.475 A&M Magnum
After the battle of the little Big horn , Indian women punched their sewing Awls into the ears of the dead soldiers so that they could hear better in their next life.
Just like a woman. Always thinking of someone besides herself.After the battle of the little Big horn , Indian women punched their sewing Awls into the ears of the dead soldiers so that they could hear better in their next life.
Well Well Well Loooks like they're beginning construction on a new Plaza
A portion of Bank Street will close Saturday morning to allow the state to create a temporary pedestrian plaza and other public safety precautions for the General Assembly’s first legislative session in the refashioned Pocahontas Building south of the Capitol.
State officials say the plaza will provide a safe place for the public, legislators, state employees, teen pages for the House of Delegates and Senate, and media, as they walk back and forth between the Capitol and Pocahontas Building, which will house legislative offices and committee rooms through the 2021 sessions. School and tour buses also will be allowed to unload and load passengers at the plaza.
Capitol police will control access through automatic gates on either side of the pedestrian plaza, which must be dismantled within two weeks after the end of each legislative session, according to the budget language the state negotiated with Richmond officials.
State prepares to close part of Bank Street for General Assembly session
A portion of Bank Street will close Saturday morning to allow the state to create a temporary pedestrian plaza and other public safety precautions for the General Assembly’s first legislativewww.richmond.com
Well Well Well Loooks like they're beginning construction on a new Plaza
A portion of Bank Street will close Saturday morning to allow the state to create a temporary pedestrian plaza and other public safety precautions for the General Assembly’s first legislative session in the refashioned Pocahontas Building south of the Capitol.
State officials say the plaza will provide a safe place for the public, legislators, state employees, teen pages for the House of Delegates and Senate, and media, as they walk back and forth between the Capitol and Pocahontas Building, which will house legislative offices and committee rooms through the 2021 sessions. School and tour buses also will be allowed to unload and load passengers at the plaza.
Capitol police will control access through automatic gates on either side of the pedestrian plaza, which must be dismantled within two weeks after the end of each legislative session, according to the budget language the state negotiated with Richmond officials.
State prepares to close part of Bank Street for General Assembly session
A portion of Bank Street will close Saturday morning to allow the state to create a temporary pedestrian plaza and other public safety precautions for the General Assembly’s first legislativewww.richmond.com
AHHHHHHHH WTF!! I cant believe I missed that. Sorry
Baofeng UV5R seems to be pretty popular. They're cheap enough Ill be grabbing one from amazon along with a programming cable. I dont know much about Ham stuff though. The two Apps I mentioned in the previous post are the primary and second means of comms for the protesters. One is internet based emergency networking app designed for natrual disasters and civil unrest, the second uses Bluetooth to set up a LAN. The Bluetooth type of communication might prove useful in the event that the cell service is turned off.Who can recommend a ham radio ? I just wanted to listen , not send . Theres a shit ton of brands , Im lost.
Baofeng UV5R seems to be pretty popular. They're cheap enough Ill be grabbing one from amazon along with a programming cable. I dont know much about Ham stuff though. The two Apps I mentioned in the previous post are the primary and second means of comms for the protesters. One is internet based emergency networking app designed for natrual disasters and civil unrest, the second uses Bluetooth to set up a LAN. The Bluetooth type of communication might prove useful in the event that the cell service is turned off.
WooWoo!! Butterfly and I just booked a room for the weekend in Richmond (Henrico). Will be there for rally on the 20th. Plan on getting out and doing some reccy on Sunday.
Who can recommend a ham radio ? I just wanted to listen , not send . Theres a shit ton of brands , Im lost.