Search results

  1. Michael

    Chinese citizens protest Covid restrictions

    It's ok. The UN human rights council will take action.... This is the Chinese citizens chance to make or break. I find it interesting that in a population of 1.4 billion, that so few are willing to fight for rights. My guess is that so many are absolutely dependent on the state for everything...
  2. Michael

    Biden says you're sick

    I do not accept, nor will argue with, the opinions of people whose mental status is potato.
  3. Michael

    New York Gov. Hochul Signs Law Restricting Cryptocurrency Mining Over ‘Environmental Concerns’

    Specialized computers my ass. They're running high end graphics cards as they are designed to and are more efficient at crunching numbers. And how the hell did they "calculate" the power usage of data mining?? A Ouija board or random number generator? BTW, I'm going to print out the second...
  4. Michael

    Chip maker, Micron, to invest heavily in Syracuse area, but reaps huge tax breaks

    I believe you are correct. I don't recall if I've said it here or not, but big companies love depressed areas like central NY. The area is so desperate for decent paying jobs that .gov (local and state) will give companies all sorts of tax breaks and grants with just about no recourse. Think how...
  5. Michael

    NYS delays retail weed licenses causing farmers to have no where to sell their $750 million in crop

    Leave it to New York to screw up selling drugs. Literally everything they touch goes to shit.
  6. Michael

    Hunting Apps

    I have both OnX and Huntstand. I paid for OnX. They both work good within their means. I have noticed that both take awhile to update property owners.
  7. Michael

    25th Amendment coming??

    Exactly. How much was accomplished when the GOP had both houses during Obama? Absolutely nothing. Didn't even try. If they were half as ambitious and as much dicks as the Dems are while they were in power, this nation would be in better shape or at least on the correct path.
  8. Michael

    Found some older 12 GA ammo!

    Years ago (15+), I bought a small box of mixed shotgun shells. Mostly 12 and 16ga and paper hulled. Not sure of the age, but there's a few rounds with a sears headstamp. I did shoot a few of them. Mostly click.... bang. Couple with hollow sounding reports.
  9. Michael

    CLIMATE CHANGE......Greta Thunberg Calls For “Overthrow of Whole Capitalist System”

    Everyone knows the quickest way back to the stone age is to accept socialism as your lord and savior.
  10. Michael

    North Korea sending ammunition to Russia

    As far as I knew, the stuff North Korea was sending is actually old Russian munitions that they had purchased years ago. Basically selling Russian stuff back to the Russians.
  11. Michael

    WNBA's Brittney Griner reportedly detained in Russia after officials found hashish oil in luggage

    I'm not a math whizz by any means, but how does an arms dealer equal a petty drug smuggler? That's not even remotely an equal trade. I guess it makes sense to the woke crowd? One is just an innocent victim of his situation, just trying to make ends meet. The other a goddess of wokeism and...
  12. Michael

    Syracuse to spend $100,000/year to shuttle lowest paid worked because they can’t walk 7 blocks to work

    It shouldn't though. We see stupid like that and worse on a daily basis in NY. At this point, nothing surprises me about how money is misspent. A much better option would be to spend that on the cratered streets, or maybe even some more snow removal equipment and drivers. Cant tell you how many...
  13. Michael

    66% of Americans are worse finically than a year ago because of inflation

    I bet it's even higher than that. Unless your I come increased more than the rate of inflation, you lost.
  14. Michael

    Hochul to debate Zeldin tomorrow on Rochester Station.

    They are hiding the same thing all politicians hide- The fact that they are all the same, just use different means to get the ends. I will try to watch it somehow. However, I am not expecting to be impressed.
  15. Michael

    New York Hunter Found With Illegal Donuts In Hudson Valley

    I lol'd when he told the cops he was planning on eating them.
  16. Michael

    Hochul searches for a way to test for drugged driving with the legal weed coming

    They are stupid and most of us with real, actual common sense know it. I was just in Michigan last week. We met up with some friends that used to live in NY that moved out there. Was talking to them about the subject of pot use. Many accidents that were probably due to pot use, that can not be...
  17. Michael

    Syracuse chip manufacturer's real cost to taxpayers

    Who wants to bet that they get billions of dollars, put up a building, then never build a damn thing? My wife and I were talking about it last night. Central New York gets used for money laundering and purposes of corruption by those in power. They can do it because of the poverty and lack of...
  18. Michael

    Gun Humor thread

  19. Michael

    Pro-Life Center in Buffalo Bombed by Terrorists (Where’s Kathy Hochul?)

    It's sounds as if they gave the police the original? Why o earth would they do that? It's 2022. Copy, paste! NEVER give the only copy of anything you have, ever, for anything. It also sounds as if the police are hiding behind "active investigation" to cover up for something. I wonder if they...
  20. Michael

    Germany takes over some Russian oil refiners to secure supply

    Rosneft is owned by the Russian govt. Rosneft - Wikipedia It also looks like they put the cart before the horse as well. The oil supply to the refineries comes in via pipeline from Russia. Now they need to figure out a source of crude oil. Good luck with that one.
  21. Michael

    California’s tax income is dropping and unemployment is rising

    Anybody else see this in NYs future? I can't wait to see how they blame it on the weather.
  22. Michael

    Medical malpractice law if signed by Hochul could make insurance premiums raise 40%

    Lovely. As if medical costs weren't high enough. How about malpractice insurance for the people against politicians? Only need enough coverage to cover the cost of tar and feathers or a gallows depending on the level of malpractice.
  23. Michael


    It ain't got nothin on 9mm. Just ask Brandon. It'll blow out your lungs.
  24. Michael

    Syracuse DA, police chief: We won’t target gun owners under new law, but will take guns

    I can't stand Fitzpatrick. He'd throw his own mother in jail for jaywalking if it got him another win in the courtroom. The proper response to the new law should be "it's unconstitutional and therefore won't be enforced." End of story. Also, what's with federal judges writing opinion pieces...
  25. Michael

    22,000 Colorado Households Lose Control of Their Home Thermostats During Heat Wave as Power Company Locks Out Air Conditioning Use

    Find yourself an old Honeywell t87 thermostat at a yardsale. You want the kind WITH the mercury in it. They are the Nokia 3310 of t-stats. Will practically last forever. Only works with heat, but you won't find a simpler thermostat. It's also good to have a working knowledge of low voltage...
  26. Michael

    NYS plans to make roads safer by using advanced driving systems and speed limiters

    Out my way they fix potholes by putting up "rough road" signs.
  27. Michael

    Deadly rabbit virus found in Pennsylvania

    I'm willing to bet the population was way to high to start with. Rabbits have a population cycle (~7 years, I believe) where it peaks out then declines with predators or disease. Predator populations lag behind the prey populations. Not exactly an unknown thing to those that hunt or live in more...
  28. Michael

    NYS plans to make roads safer by using advanced driving systems and speed limiters

    How about no. They sound like another liberal, nanny state loving, out of touch with reality magazine. A speed limiter won't do a damn thing unless connected to gps that has the known speed limit programmed into it. Vehicle too high? Tough nuggets. I'm not willing to drive a Miata just because...
  29. Michael

    Updates on Antonyuk v. Bruen

    While I'm not a sports fan- my reasons for being drunk at 11am are my own, I don't need them to be socially acceptable. That being said, the Bruen decision stated that if there was searches or metal detectors and a police presence, then it could be considered a special area? Is that the case...
  30. Michael


    I don't think you need as much land as you might think. Homesteading is really about self sufficiency. My belief is self sufficiency not only for yourself, but for community as well. It would not be that difficult for a few like minded neighbors to band together and form a community homestead of...
  31. Michael

    New York Uses Historic Gun Bans Against Native Americans, Catholics to Justify Current Restrictions in Court Filing

    If I remember correctly, the concealed carry law in Texas was created just after the civil war to keep black people from being able to carry. Smaller handguns we're more expensive, thereby putting them out of financial reach. Typical leftist. I'm surprised they haven't used slavery as a...
  32. Michael

    Dry Food Plot

    How is the soil and sunlight? My neighbor and I disced up and planted the path that runs in the woods behind our houses (path is on my property, but we both hunt, so mutually beneficial for both of us). Soil is acidic and there isn't much sunlight. Experiment was a semi success. Some sprouted...
  33. Michael

    Why all semi-automatic weapons must be banned on a national basis | Opinion

    To be honest, I usually quit reading after I see that sentence. If they don't understand the subject, then their article on said subject is likely to be garbage. It's actually nice to know up front they don't know what they're talking about- it saves me time reading.
  34. Michael

    Onondaga County upgrade to No Restrictions

    Nice. I figured Onondaga county would "wait for further guidance from the state."
  35. Michael

    White House Solution to Gas Prices Gas Cards to Taxpayers Who Cannot Afford Gas

    Money for gas? I'll go buy a gun, or at least some ammo, with it. Especially since it was my money to begin with. We got our "tax rebate" check, or whatever it was, to help pay for property taxes. Told my wife I was going to buy at least a rifle and maybe a handgun with it.
  36. Michael

    Man arrested three times in a week…. For having too many bird feeders out??

    We have at least one pair of cardinals that stay here all year. We got to see the juveniles at the feeder. Also have a nesting pair of bluebirds with little ones. And purple finches, hummingbirds, catbirds, pileated woodpecker, etc. We've managed to bring in more types of birds this year than...
  37. Michael

    NJ proposes a new hunting regulation that would require you to get written permission every hunt

    I very highly doubt that the dog was shot "by mistake." I can almost guarantee that the dog was being a nuisance and it was mother first incident of it not being where it belonged. If that's the case, ethics of shooting a dog aside, the owners should be charged with not keeping it contained...
  38. Michael

    House passes gun control Bill – 21 & over for ARs/10 round capacity

    I get those or governor horse face talking about NY always being open to killing babies. What I find "funny" is that I mostly watch farm/homesteading/DIY, etc stuff that I know the channel owners would be upset knowing that those ads are playing on their channel. I don't fault all single moms...
  39. Michael

    Gun Humor thread

    My 9mm identifies as a .380 long so it should be ok too.
  40. Michael

    House passes gun control Bill – 21 & over for ARs/10 round capacity

    You want to know why 18/19 year olds are babies? Their parents made them that way by coddling them, giving them participation awards, and generally treating them like babies. Do you think that 18/19 year olds were babies a hundred years ago or even 50? They were brought up having...
  41. Michael

    A Massachusetts Man arrested on multiple weapons charges

    He was let go after paying $2k in bail. After proving that he was mentally unstable enough to shoot at another person's house after an argument. This state is whack.