Crock of shit and an absolute waste of money. Blood is really starting to boil with all this segregation crap.
I'm waiting on whenWhat’s your point, that the state exploits incidents in order to further the state’s agenda? (Like the unconstitutional infringements that follow school shootings, all the unconstitutional infringements that followed 911, etc)
I thought this thread was dead! Can we just let it die?
Dude, no segregation. The state will exploit every opportunity to further the state’s interests. Please review human history! Look at the NSA, look at all the data collection done in the name of “security“. Goyabean just wants to do his thing. Go for it dude!
זיי מצליח
זיי געזונט און שטארק
I'm waiting on whenwill start installing guard shack with gates
InMaybe I misunderstood where you were going with this? It seems you’re in agreement with me regarding the above?
There’s another thread discussing how we can possibly push for more deregulation and challenge further infringements.
Not unless there's a 9.0 earthquake 10 miles off NYC and the resulting tsunami takes all of NYC out to sea. Then maybe we'll see change in NY.Inland it may be possible in another century maybe
Did someone make this guy a moderator? He sure likes to dictate what we can talk about here.
Ah yes, the spidey sense never lets me down.
Take note (as you seem to have been doing for quite awhile anyway) that there are posters who state the opposite openly on this thread. I choose to stand with them.
that there are posters who state the opposite openly on this thread. I choose to stand with them.
In the midst of articulating this point, you raised the suspicions of some of us who were either specifically called out or astute enough to pick up cues from your numerous initial posts which indicated a possible long-term study of the forum prior to suddenly jumping in with both feet.
You should also quit with the passive aggressive hints that you hold a negative view of the intelligence of some posters here. It is not well hidden.
You incessant need to mention law enforcement every time you direct a post towards me is patronizing. Does it come from your own initial interest in discussing an identity if your own?
Quite frankly, your frenetic posting style and some of the statements you made initially raised my suspicions and nothing you’ve posted since has assuaged those early concerns.
Maybe you need to re-read and evaluate some of those posts from the point of view of the people you directed them at and you’ll understand. Your continued use of the same themes and veiled insults has, for me, only validated what I believe I was seeing.
I do not understand your need to constantly mention civility and such as no one here as directed disrespect towards you, even in disagreement.
Dude, I literally addressed every point you made in previous posts! You have yet to coherently refute the validity of anything I said!
“Oh snap”?
Furthermore, most of my posts since joining this thread are about actual “Gun Stuff”. Look at my posts on the other threads and this is clearly verifiable!
When you can actually address my points (using proper grammar), then we’ll continue (if necessary)
Anyway, you do your thing, I’ll do mine. Enjoy!
My grammar? I went out of my way to explain my concerns, in a manner that was articulate, clear and respectful. I don’t know if you are reading someone else’s posts or what, but “oh snap” has not been a part of my vocabulary since 8th grade and your continued inference towards stupidity on my part is the only insult I’ve repeatedly seen written in this thread.
Good day sir, my initial assumptions have been sufficiently reinforced.
WOW how great is that , Our small 62 square mile town of Ramapo is getting a grant of 340,000 dollars from the govenor . I Want to thank all of the hard working New Yorker for allowing the governor to pay this money to us. ,I mean I feel so bad thinking areas just 40 miles north of here are laying off there police force (Newburg ) because of no money and some how the Governor finds an extra 340 thousand to make us safer in the town of Ramapo, Man we are so lucky , who would of figured, I just can't figure out why he is being so generous to us , I mean I remember when in december of 2014 when 2 of our finest Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were executed in there cars the Governor was not getting any additional funding for rear facing camera in the cars, I don't remember him creating special laws to make it illegal to execute police,I don't remember him visiting the slain officers family the next day in there homes after the attack. But lucky us in the town of Ramapo he was able to visit the next day , work on new laws to make it illegal for an attack like this in Ramapo, and find funding for us. GO figure . We are so lucky in the town of ramapo
I am so happy for you and the other residents. Hopefully this do not affect you in a negative way. They are adding more equipment to find people filled with hate. Not sure how a bunch of plate readers can find hate, but, oh well.
Yes, the state will use this incident as an exploit to further the state’s interests. We, as 2nd Amendment advocates, should do the “opposite”, and point out that this incident exemplifies why law abiding citizens should arm themselves!