First I would like to thank everyone here who takes the time to message us, interact with us and ask us questions, we truly appreciate you. Which is why, in light of this tax season we are offering a 20% off discount code, for classes $160+
use code TAXBREAK19 at our website Bull Creek Strategic
Appreciate it. We have test quite a few of their optics and Im testing their IR lasers right now. I can guarantee you that Holosun optics are made of higher quality metals than most optics on the market. I would straight up take my 503g overseas on rotation if i could.
Set one up, We travel quite a bit. We have taught in PA, OH, VA, MI, ID, NC so far. If you have property or access to a local range and you can get the people together. We will come out and teach.
Shoot me an email if you want.
Yes cambria will be where almost all of our WNY classes will be. This isnt a full time gig for us, between full time jobs and deployments. 1 -2 classes a month is all we can handle. What isnt listed is our out of state LEO classes which are 1x a month as well.
Do the handgun times not line...
I have just updated our website and made it what i think to be a little more easy to manuever.
In turn i added a calendar with our WNY dates
If you are interested in us coming to your town or area send me a message or go on the website and send me an email.
New shirts are on the website...
Our 2019 training dates are for the most part live on our website .
There are a few classes to add such as our LEO dates, long range precision and LEO low light .
Check out what we have to offer this coming year.
Remember it's not about the how, it's about the WHY...
I run a 19 and 17
My 19 is production my 17 is open.
17 i built, heinie straight 8 sites, ghost evo trigger pulls at 2.8lbs, suarez bars and shoe, dawson magwell, kagwerks slide release, recoil rebound spring, my own designed and milled slide, trij rmr, mayhem syndicate comp and stippling and...
I have been using Federal Premium 147g Hydra Shok JHP for about 6 years now. The reason why is because of work, DOS mandated us to carry this due to their intense testing. The reason i still carry is is because of the testing and personally seeing what Hydra-shok does and it is by far the best...
Hey everyone i just posted a new product review we did on the Holosun HS503G ACSS, its on my website and here in the forum. If you could swing by and check it out. If there are any questions about Primary arms optics that you are interested in us testing let me know and ill see about doing a...
I have several gripes. These are not deal breakers, just slight annoyances. The dots are too close together when unmagnified and made the reticle too busy when dealing with targets in the 400m range, but the BDC works extremely well without question. Realistically, I hope that if...
Primary Arms: Holosun Paralow HS503G meets ACSS
The Primary Arms series of optics never seems to disappoint and this Holosun offering is no exception. Our test example came with a bikini style scope cover, two mounts and a wrench. Holosun has been a company I have been keeping an eye on for a...
I utilize a Cit-tac steel for reactive 60% targets and for paper thats easily printable i use Mayhem Syndicates throttle target, baer solutions standard, guerrilla approach and Haley targets. All free and printable offline
5.5" in a perfect world of conditions and 77gr.
@Willjr75 i learned this while i was in the Army and yes for Red dots and holographic, it works flawlessly, no thinking involved under 300yds
Right on man, I can get down with that reasoning.
This is what i was looking at getting on this thread an actual talk about guns and "stuff" haha. Thanks everyone.
Mine was setup going off of 77gr, Falkor/Dracos Straight jacket barrel 16", BLH ammo, BC 0.420 and 2683.5 MV. Ive honestly done the math a 1million times and every calculator ive used seems different, and yes it literally drives me crazy.
As i say in classes bullets to paper dont lie. Just...
I was just changing some optics around on my AR and thought to myself, "what zeros are most common for people when it comes to BZOs (Battlesight Zero)".
Yes you think i would know this, and i do. Im just curious as to what other people are using.
I prefer to use a 36yd zero, due to the fact...
Remember do you want to spend $80 on on an EDC or $350 and then god forbid something happens and it gets put in an evidence locker, which blade are you willing to loose.
I posted this image a few minutes ago in another thread in here, but ill do it again. I use the clinch pick by chivworks...
Is that a folder in a sheath? I dont understand this? Thats like carrying a handgun Israeli, no round in the chamber...
Unless there is a specific purpose for this that isnt self defense.
As for an EDC i Use a clinch pik by shiv works cartel w/ a squared away customs sheath.
Im not a fan of...
You can take Day 1 and day 2 or just day 1. You cant hop in a day 2 due to the modules we run. It would be too hard to try and get you caught up on missing a whole day,.
@Spar defense Eggert Rd, Tonawanda, NY
$275 for One day, $500 for both
Hanover, NY
September 15th
Length: 4-5 hrs
Student Requirements: Must be able to understand and apply proper firearms safety
We will focus on:
Shooting fundamentals
Handgun Presentation
Reloads (administrative, tactical,combat)
Malfunction drills
Best way training for the red dot is as stated before dry fire, but letting your body take its natural course. If you have a solid base of fundamentals you should be set with this little trick.
What i did to get used to red dots on pistols
-close your eyes now draw. Open your eyes the dot...
Now im confused if this is for defense from bears, 10mm all the way. Nothing else compares.
@Willjr75 There's no such thing as muscle memory (muscles don't have the ability to think/process), What you're speaking of is Malignant Short term memory, retaining a constant awareness of that small...
As per PODmonkeys response , i can agree to disagree. It all depends on what you're doing, are you collecting guns or are you protecting yourself with guns?
If you are protecting yourself with guns i prefer to keep things as basic as possible, push button mag release, sights, triggers you get...
We have been asked Multiple times for an all women's Handgun class, well your voices have been heard. On September 8th at Hanover Fish & Game Club we will be running an all Women's Handgun technique class, this will be a perfect class for any level shooter. Click the link and sign up today...
Check out our vender forum section and read franks review on the High Threat Concealment Low profile System.
I even added a link to make it easy. Thanks in advance.
Why we choose to use High Threat Concealment.
I have used many of holsters over the years, fabric drop leg holsters back in 2007; Black Hawk paddle/Serpa 2009, G-code 2011, Safariland, RDR, T-rex, raven, I mean the list goes on. I have a dresser drawer filled with holsters and accessories...
Yes BP gets issued 40 still, they arent specialized or on any kind of "special team" that we were referring too. BP is kinda like the coast guard lol. Jk nothing but love here.
I have worked hand in hand with alot FBI, DHS and other type teams. Very rarely you come across an agent with anything other than 9mm. Im not saying all of them use 9 but a good majority do.
They are if it fits your needs. That Arsenal Democracy AD16, was seriously amazing, super smooth, balanced and great control. If i knew what i know now instead of spending 1500 or more on a build i would have bought one already built. I dont own the rifle in my profile picture, unfortunately...
Yea man honestly, people will get mad at me but when it comes to your basic AR, an AR is an AR. Now you move up to a Falkor,, ALLSTAR or Aresenal Democracy(like in my profile picture) thats a whole different level of pin point precision. Does one need a $2500 Ar-15 no they dont. My green AR...
Well I am affiliated with ALL-Star tactical and they have a little dealy called the Safe-MOD. Your compliant when traveling then just back the screws out while at the range to have a fully functional AR-15, this is safeact compliant and they sell all their rifles out the door with this setup...
Great video, John is a solid dude and a good person to sit and talk to.
I agree with everything he says and i preach this daily. DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE AND YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
@GOPerfect nailed it on the head. One of my biggest pet peeves, "i was in the military i dont need a pistol course to...
Pretty much how it usually works, id need the name of the range so i can contact them and then add them to my insurance. Figure out how much it would cost for me to rent the range from them and then we would have the range for the day.
Ok so this has gone pretty far and both of you guys are correct in your own ways. But think about the round itself and how its designed. thats where the stopping power is today and the science behind it. How the round mushrooms or expands once it hits a harder surface. Go overseas and look...