything down. You would EXPECT them to do so in those conditions. And I believe that they actually did, but lied about it. The evidence supports this.
But even if some faction of our government was behind the attacks in the first place it would still make sense that the plane would be shot down. The government is hardly one cohesive unit, sharing all information at all levels and always working together. If our gov't was behind 9/11 then it was a small faction within government, not the whole thing. So it makes sense that the men and women of our armed forces would still be doing their job of protecting us and would still shoot down a threat under those conditions.
So the EXPECTED OUTCOME would have been that SOMETHING would have gotten shot down.
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