The reason old people and fat bodies dont like appendix carry is it requires actually paying attention and training. It's no more dangerous than 3 or 4 o'clock carry, yes there is a larger degree of damage if you duck up. But let's look at it this way......
Finger off the trigger when drawing. Hmm ok so train.
Finger off the trigger and check that nothing inside a good (not some cheap ass uncle Mike's bs holster) holster. Hmm ok so train and take a few extra seconds to the one motion that doesnt require speed... reholstering.
SOB, someone is attacking you and it becomes a close in struggle, fall to your back, 2lbs of steel isnt going to do much help smashing on your spine.
Just as likely to shoot yourself as other methods.
Oh yeah someone rushes in on you and stuffs your draw easier because it sure as hell isnt ab efficient way to draw and present (3 or 4 o'clock is much easier to use your body to prevent all that. And appendix is also a more efficient draw stroke)
And now say you are on the ground and haven't blown out a vertebra, good luck getting to your gun that is behind you
Finger off the trigger when drawing. Hmm ok so train.
Finger off the trigger and check that nothing inside a good (not some cheap ass uncle Mike's bs holster) holster. Hmm ok so train and take a few extra seconds to the one motion that doesnt require speed... reholstering.
SOB, someone is attacking you and it becomes a close in struggle, fall to your back, 2lbs of steel isnt going to do much help smashing on your spine.
Just as likely to shoot yourself as other methods.
Oh yeah someone rushes in on you and stuffs your draw easier because it sure as hell isnt ab efficient way to draw and present (3 or 4 o'clock is much easier to use your body to prevent all that. And appendix is also a more efficient draw stroke)
And now say you are on the ground and haven't blown out a vertebra, good luck getting to your gun that is behind you