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  1. technicalgadget

    Increased media attention to the "boogaloo"

    Boogaloo been around since early 80's...
  2. technicalgadget

    New weapons and drone ban bill in Albany

    So they are trying to legislate away the use of non-lethal methods to disperse unlawful crowds....
  3. technicalgadget

    Buffalo PD emergency response team resigns over old man shove

    Sorry, no release. What are they gonna do? Riot until she’s released? Since the politicians already played this game, they leave no choice but to be blackmailed via rioting and to arrange for her release. This is the game they played with animals and the politicians took it hook, line and...
  4. technicalgadget

    See all sights? Any experience or opinions

    I have used the see all sight before and I thought it worked very well. However, I was slower to getting a sight picture on the see all sight than using a red dot EOTech. Not sure why, but getting the big chevron arrow aligned up exactly in the middle takes some getting used to. The other...
  5. technicalgadget

    Anyone plan to use BRIGHT SPOTLIGHTS as a Home Defense strategy ?

    Eh? Hackers can have at it at turning the flood lights on and off. Nothing is impenetrable in today’s society. Just have to gauge the amount of risk your willing to take and it’s final effect on you. For me, turning lights on and off are really the least of my concerns.
  6. technicalgadget

    Anyone plan to use BRIGHT SPOTLIGHTS as a Home Defense strategy ?

    I am combining multiple different outdoor floodlight locations and switches around the house so I can control all of them and flood them on if need be using WiFi enabled light switches and wireless devices.
  7. technicalgadget

    Buffalo PD emergency response team resigns over old man shove

    I doubt this is going to make any difference in this current climate. Police Union will need to flex a little and show some strength.
  8. technicalgadget

    She's mad she can't loot from store protected by 2nd amendment

    LOL, How many times does she have to say A.K.47 in this video? She thinks she's an influencer and can get people to act on the basis of her video. The words A.K.47 sounds like music to my ears...
  9. technicalgadget

    12 Gauge Revolver? Sure, why not?

    Street Sweeper reincarnated.
  10. technicalgadget

    KSG Shotgun owners - Tips and Advice ? Hi Tech CC is a local NY shop manufacturing add on products for the KSG. Not affiliated, just glad they are local to us in NY. Stuff I buy from them arrives in days via USPS, not weeks.
  11. technicalgadget

    I think war with china is inevitable

    I don’t think we are going to see outright war with China in our lifetime...too many dependencies on each other.
  12. technicalgadget

    Legality On Faux/Fake/Mock Suppressors

    As BDinPutnam mentioned, it must be pinned and welded to the barrel and made a permanent attachment to the barrel. But why? Why add any unnecessary weight to an AR? Sort of defeats the purpose of having an aluminum framed weapon. Additionally, you are required to bear the burden of proof...
  13. technicalgadget

    A few 80% paper weights

    Will you have any runs on 80's with black anodizing?
  14. technicalgadget

    Michigan Attorney General Lesbian Activist Warns Trump

    It's being perceived that Whitmere and other left leaning Democrats are losing their firm control on the Michigan populace. They dug their own grave by penning that open letter. I hope Trump defies the governor's edicts and publically shows that he's not going to wear one and further erode...
  15. technicalgadget

    HUZZAH ! President Trump is building our WALL !

    My god, it’s spilling into other threads now.
  16. technicalgadget

    EO Tech XPS Reticle is scratchy / fuzzy

    The amount of flare on that reticle is unacceptable. Send it back. In general, L3 is very good about standing behind their products.
  17. technicalgadget

    HUZZAH ! President Trump is building our WALL !

    Only Snake Plisskin knows about that wall...
  18. technicalgadget

    HUZZAH ! President Trump is building our WALL !

    It’s the wall surrounding the airports. Illegal aliens will no longer be allowed to fly without an EDL.
  19. technicalgadget

    HUZZAH ! President Trump is building our WALL !

    I give you the Enhanced Drivers License. Beginning October 1, 2021, every air traveler 18 years of age and older will need a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license, state-issued enhanced driver’s license, or another acceptable form of ID to fly within the United States.
  20. technicalgadget

    Lube for Bolt and carrier assembly

    Mobil1 is a 100% synthetic oil, using group IV and V base stock and non petroleum based.
  21. technicalgadget

    .44 mag by IMI?

    Didn’t IMI bring us the Desert Eagle? Kinda makes sense if they are from the same group.
  22. technicalgadget

    Lube for Bolt and carrier assembly

    A quart of Mobil1 and long stem cotton swabs last a long time. I think in this case, less is more.
  23. technicalgadget

    Trump Can Withhold Millions From ‘Sanctuary’ States, Court Rules

    Especially the gangs, a fucking scourge on the downstate.
  24. technicalgadget

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome to the party!
  25. technicalgadget

    Safe recommendations.

    Sorry if this is repetitive, but it’s a worthwhile video to watch for new safe owners. Scroll the video to 2:35 seconds for the goods...
  26. technicalgadget

    Trump's Plan

    In other news, Trump is allowing AR's to be sold to the general public, courtesy of the Federal CMP program...
  27. technicalgadget

    Trump's Plan

  28. technicalgadget

    New York City COVID-19 contact tracers

    What will happen if someone refuses to answer questions to a contact tracer? Are there any penalties or jail time involved for those that refuse? Can’t wait for that train to come crashing through.
  29. technicalgadget

    New York City COVID-19 contact tracers

    Contact tracer.
  30. technicalgadget

    Mother and Journalists arrested 2 days in a row for protesting : NYPD

    “It is only at the precipice, do humans evolve. It is only at the brink, do people find the will to change...” Although I do admit, this could be for better or worse for us.
  31. technicalgadget

    Safe recommendations.

    Sturdy safe uses 7 gauge steel or 3/16" or thicker. Probably the best thickness in the business.
  32. technicalgadget

    Must have tools for upper build

    Mil spec steel barrel nut calls for between 30 - 80 ft lbs. Just don’t go over 80 and I think it will be fine.
  33. technicalgadget

    Must have tools for upper build

    If you work on barrels a lot, especially torquing them off an upper receiver, I prefer the feed ramp extension rods. These are from Geiselle and Brownell’s.
  34. technicalgadget

    Who's shipping ammo to NY still?

    I think more of us would be inclined to post good information and even pictures of cool stuff, but not if every Tom, Dick and Harry off the internet can peruse them freely. Having a section for vetted members would reduce alot of peoples' anxieties about posting.
  35. technicalgadget

    Who's shipping ammo to NY still?

    @Admin Why can’t we have a section of the website for fully vetted members only?
  36. technicalgadget

    Canadian cops take down teenage girl in stormtrooper costume

    Trudeau is falling in line and bowing to the globalist NWO leaders. NWO globalists have threatened Canada with economic disaster should he not cooperate.
  37. technicalgadget

    Cuomo’s reopen rules????

    No worries, all good. My fault for not quoting him.
  38. technicalgadget

    Cuomo’s reopen rules????

    I wasn't referring to you as the troll. It's well known that Diesel Tech is a hardcore lefty shit stirrer on this site.
  39. technicalgadget

    Cuomo’s reopen rules????

    You must be confusing yourself with your multiple online personas here.
  40. technicalgadget

    Cuomo’s reopen rules????

    Saltwater60 is far from a troll....You can GTFOH.
  41. technicalgadget

    Cuomo’s reopen rules????

    Downstate, all the landscapers are still making their rounds. I thought that as a single, business proprietor, you were exempt? Just get out there, and do work. I don't think anyone is going to stop you and if you get fined, just call it a part of doing business.
  42. technicalgadget

    Cuomo’s reopen rules????

    Stop feeding the troll :screwy:
  43. technicalgadget

    Debate: If The Safe Act Was Gone, What Would Happen?

    I agree with this. The law can’t tell you what you can do, it can only tell you what you can’t.
  44. technicalgadget

    SERPA Rediscovered

    The retention button just happens to be in the wrong place where during a fast draw, can cause your trigger finger to slip onto the trigger and cause an AD. There’s a reason why a lot of instructors ban Serpa holsters from pistol classes. I used to like them until an instructor showed me how...
  45. technicalgadget

    Trump wrapped boat = awesome

    Nice wrap. Takes balls to do that especially if your slip is at a public dock. Your boat might get fucked with by antis for sure. If a clean cut, no criminal record doctor and wife team can take a ladder to your house to steal a Trump flag, who knows how far lefties would go to show their...
  46. technicalgadget


    The mini 14 is highly modular. Just purchase a standard Ranch model with full stock in either wood or polymer. Shoot it, enjoy it, practice with it. After you move to a free state, you can purchase any number of modular, drop in, tactical pistol grip stocks with folding or adjustable stock...
  47. technicalgadget

    Debate: If The Safe Act Was Gone, What Would Happen?

    Violence, there would be some major acts of violence against all the compliance parts New Yorkers have used on their weapons of war. It would be an absolute blood bath of rage...