The buildings were interconnected. The fuel dropped down into the interconnected basement where the fire went to when the buildings collapsed.
How much explosive or fuel do you think it would take to bring down a building? Huh. People were in building 7 before it went on fire. Do you think someone could hide/bring in that much without being noticed?
I like this forum! At least you guys seem to have come up with good reasons for what you believe. So many people I talk to refuse to believe that our government could lie to us, and that's the only basis for their beliefs. Talk about misplaced faith.
First time I've heard about fuel dropping down. An interesting theory, but how did it drop through so many floors of the WTC towers, especially considering the fires and the initial fireballs? The fuel would have been long since consumed before it could have made it down so far.
Lots of explosives? Oh yes, it would have taken a lot. And I agree with you; no way they could have been placed on the fly after the plane strikes. Did you know that 3-4 months prior to the attacks, there were massive elevator renovations in the WTC complex of buildings? Did you know that access to the elevators also afforded access to the central structural beams of the buildings?
Perhaps most interesting to me is that several news outlets reported WTC 7 was going to come down.... before it did. You can clearly see it in the background skyline of these news reports, the videos are publicly accessible on YouTube. So the explosives were in place already, at least in WTC 7. Is it standard SOP to have a self-destruct built into buildings where federal offices are situated? (WTC7 was home to an FBI office) If so, who made the decision to destroy the building? If not, who placed the explosives?
P.S. And sorry for calling you guys sheeple.... It was a.... *eherm* baah haa haad thing to say.