Yet you remain here. Run along thoughts and opinions don't mean shit on a subject I
1) don't give a fuck about
2) if I did give a fuck about id ask a lawyer versed in the subject because "thoughts and opinions" don't mean shit in court
Yet you remain here. Run along thoughts and opinions don't mean shit on a subject I
1) don't give a fuck about
2) if I did give a fuck about id ask a lawyer versed in the subject because "thoughts and opinions" don't mean shit in court
Yup everyone should ask a lawyer for questions with no legal risk.I guess every thread here with a question or asking for opinions should be shut down and those people should ask lawyers.
Same could be said for you when you wrote a novel about running around in the dark with a flashlight pretending to be an operator. Yet we just rolled our eyes and ignored you.Awe am I ruining your View attachment 83649
Same could be said for you when you wrote a novel about running around in the dark with a flashlight pretending to be an operator. Yet we just rolled our eyes and ignored you.
Stand down. You have shown you are not capable of handling this thread. Bye now.And yet you keep posting..
So what was your stupid ass discussion question again?
Stand down. You have shown you are not capable of handling this thread. Bye now.
Nope. There is no open carry exemption in the penal law. When you find it, please post it.New York requires a carry license for the concealed and open carrying of firearms. See N.Y. Penal Law §§ 265.01, 265.02, 400.00(2)(d)-(f). This general approach to the concealed and open carrying of firearms is distinct from that of some other States, which have laws specifically addressing the carrying of concealed firearms. See, e.g., Cal.Penal Code § 12025 (defining crime of “carrying a concealed firearm” and explaining that “[f]irearms carried openly in belt holsters are not concealed”); Va.Code Ann. § 18.2-308(A) (defining crime of “carr[ying] about [one's] person, hidden from common observation, ... any pistol”); see also N.Y. Joint Legislative Comm. on Firearms & Ammunition, N.Y. Legislative Doc. No. 29 at 13 (N.Y.1962) (“[T]he historic factor of whether the firearm is carried openly or concealed has frequently been decisive. Apparently in only nine (Conn.[,]D.C., Hawaii, Ind., Mass., N.M., N.Y., Tex., W.Va.) of the forty-five prohibiting jurisdictions does the prohibition extend to openly carried firearms.”)." Bach v. Pataki 408 F.3d 75 (NY App. 2005).
The preceding sentence clearly implies that New York licenses open carry through 400.00...not just implies but says outright, "New York requires a carry license for the concealed and open carrying of firearms." It seems fairly conclusive that "have" would be the word within 400.00(2)(f) that provides for what the court asserts here.
No exemption needed because there is no prohibition. Next.Nope. There is no open carry exemption in the penal law. When you find it, please post it.
where are the good Gun lawyers to call to find out ?? i think FUAC banned them in NY .. where are the Good Gun DA's/PA's .. FUAC banned them ..
where are the good Gun Judges in NY .. FUAC banned them .. so who you gunna call ??
This is my opinion also.No exemption needed because there is no prohibition. Next.
If you can leave it in your safe (not carrying it concealed) and be legal, why can't you leave it on your hip ?This is my opinion also.
Take it a step further. To have and to carry. You can take the gun and set it on your table at a restaurant. What law was broken? You are sitting there and you have a pistol. You are licensed to do so. It makes no difference if you have it on a table or have it on your side. Now if you want to carry concealed that is an additional permission given to you by your license class. Again my opinion.
Also look at the permit for jail wardens and guards. Their language is also to have and carry concealed yet they open carry. Armed guards and security open carry. All of the license language is the same as ours. It’s either illegal for everyone or it’s legal for everyone.If you can leave it in your safe (not carrying it concealed) and be legal, why can't you leave it on your hip ?
The "and carry concealed" language was added because that was an *additional* permission you were granted beyond just possession. Because at the time the law was written concealed carry was widely illegal where open carry was not.
And that made your pee pee rise. You live for that?I borderline open carried last week at Sams Club. I was wearing a Safariland ALS with G23 and just a polo shirt to cover. That’s a big setup. It’s pretty obvious but I didn’t care as it is a retention holster.
As I was walking down the main isle when I entered a cop came out of one of the side isles. They have them working there in full uniform for whatever reason. He made a friendly gesture to me so I said “hey how are you today” Then he looked down and his eyes locked on my side. As he was watching me walk by he replied “good thanks and yourself” I said “good thanks” and that was it. He clearly saw it and it wasn’t an issue. He obviously knows to look for that stuff and knows what he’s seeing where to anyone else it isn’t necessary a gun at first thought.
Again. Show me where there is an exemption for open carry. Do not mistake non enforcement of a stupid law with legality.Also look at the permit for jail wardens and guards. Their language is also to have and carry concealed yet they open carry. Armed guards and security open carry. All of the license language is the same as ours. It’s either illegal for everyone or it’s legal for everyone.
“To have”Again. Show me where there is an exemption for open carry. Do not mistake non enforcement of a stupid law with legality.
“To have”
That means to possess. Otherwise the law would have said to have concealed. There is a clear distinction.“To have”
Possession is the only thing that's illegal without a permit.That means to possess. Otherwise the law would have said to have concealed. There is a clear distinction.
Funny. Every lawyer says differently than Spat. All of them. Every lawyer the NRA hired to build their website that has every state’s laws says and says whether a license is needed to do X says different. You will not find one lawyer that says that the open carry of handguns is legal in NY.Possession is the only thing that's illegal without a permit.
Permit makes possession legal.
There is no other charge.
There is no place in NY penal law that outlaws open carry.