Not to stir this well-stirred pot but he did tell you that you could carry a muzzle loading pistol during archery season, @Willjr75
Where have I heard that line of argument before..
Sorry but you should reread that post!
Not to stir this well-stirred pot but he did tell you that you could carry a muzzle loading pistol during archery season, @Willjr75
Where have I heard that line of argument before..
No one said otherwise.Man - when someone new comes looking for the facts on this - it is going to be a diluted read. The rules are the rules - even though I, like many of you don't like or agree with them. We are in New Yorkistan, and as long as all of us suckers stay here - the DEC was clear. We can debate 2A forever, but that will not change the fact that the rules here are the rules. Follow them if you are Law Abiding. Don't follow them if you are willing to risk the penalties if you get caught. I just can't see how much plainer I can interpret this all. I HATE the rules here. I DISAGREE with the rules here. Fact is, they are the rules, so if you want to hunt - the information is in this thread regarding the legalities. What else can I say? It is what it is here. Follow them or not - your choice. But be ready if you get caught breaking them. Morality, interpretation of 2A, disagreement with them is all fine - but if you follow the rules as outlined, you are safe. THAT was what this thread was all about.