.308 Win
Well you can't win when you think something is a Right when it is not!
IDK what is correct, like Airborne CCW legal carry, but hunting with bow. Grey area like I said ... Seen it few times before.
Well you can't win when you think something is a Right when it is not!
How is he wrong? Your argument is that it doesn't infringe on the 2A. So is the 2A for hunting then or defense?Well you can't win when you think something is a Right when it is not!
How is he wrong? Your argument is that it doesn't infringe on the 2A. So is the 2A for hunting then or defense?
But you'll act as if you can't see this when I know you do. It's funny.
No. The 2A doesn't protect hunting.True JR I don't have you on ignore as I posted before! I just don't respond to you!
So lets take this one step at a time!
Does the 2A protect hunting?
We will keep this slow so you can keep up!
No. The 2A doesn't protect hunting.
Does the act of hunting negate the right to self protection?
Just my 2 cents,but in this case it does.Hunting is a privilege,not a right.If you want to hunt,you have to follow the rules to take advantage of that privilege.You may view it as an attack on your 2A rights,but I dont think the DEC intends to violate any rights.If you hunt,you cant carry a weapon that is not legal for that season.Does the act of hunting negate the right to self protection?
Can I protect myself when snowboarding? You see what I'm getting at? One has nothing to do with the other.Hunting then is a Sport!
The rules are illegal. The government cannot infringe on your right to self protection. A private person on private land can but the government cannot.Just my 2 cents,but in this case it does.Hunting is a privilege,not a right.If you want to hunt,you have to follow the rules to take advantage of that privilege.You may view it as an attack on your 2A rights,but I dont think the DEC intends to violate any rights.If you hunt,you cant carry a weapon that is not legal for that season.
Can I protect myself when snowboarding? You see what I'm getting at? One has nothing to do with the other.
The government is telling me that I cannot protect myself and bear arms while bow hunting. The 2A and the bill of Rights are rights that the government cannot infringe upon.
If it was private property than they can tell me what they want. But this isn't private property.
You still aren't getting it or are pretending to not get it. Hunting has nothing to do with it. Why can you protect yourself snowboarding, biking, or doing any other sport but not while bow hunting? Tell me why and please be specific.Snowboarding I guess so but we are talking about hunting!
Still keeping it slow for you!
You still aren't getting it or are pretending to not get it. Hunting has nothing to do with it. Why can you protect yourself snowboarding, biking but not hunting? Tell me why and please be specific.
Forget it. No wonder you ignore me. You can't keep up.You expect me to do the work for someone who has never taken a hunter safety class?
Forget it. No wonder you ignore me. You can't keep up.
No man. You don't get it or don't want to get it. What the hell does having a 10mm or .357 Magnum on your hip for self protection have to do with bow hunting? You aren't going to use it to hunt. You use your bow to hunt.Keep up HA! I'll put it this way Bow hunting you are assimilating a primitive style of hunting, Muzzle loading also the next step up! Yet you do nothing but ridicule FUDDS for what you don't have balls to do!!
Oh but just may be I am interested in your philosophical opinions as two gentleman! We could do it though PM's? if you would like!
Question: As a New York State Pistol Permit holder, can I carry my handgun while bow hunting or muzzleloader hunting?
Answer: No, even though you possess a valid pistol permit to carry the handgun, the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) prohibits it.
No man. You don't get it or don't want to get it. What the hell does having a 10mm or .357 Magnum on your hip for self protection have to do with bow hunting? You aren't going to use it to hunt. You use your bow to hunt.
But you already knew that. It's been said over and over. That's why I've called you a fudd in the past. You have no issues with infringements as long as you can hunt and sport shoot with revolvers, traditional stocked guns, and other fuddery instruments.
Please be specific and tell us why this doesn't violate the 2A. I've asked you already and got an insult. Let's move past that as focus on the question.Just like this little pissing match! You agreed that hunting is not a right! As so it is a sport with rules/regulation. Don't like the rules you are free to not participate! I don't disagree with wanting to carry for protection and some states have changed there laws ( mainly in areas with Grizzly Bears ) But it was not changed because it violated the 2A !
Please be specific and tell us why this doesn't violate the 2A. I've asked you already and got an insult. Let's move past that as focus on the question.
But no one is going to hunt with the pistol nor are they saying that you should be able to. That isn't the argument.You already agreed that hunting is not a right. So lets put it this way it is a sport with a division for Archery ( which to is protected by the 2A) The reg's were no firearms! As I said someone not liking the reg's don't participate ( not being sarcastic here) Someone wants to carry a sidearm can carry a muzzle loading pistol during muzzle loading rifle season, and a centerfire pistol during regular season! You are climbing the scale so to speak. If this were to be lobbied for change it would be for safety reasons not because of the 2A ! And to be honest I don't think it would get much support from bow hunters because that is part of the adrenaline rush that they get to come across and shoot a bear!
But no one is going to hunt with the pistol nor are they saying that you should be able to. That isn't the argument.
The argument is that the gov't is denying you the right to bear that arm for protection while legally hunting with the bow.
The government is infringing on your right to protect yourself and they are not supposed to be able to do that. If it was private property, than you'd be correct.
You keep saying this over and over but the handgun is not going to be used for hunting. Again. The handgun is not going to be used for hunting. Again. The handgun is not going to be used for hunting.No hunting reg's were put together a long time ago with input from sportsman! I know it may be hard to believe. The primitive hunting is to assimilate when hunters did not have sidearms. As to with muzzle loaders ( I can remember when only traditional muzzle loaders were allowed no in-lines! ) You need to look at this from the challenge of the sport view! You have never hunted so may be that is why you can't see it! Being a sport it is not set-up to violate the 2A but to challenge the hunter! And since we only have Black Bears which more times then not run from humans, I don't see it ever changing for protection reason in this state.