Its their mess , let them clean it up. you guys are acting like its the end of the world. Fuck em, let em send you notification first.
I hate to say it, but you guys are the first ones to comply with the safe act. You all have a lot of anger, but don't do squat when push comes to shove. MOLON LABE my ass, If King Cuomo and merry men want to take the guns , then let them come and take them ,, let him arrest your grandpa see what kind of fucked up mess he creates. If your not willing to go to jail for your convictions your certainly not ready to die for them either. And if you aint ready to do that , then guys like Cuomo are going to have a fucking field day because they know they can get away with anything .
Its going to get a lot worse unless you tell yourself your ready to make a stand , if not , Theres no way the 2nd survives .Sending 100 bucks to the NRA every year aint cutting the mustard. Resist or comply, that's it. But if you comply I don't want to hear about bad the guns laws are here. Who do you think is going to stand up for you? Whos going to save you? Fucking nobody, that's who. You want things to change? Then start fucking changing them.At least the ragheads had the stones to say no. They took up arms against an overwhelming enemy, knowing they aint coming back because they actually believed they were doing the right thing. The Guys here in NY are afraid to miss a day of work.
Let the fucking idiot start arresting people in mass like they did in Germany, let see how that plays out for him . And I got some playoff tickets if you want to buy them too.
@holdover , I am very surprised how many people do nothing at all to change the things they do not like or agree with.
Everywhere I look, I see sheep.