.44 mag
Dear Lord I can't do this. Think what you want but for all of our sakes please distance yourself from the firearms community when giving your opinions, I don't want to be lumped into your group.
Dear Lord I can't do this. Think what you want but for all of our sakes please distance yourself from the firearms community when giving your opinions, I don't want to be lumped into your group.
When you take video out of context it can be made to sound like what you wanted. But let's go thru it.<-------- Your Joking right? LOL Sub passages? Furthermore while yes of course there was fire but a TON of SMOKE! Heavy Smoke is a key indicator that the fire is going out and being robbed of O2.
Here, let's listen to some of the Professionals on the scene along with the media that day shall we?
The problem with your "logic" is it is full of assumptions. Your claim that buildings like this have never come down due to fire are irrelevant to reality. Can you show us another example of a building built to the exact specs with all the same materials down to the rivets as the WTC being hit at the exact same locations by a commercial airliner full of the exact same amount of fuel and not collapsing? All structure fires are different animals and all buildings are not built the same trying to make correlations between them is dishonest and or ignorant.I guess what I am getting at is... How can one say the Buildings came down due to fire when buildings like these have never come down that way yet there are thousands of Buildings that came down this exact way due to controlled Demolitions? Screwy Logic I guess?
Those guys are not professional witinesses. Remember this was before any terrorism training. The majority of those guys had never any bomb training before. Most had never had bomb investigation experience at all. Some were at the first WTC bombing but were around for the secondary fire rather than the actual explosion.Ill stand with Trump and the other Professional witnesses. Buildings of that size don't come down like that due to fire.
Those guys are not professional witinesses. Remember this was before any terrorism training. The majority of those guys had never any bomb training before. Most had never had bomb investigation experience at all. Some were at the first WTC bombing but were around for the secondary fire rather than the actual explosion.
The experts I referred to were the fire marshalls, (the arson investigators for the FDNY,) the ATF, the secret service, NYPD's ESU, the bomb squad.
Please note. None repeat none saw any devices themselves. No "D" cord, nothing. Do you know how much it takes to bring down the towers. A truck bomb didn't even come close in 1993.
It was a confusing day. If you responded to a plane crash on the 70th floor and saw the lobby that looked like a bomb went off that day and the rest of the building around you at the time, looked fine, you would think a bomb went off too. Especially since we had very little experience or training up until that time.
Why don't you read stories of 9/11 or go to the story tellers, where the fist hand accounts of that day are recorded. Not one has any account of seeing actual devices. Not one.
This has been investigated to death.
And if this investigation you call Trump to do, came back with the same results, someone would be calling for another one.
Just because you build buildings doesn't make you an expert on everything that can bring it down.Ill stand with Trump and the other Professional witnesses. Buildings of that size don't come down like that due to fire.
Yes I know. I was thereDepends who you listen to. I won't listen to the WND/Government crowds. They proved to be liars.
Here you go, but I must be off my rocker. I stand with these guys
Did you know a 3rd tower fell on 9/11?
31 years and 69 days I spent in the fire service. Structural steel under normal fire loading conditions expands and warps, lengthwise, it ( structural steel) expands a surprising % when subjected to NORMAL fire-loading temperatures. I've been to several fires / building collapses in these types of buildings. This steel expansion alone will cause collapse.
If the Empire State building had been hit instead - it would probably still be standing today. The Empire State building is considered THE MOST FIREPROOF building standing in America today - it was purposely built that way. Each floor is totally isolated from the other, there is no way for the fire to travel vertically between floors.
Computer design actually contributed to the colllapse of the world trade center. Buildings engineered to be the LIGHTEST and STRONGEST and to withstand all NORMAL natural forces, winds, static loading, live loading, minor earthquakes, etc, ARE NOT engineered to withstand a plane crash of this magnitude, along with tons of burning jet fuel. To say building like this don't collapse under normal fire conditions is just wrong. The NYFD has issued tons of reports and studies related to the trade center, -- some searching will be enlightening....just saying.
31 years and 69 days I spent in the fire service. Structural steel under normal fire loading conditions expands and warps, lengthwise, it ( structural steel) expands a surprising % when subjected to NORMAL fire-loading temperatures. I've been to several fires / building collapses in these types of buildings. This steel expansion alone will cause collapse.
If the Empire State building had been hit instead - it would probably still be standing today. The Empire State building is considered THE MOST FIREPROOF building standing in America today - it was purposely built that way. Each floor is totally isolated from the other, there is no way for the fire to travel vertically between floors.
Computer design actually contributed to the colllapse of the world trade center. Buildings engineered to be the LIGHTEST and STRONGEST and to withstand all NORMAL natural forces, winds, static loading, live loading, minor earthquakes, etc, ARE NOT engineered to withstand a plane crash of this magnitude, along with tons of burning jet fuel. To say building like this don't collapse under normal fire conditions is just wrong. The NYFD has issued tons of reports and studies related to the trade center, -- some searching will be enlightening....just saying.
I think if it was shot down they would have owned it. "The passengers took responsibility themselves, and were heroes for doing so" is the last message they wanted to send....Let's flip this around and ask the conspiracy theorists a question.
Theorists, why in the world would the government, who was apparently interested in killing as many people as possible and creating chaos, make the buildings fall like they were in a controlled demolition? Why would they even risk it looking like that? To leave breadcrumbs for people to figure them out? Wouldn't it make more sense to have it topple over?
With the government I would personally say the fact that it looks like a controlled demolition is enough to prove it wasn't. I know if I was planning this the last thing I would have said is "alright folks, let's figure out how to bring these down as cleanly as possible", it would have been a lot more like "let's make a fuckin mess".
I wouldn't be surprised if flight 93 was shot down. It makes complete sense to tell people that the passengers heroically brought it down rather than to say they shot it down to prevent further loss of life. Why shoot the plane down anyways, if the towers weren't really destroyed by the planes? Flight 93 posed no risk. Unless there were really terrorists on board.