It's amazing how nonconfrontational you get when you've got a gun on you![]()
Couldn't agree more. Carrying a gun isn't an excuse to be an asshole and start fights with everyone. It's a tool to make sure you get home everyday. Be smart about it.
It's amazing how nonconfrontational you get when you've got a gun on you![]()
This is correct. The only thing I would add is nys parks are a no go for guns if you want to know the law. Also some county parks and buildings like Monroe county is a no go.
Carrying around the house to be comfortable is a great idea. Also dry firing and drawing from holster is a good idea. Also with winter don't put more than one layer on your gun or it's too hard to draw. Get a comfortable holster. You'll buy 3-4 before you find one you like.
I agree concealed is concealed and be sure to keep it that way for your best interest.
Carry an extra mag.
Also the store signs do not carry the power of law. However if you are asked to leave just say I'm leaving sorry I missed the sign. Don't get into a political argument or you can be charged with harassment.
Also I'm careful to try to not argue with anyone while carrying because I don't want things to escelate. I let them win and just leave. No flipping people off and crap like that.
So, I've started carrying after getting my license recently. I know that federal buildings / schools are off limits, as well as the great socialist republic of the five boroughs of NYC.
A few questions, as someone new:
1) Other than the areas mentioned above, where else shouldn't I carry / be aware of carrying?
2) What advice would you give to someone new to concealed carry? What are some mistakes you made that would be useful for someone new not to make?
3) NY gets humid as all hell in the summer. How do you keep your carry pistol from rusting, other than just cleaning / oiling more regularly? Have you ever had rust issues from the humid summers of carrying a pistol on you regularly? What about magazines and corrosion / rust in the summers (what do you use to prevent this)?
4) As far as I know, private business that post no-gun signs do not have the force of law to stop me from carrying there, but have the discretion of making me leave the store based on company policy. Is this accurate? I haven't wanted to test it out, since any store that explicitly wants to ban someone from exercising their second amendment rights isn't getting my patronage -- that, and I don't want to risk it before knowing the law in this case. Still, I haven't seen anything so far in NYS laws that give force of law to any such signs.
Anyway, these are just a few questions I've had since becoming a licensed. I've been pretty good about digging into anything I'm not sure about about, or just directly asking the county, but figured this might be a great place to ask given the experience of people here to pull from.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Great posts about CCW. Getting used to carrying is a psychological challenge because you think everyone knows you have a pistol/revolver. After a few successful trips to walmart you realize no one knows/cares or is looking at you. 90% of the time people are so absorbed into their phones they don't even bother to look around lol.Shield and XDS are about the same size. I can carry my XDS at the 3-30 position in a light Tshirt and no one notices even prints a tad sometimes (according to my wife). Put a sweatshirt on or a coat and its gone. The Finding a good belt and holster combo for your shield will be a good step in getting comfortable because you will have the proper equimpment. This is what I am currently using for my XDS 4.0 w/TLR-4 mounted. Belt, Current Holster-I posted about their company on here.
+1 on CCW at home. I do not do it as much as I should however.
At home is most likely where you'll need your side arm. As far as you screen name "RugerGP" you have your priorities straight. Owning close to thirty handguns my stainless 6" 357 Magnum Ruger GP100 in my favorite centerfire handgun. Next favorite would be my stainless Rossi 971 - 357 magnum with the muzzle compensator.
The Smiths are fine shooters, but the Rugers are my preference. I have the 686, two 586's and a bunch of other models, nothing tops a fine Ruger.
Yes I love my 4" GP Stainless .357. I want a six inch also....and I really want a SP101....and a LCR (9mm or .357).I think the LCR would be a good gun for when I am just being lazy and in sweet pants for the day. I have a Rossi 92 that I love also.
I have the same holster. I modified it a little bit though. I took the Kydex clip off and added the standard metal clip that's much thinner with only one screw. With that one screw, I can now adjust the cant even more depending on my attire.I think most of it has been covered already but here are my two cents
Biggest mistake is the same one I keep making. Holsters. I have bought too many of them and end up going back to the same ones in the end. A few exceptions however.
Best Kydex holster for IWB so far for me has been the vedder light tuck. I have spend hundreds if not thousands on holsters. This is the best so far. It is so adjustable. I would recommend this holster in heartbeat.
Holsters for sweatpants ( working out etc) , I am still on a search for the perfect one.
Every new gun, starts the holster search again-lol.
Other beginner mistakes. Thinking your guns printing when it's not.
Not sizing your clothes to accommodate the gun. I wear a pants size one size larger to accommodate the gun. If I am not carrying, I just tighten my belt a little more.
I'd add to this...put at least 500 TROUBLE FREE rounds through your gun before carrying it. Any failure to feed/eject, start the count over. This applies to the ammo you'll be carrying too.
You need a purpose built gun belt. Reinforced, double stitched - it makes a big difference. I use Crossbreed's.
The 2nd Circuit overturned the 7 round bullshit - the limit is 10 in the mag and there is no longer any ambiguity.
Teaching hospitals are sometimes considered school grounds. I think Strong in Rochester falls into that category.
ETA: Will makes a great point. Cant is the one thing I'd change about my current Shield holster.
Just wanted to point out, regarding magazine limits, the safe act website states: "A: While at a recognized range, whether you are there for recreation or for participating in shooting competitions, you may load the full ten rounds into any magazine you have. Starting on April 15, 2013, you are limited to putting 7 rounds in the magazine in all other locations."
Thanks for the extra info! New pistol owner here and it took a little extra looking to see about the round limit. Didn't have to pay much attention before since I just loaded my rifles according to range rules.I could post the response letter I received from the superintendent of the NYSP when I emailed Cuomo about the round limit but ive posted it several times.
What it says is that in the Western district of NYS a court shot down the 7 round limit but he said some jurisdictions still consider the 7 round limit the law. Which is complete and utter bullshit, but he said to carry 10 at your own risk because some cops may arrest you. Of course a judge should throw that out immediately and then you can sue for false arrest because a state law is a state law and a NYS court made a decision.....period.
I carry 11 in my glock 20![]()
Heres the actual email I received, its from a Lieutenant, not superintendent, my badThanks for the extra info! New pistol owner here and it took a little extra looking to see about the round limit. Didn't have to pay much attention before since I just loaded my rifles according to range rules.
Of course everyone here has seen the ruling, heard about the ruling dozens and dozens of times.I hesitate to further open this can of worms but here goes - 10 round is GTG and legal according to the court ruling linked below. Any other source is secondary (see #2 below). The fact that a Trooper says it only applies in certain counties is BS. This is a copy of an email I sent recently.
On Wikipedia summary it shows that the 7 round provision was struck down by Judge Skretny as unconstitutional. Many articles confirm that 10 rounds are ok after Judge's ruling (#2 below is actual court document). Load up 10 tonight!
1) From NY SAFE Act - Wikipedia
"A separate challenge took place in federal court. In December 2013, Chief U.S. District Judge William M. Skretny, of the Federal District Court in Buffalo, upheld most of the New York SAFE Act, saying that its provisions "further the state's important interest in public safety.... it does not totally disarm New York's citizens; and it does not meaningfully jeopardize their right to self-defense".[13] However he struck down the provision that only seven rounds of ammunition could be loaded into a ten-round magazine, calling it "an arbitrary restriction" that violated the Second Amendment, and saying that it could result in "pitting the criminal with a fully-loaded magazine against the law-abiding citizen limited to seven rounds."[13]"
2) Here's a copy of the actual court documents/decision on the entire SAFE Act. The strikedown of the arbitrary 7 round limit begins on page 34 of the decision. / Region&module=RelatedCoverage®ion=Marginalia&pgtype=article
3) Article:
Of course everyone here has seen the ruling, heard about the ruling dozens and dozens of times.
However, if cops, judges and DAs in some jurisdictions believe that the 7 round limit does not apply to their jurisdiction, they could cause you to have to hire an attorney, go to court and possibly lose your gun rights until settled.
Like I said in my first post, it is bullshit and will most likely be tossed out. However they could still cause you alot of headaches if they honestly believe it does not apply to them.
The SafeAct already goes against our Constitution and 2 court rulings in SCOTUS. You see how that has worked in NYS.
Of course everyone here has seen the ruling, heard about the ruling dozens and dozens of times.
However, if cops, judges and DAs in some jurisdictions believe that the 7 round limit does not apply to their jurisdiction, they could cause you to have to hire an attorney, go to court and possibly lose your gun rights until settled.
Like I said in my first post, it is bullshit and will most likely be tossed out. However they could still cause you alot of headaches if they honestly believe it does not apply to them.
The SafeAct already goes against our Constitution and 2 court rulings in SCOTUS. You see how that has worked in NYS.
Actually, it was 2 federal judges. One from the United States District Court for the Western District of New York and the other from the the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit which covers all of NY.Wait you're telling me my interpretation doesn't supercede NYS laws and that discretion of police by individual state restrictions can get me arrested?
No that can't be right, some guys on a forum said they were confident that wasn't the case.
Actually, it was 2 federal judges. One from the United States District Court for the Western District of New York and the other from the the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit which covers all of NY.
Of course everyone here has seen the ruling, heard about the ruling dozens and dozens of times.
However, if cops, judges and DAs in some jurisdictions believe that the 7 round limit does not apply to their jurisdiction, they could cause you to have to hire an attorney, go to court and possibly lose your gun rights until settled.
Like I said in my first post, it is bullshit and will most likely be tossed out. However they could still cause you alot of headaches if they honestly believe it does not apply to them.
The SafeAct already goes against our Constitution and 2 court rulings in SCOTUS. You see how that has worked in NYS.