Honestly you didn't miss anything. I'm too big to be a tanker, so I had that against me from the getgo. The driver compartment would be cramped even for a little guy. Everything in there can wound you, exposed linkages, places to get hung up on or pinched. Its pure utilitarian, zero finishing or comfort. Operating one is akin to a WWII vintage bulldozer except much faster.
The Abrams is probably a Cadillac,so to speak, in comparison.
Just the soft excesses of our western anglo-saxon capitalist pig bitch society.
lmao, putin is immorten joe, getting his guys stuck in a quagmire chasing mad maxInteresting Twitter thread on performance of Soviet truck tires. Might help explain the long convoy's lack of movement.
Something is wrong: Russia's military sucks ass.Another Vet and sniper says something seems wrong
While the Soviet system worked well enough during the Cold War, it is not well suited to the modern era. As such, for Russia’s short-notice actions in Georgia, it had to assemble ad hoc forces out of those units that had troops available. As one might imagine—it was a disaster. While Russia still won due to the sheer size of its forces, it should have be been an easy victory.
Something is wrong: Russia's military sucks ass.
That exact thing is going on now.
from your linkSomething is wrong: Russia's military sucks ass.
2018 post-mortem on their 2008 performance in Georgia. They were still using a ton of old shit, old tactics.
Russian Performance in the Russo-Georgian War Revisited - War on the Rocks
In August 2008, the Russian military fought Georgian troops in a brief five-day war. Russia defeated the Georgian forces, but the war revealed profoundwarontherocks.com
Here's one from 2015 calling russia's military a paper tiger:
Not So Scary: This Is Why Russia's Military Is a Paper Tiger
While Moscow’s military adventure in Syria shows that its forces have improved markedly since their near collapse in the mid-1990s, Russian military forces still have many weaknesses. While select portions of the Russian military—most notably the Strategic Missile Forces, airborne forces and...nationalinterest.org
That exact thing is going on now.
How about just one crackhead instead?
Definitely going to make the Russian cats blue.Now this I don't understand.
The 'United Nations of cat federations' bans Russian cats from its competitions
The Fédération Internationale Féline is temporarily placing restrictions on cats that were bred in Russia or belong to exhibitors who live there, in response to its attack on Ukraine.www.npr.org
I can understand banning Russian oil.
I can understand banning Russian banks.
I cannot, in good conscience, ban Russian pussy.