What in hell is a "Reputation Score"?
Is it like China's "Social Credit Score"?
No idea.
What in hell is a "Reputation Score"?
Is it like China's "Social Credit Score"?
Supposedly it's based off credit history and criminal history and who you are affiliated or linked to. Yeah no shit.What in hell is a "Reputation Score"?
Is it like China's "Social Credit Score"?
I think that when done obsessively, just like cell phones, it leads to anti social behavior. They are not the cause, but they have contributed to the social decay we are seeing. Too many parents use electronic devices as babysitters. People are losing effective communication skills because too much social interaction is being done over a pair of head phones, or the keyboard.So you are saying video games and TV caused this.. can you share the study or evidence
I think that when done obsessively, just like cell phones, it leads to anti social behavior. They are not the cause, but they have contributed to the social decay we are seeing. Too many parents use electronic devices as babysitters. People are losing effective communication skills because too much social interaction is being done over a pair of head phones, or the keyboard.
Not that i want any govt interference, its up tobparents to regulate this stuff.
Well good on you for having that. Some of us aren't so lucky so I'd have to disagree with carry laws being so great here once you get your permit. Maybe once you get lucky and get the right judge issuing your permit, but definitely not in an equal or broad sense. Granted, there is nothing in the law that states violation of your "restrictions" is a crime. It's not a crime. IDK, the end result is probably the same here in this shit hole. You use your gun defensively and even if you are judged as justified you'd probably still lose your permit. *****THAT IS SUPPOSITION not fact mind you. I'm not saying that as fact so please don't take it as fact, I am being a cynic here.An unrestricted permit here is awesome.
Well good on you for having that. Some of us aren't so lucky so I'd have to disagree with carry laws being so great here once you get your permit. Maybe once you get lucky and get the right judge issuing your permit, but definitely not in an equal or broad sense. Granted, there is nothing in the law that states violation of your "restrictions" is a crime. It's not a crime. IDK, the end result is probably the same here in this shit hole. You use your gun defensively and even if you are judged as justified you'd probably still lose your permit. *****THAT IS SUPPOSITION not fact mind you. I'm not saying that as fact so please don't take it as fact, I am being a cynic here.
This is my point though. Not everyone is able to get restrictions lifted in this state, despite going through all the bs to get your permit. Some judges just don't do it unless you have "good cause". Also, I am NOT looking to turn this thread into a permit argument. I'm just saying.Yes restricted is bull shit but I'm pretty sure he was talking about an unrestricted license
Well good on you for having that. Some of us aren't so lucky so I'd have to disagree with carry laws being so great here once you get your permit. Maybe once you get lucky and get the right judge issuing your permit, but definitely not in an equal or broad sense. Granted, there is nothing in the law that states violation of your "restrictions" is a crime. It's not a crime. IDK, the end result is probably the same here in this shit hole. You use your gun defensively and even if you are judged as justified you'd probably still lose your permit. *****THAT IS SUPPOSITION not fact mind you. I'm not saying that as fact so please don't take it as fact, I am being a cynic here.
We have fundamental cultural problems, not something as simple as a "drugs" or "social media" or anything like that.I think that when done obsessively, just like cell phones, it leads to anti social behavior. They are not the cause, but they have contributed to the social decay we are seeing. Too many parents use electronic devices as babysitters. People are losing effective communication skills because too much social interaction is being done over a pair of head phones, or the keyboard.
Not that i want any govt interference, its up tobparents to regulate this stuff.
If violent video games play a part, then actual acting and playing cowboys and Indians or cops and robbers is worse since you are actually acting the part of killing.
Yet we all turned out fine.
Loners who sit in front of a computer all day and night seem to be more likely to shoot it a school or mall. Social media has been linked to depression. It’s not good for ones mental health to never actually interact with others.So you are saying video games and TV caused this.. can you share the study or evidence
No I completely agree with you.
If I'm at Walmart (first off I'm definitely Carrying) and I'm with my family and there is an active shooter, I'm not looking to play hero my only priority is to protect my family to get out of the store ASAP.
If I'm by myself I may be more courageous but even then I may just go to escape and only engage if i have no choice.
It absolutely sucks to say but if I try to do a good deed and risk my life for strangers, it's more likely than not that I will end up dead (especially if he has a rifle and full kit while I have a subcompact pistol), injured for life, sued, financially affected for life or in jail. It's not worth it. If anything goes wrong at all it's my ass and my family's livlihood on the line.
Want me to find ten other studies that say the opposite? I’m sure I could. Loners who play any game or sit on social media all day and night are more likely to shoot people randomly than the all state quarterback. Is social media linked to depression?Violent video games found not to be associated with adolescent aggression | University of Oxford
Teens who play violent video games aren’t any more violent
No evidence to support link between violent video games and behaviour
New study shows violent video games do not make teens more aggressive
Blame Game: Violent Video Games Do Not Cause Violence | Psychology Today
Want me to find ten other studies that say the opposite? I’m sure I could. Loners who play any game or sit on social media all day and night are more likely to shoot people randomly than the all state quarterback. Is social media linked to depression?
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo voiced his outrage over the shooting too, but also issued a damning indictment of Washington and the Trump administration for failing to take a hard-line stance on gun-control and against the NRA.
'My heart breaks for the victims of the horrific shooting in El Paso earlier today,' Cuomo began.
'While President Trump cowardly kowtows to the NRA, the gun violence epidemic is tearing apart our nation and people are dying.
'Thoughts and prayers will not stop this madness. In New York, we stand up to the NRA. We stand up for the safety of children. We stand up for sanity.
'It's past time leaders in Washington did the same. Until they do, these senseless murders will continue,' Cuomo added.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo voiced his outrage over the shooting too, but also issued a damning indictment of Washington and the Trump administration for failing to take a hard-line stance on gun-control and against the NRA.
'My heart breaks for the victims of the horrific shooting in El Paso earlier today,' Cuomo began.
'While President Trump cowardly kowtows to the NRA, the gun violence epidemic is tearing apart our nation and people are dying.
'Thoughts and prayers will not stop this madness. In New York, we stand up to the NRA. We stand up for the safety of children. We stand up for sanity.
'It's past time leaders in Washington did the same. Until they do, these senseless murders will continue,' Cuomo added.
I said sitting in front of a computer non stop. Social media has been linked to mental health issues. Many studies also say games can cause aggression. What’s causing these lunatics to do this?Them being a loner and social outcast being related. Playing video games didnt make them violent.
Correlation does not imply causation
I said sitting in front of a computer non stop. Social media has been linked to mental health issues. Many studies also say games can cause aggression. What’s causing these lunatics to do this?
I would do the same. My family and self comes first. If alone, the same. My wife depends on me.EXACTLY, I'm positive there was at least one or two people legally carrying in that Walmart, but chose to take care of their loved ones first and get the hell out. I don't blame them, chances are they had no idea where the shots where coming from, and there is always the chance of mistakenly getting killed by the responding LEO's. Just as an example in the Umpqua Community College shooting in Oregon there was one student that was legally carrying concealed, he was in a different building and his classroom on lockdown. Instead of leaving his classroom to look for the gunman he chose to stay with his classmates and defend them IF the gunman came through, which was the smart decision IMO.
I’m going to put a few links up. I didn’t read these like you didn’t read the links you posted.I asked for studies didnt i?
I’m going to put a few links up. I didn’t read these like you didn’t read the links you posted.
Study confirms link between violent video games and physical aggression
Yes, Violent Video Games Trigger Aggression, but Debate Lingers
Children’s Violent Video Game Play Associated with Increased Physical Aggressive BehaviorUntitled
Like I said there are studies that say whatever side you want to argue for.
No shit. People are bad... there’s a thought out reply. Why are mass shootings increasing?So where are the 10 links to the studies
What's causing lunatics to do things?????
There is 6 billion people, here is a little hard pill to swallow.... some people are just bad people.... its statistics