.308 Win
I’m not trying to be clever at all. I’m being a realist and trying to explain the ignorance of some.
If for argument’s sake somehow you knew Trump was going to ban bump stocks 3 years ago and all you guys along with those that think like you throughout the country wrote in various names on the ballot, Hillary would be the President of the United States right now and bump stocks would be banned along with many other things due to the inability of some of you guys in looking a little further into the future besides just where you were standing.
Not writing in names. Voting simply shows you condone the corrupt system our government has become. If you somehow think all of this government is necessary, I don't understand you. There is zero need for 99.999999% of our government. They screw up everything they touch and they corrupt the system to enrich themselves.
Voting? Nope. Not ever. I'm smarter than 100% of them and don't need them to tell me what's in my best interest.
Your suggestion that we're the ignorant ones makes me giggle.