.45 AARP !?![]()
I see a lot of G19 and some 1911's. I would liken that to the Russian T34 vs the German Tiger in WWII.
Old joke from an old thread .I must be missing something.....
I must be missing something.....
Yes Black beard himself !.45 ACP
calling it an old man caliber. There was a poster who appears to no longer be a member here that is referencing
Yes on the 45LCTough one. But for sheer SHTF and possible bug out pistol, I would have to say my Taurus Judge. Mainly because of versatility and reliability. The 45LC may not be the most popular caliber, but it is cheap to reload. Hell I cast my own bullets for it. It can take decent size animals and great for self defense. Then I can run .410 shot or slugs for smaller game or self defense. Downside of course being capacity.
Your round count in that Fudd gun is disturbing. You know better than that!@Defilade you think my 45acp is funny? Huh funny man.....?
I have very long magazines for them.Your round count in that Fudd gun is disturbing. You know better than that!
HEY, I've got one just like that!Colt Hammer .. LOL
The Beretta I referenced has multiple Slides and configurations: a 96 slide for .40 S&W, 92 slide for 9mm, an additional barrel in 9x21, and a .22 Conversion.I'm totally intrigued by people having their "go to" pistol being models that are not 10+1. I was expecting choices to be almost exclusively prioritizing as much ammo as possible.
I think this is really interesting. I'm not judging at all I just think it's a great discussion to consider how much (or little) weight people place on ammo capacity or caliber flexibility (i.e. judge)
Pulling your chain boss. LolI have very long magazines for them.
I don't remember the joke , but sure do like .45AARP! I might engrave it on a gun and use nothing but light (old man) loads!.45 ACP
calling it an old man caliber. There was a poster who appears to no longer be a member here that is referencing
I'd rather shit down Hochul's throat with an M240 slung over my back........What kind of SHTF are we talking about?
I'd rather poop in the woods with a Smith Airweight in a coat pocket versus anything I would carry on my belt, and eliminate the possibility of shit hitting the firearm altogether.
Whereas if I was guarding the woods against a midnight pooper, an FNX45 wearing an 850nm aiming device and other accoutrements would seriously help terminate flatulence.
i.e. "I don't care, it's a toolbox. You put the tools in for the job. That's all."
So supposedly a SHTF situation occurs and no more ammo is ever manufactured, hard core. My best guess is there will be a lot of 9mm out there, .40 as a second and if you know old men .45 acp. I picked a .357. Ruger GP100 w/4" barrel. Beef enough to take deer. At 75 yards off hand, iron sights I can put 6 on a 24"x24" paper; slow fire. At 100 yards on a rest I can hit a 24"x24"; slow fire. At 32'; rapid fire a 12" target is well peppered.
.38 SWC are an excellent garden gun/small game load. .38/.357 w/bird shot are also good for close small game and will penetrate 1/2" plywood at 10 yards, abet a small pattern.
The 6 shot Ruger is reliable and easy to clean. As far as reloading goes, the reloads are not as finicky as reloading for a semi-auto.
FWIW the 7 shot Ruger GP100, I sent one back to the factory; feed problems at the cylinder. 7 rounds too tight. Cases bound up and didn't extract. I have a S&W 686+ that fires 7 and runs just fine, my GP100s a little bit beefier and an old reputation of reliability. I do have a few decent holsters and speed loaders./speed strips.
I knew it! 1911, Ruger wheel gun. You probably watch re runs of Hickcock .45. Dam Fudd you are. Do you shoot those with a Tea-Cup stance old man?Off topic a bit... Not really, maybe I am an old man, but I love the 45 and I have a shit ton of it.
Second point, in regards to the GP100, I bought one used a few years back when I was selling at Gander. Paid, $279 for it (long story for the low price)...
The serial number puts the gun at 1986, anyway, I decided to clean the gun fully, took it completely apart. Could not get the cylinder to time correctly. I contacted Ruger and sent it back to them. They returned the gun a few weeks later. They replaced the trigger, the hammer, gave me a brand new sylinder and polished the shit out of it. Looked brand new when I got it back. I love that gun.