.475 A&M Magnum
with all the democRATic bullshit about the Kavanaugh nomination.
with Project Veritas exposing the deep state on MANY occasions
and with the upcoming mid-term election
if the democrATS take back the Senate in 45 days
How long before this country is in a civil war, an actual shooting war?
what the deep state is doing and ( I feel) is about to do to take control of our government, I have a strong sense that things in America are about to go south very, very quickly
with Project Veritas exposing the deep state on MANY occasions
and with the upcoming mid-term election
if the democrATS take back the Senate in 45 days
How long before this country is in a civil war, an actual shooting war?
what the deep state is doing and ( I feel) is about to do to take control of our government, I have a strong sense that things in America are about to go south very, very quickly