Wouldn't it make more sense to raise tariffs on imported goods? End result would be the same except that the taxpayers wouldn't be propping up a company.
Powder is powder.
From the article:
The irony gave me a headache. Could you imagine if the right tried to justify a law by giving historically racist examples from the past?
Just remember that california will give you cancer.
I'm thinking they won't be able to get a boat in close enough without it becoming an artificial reef unless we want it there. Same goes for missiles. I can't imagine one of our vessels being there and not being on high alert for anything. Although, I wouldn't put it past our .gov to "accidently"...
I agree. There is more to the story. It could very well be a mental health issue. Or it could be that he was trying to escape responsibility for something like what happened up here last year - Sheriff: Deputy involved in murder-suicide stole $500K with wife. I will reserve judgement until more...
Its his favorite kind of ice cream.
Honestly, I'd rather we pull right out of the world and let them deal with the consequences. However that isn't a possibility. No other nations armed forces are as powerful or able to project that kind of power anymore. Too many terrorist organizations are...
As usual, the ones making environmental/ hunting regulations have not a single damn clue. You would be very hard pressed to actually hurt the population of the animals that are traditionally hunted in contests. Hence the reason for the contest. Coyotes will regulate their population in regards...
Most of the garbage that has been pumped out at the state/federal level has been like this. Could you imagine what could be accomplished if even half the effort was put into real, useful legislation rather than what it's currently spent on?
I like that barometer. I'm fact, I use it myself. When...
I think it's more of the usual grandstanding. The contract with applegate is for 33 years. It sounds as though Chick-fil-A will be good to go for the duration that contract. Note- I have not seen any details of said contract so I could be wrong.
This quote here:
From This article shows their...
I believe it's for future contracts. Most of my time spent on the thruway is at night. Mostly because it's easier driving with less traffic to deal with. Restaurants at the rest stops are almost never open. There are, however, vending machines available for use. That fact invalidates the states...
The irony of the Amish is incredible. Modern technology is too "worldly" unless it benefits them. In a grid down situation, they will be way better off than most, but in now way would they continue as they are. I see buggies at the grocery store and Lowe's on a regular basis. It isn't 1830 any...
As much as I'd like it to be, it holds about as much power as the counties that passed resolutions against the safe act. Which is about nothing. It showed us which counties supported us. Nothing more.
They need to pass laws saying they will not stoop to tyranny and will not enforce or allow to...
Islam has hated the United States almost since it's conception. Re: the Barbary Wars. People thinking it's something new or only since the end of WW2 need to get a better history book.
Reality has absolutely nothing to do with it. Never has.
Another point to ponder. Many districts have an early and late morning/afternoon runs for elementary and middle/high school. The same busses are used for both runs. Not to mention 2-3 or so buses used for boces and let's say another one...
Your absolutely correct about that. @GOPerfect is correct as well. It is unfortunate that it's only ever the citizens that pay for bad policy though. At least those of us who wanted nothing to do with it. The rest will bitch about it, apparently not realizing that it is what they wanted.
The irony is thick. Andrew trying to act as though he isn't the one who started the mass exodus of people of this state is absolutely infuriating as well.
I'm glad we homeschool so we can somewhat protect our kids from the rampant stupidity that is .gov. I'm still pissed about having to pay school taxes though.
I believe one of the districts here in Oswego County did an analysis on electric buses (Central Square maybe?). Not only do the buses NOT...
I noticed that as well as did my coworkers. Needless to say, we were pissed about that. I watched a video (from PBS) last night where they sent in a ROV to examine the inside of what's left of the Arizona. It's from 2016 but it's a good video to watch if you have about an hour.
Four kilos of fentanyl. Enough to theoretically kill about 2 million people.
What are "fire firearms?" Man the editing is atrocious with newspapers nowadays. What ever happened to having a bit of pride in your work. (Rhetorical question- no need to answer)
Israel's end game is to erase Hamas from the planet. I don't think they give a damn what the international opinions are. In fact, I'm willing to bet they're pissed off enough to fight the entire Middle East if it comes to it- and my money is on them.
From the article:
“Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life,” the non-binary...The firm rescinded Workman’s offer the same day it learned of her email...
Did they just assume it's gender?? I'm glad it got the job offer taken away. I'll bet a dollar that it cries a...
I don't see a civil war from event of that type. I may look that way though depending on the demographics of an area (high Muslim population). Pockets of terrorism in larger cities. Would very much so disrupt life as we know it. Hospitals being overwhelmed or even targeted. Checkpoints on...
I find it odd that a people who's history mostly that of being oppressed, does not allow for the citizenship being able to protect themselves. Most of Europe is the same way with te exception of the Czech Republic -> Gun law in the Czech Republic - Wikipedia
I have a feeling that they may end up...
I vote Israel. I have a multitude of reasons being both political and faith based. I also cannot condone the wholesale slaughter of innocents.
The irony in his little speech is absolutely breathtaking.
This right there. The response by the US whenever American lives are taken has been piss...
I'm sure it will work just like the no-fly list. You'll get on it for saying something mean on the internet and you wont find out until you go to board a plane. Then, you wont be told why your on it and have no way to appeal or get your name removed.
I'm actually wondering how the state will...
And that's BS. Being a judge should not mean that you cannot have friends, live your entire judicial career in a box isolated fromm the planet, or do business like just about everyone else can. As long as it doesn't affect your job, it shouldn't matter.
You can take the man out of Fulton, but you can't take the Fulton out of the man. I remember back when Fulton had big signs declaring it the "city with a future". A future it has had, but not the one they were hoping for.
Do the items in question have markings indicating that they were/are property of the school? If not, either prove that they are school property or piss off. I hope the guy in question has paperwork if anything is labeled.
I bring home items from work on occasion. Usually the stuff is...
If JFK looks the same it did years ago, I'd say give them brooms and cleaning supplies and make them earn their keep.maybe even give them a meal and a place to crash and shower. I'm sure we couldn't because "using them as slaves" or "abusing of the disadvantaged." Total garbage excuses on any...
They do, of course. We all know where that will lead as well.
Real, actual "hate speech" is actually a useful tool. It helps me filter out who is truly ignorant and who to avoid/interact with.
That guy lives with a bunch of idiots if that happens on a regular basis. I imagine that if his building has gas appliances, it is an older building. I haven't seen anything built after the 60s with anything but electric. Electric lines are much easier to run, maintain, and replace. As has been...
They do want it to happen. Could you imagine the orgy they would have with that kind of destruction? Absolutely sickening.
The rest of us that would fight back are spread too far apart to hit with a few nukes.
They have registration and permits for pretty much everything. Wether firearms related or anything else for that matter. There are also requirements for going to the range a certain amount of times a year to certify "need" for said weapon as well. Pretty much, unless grandpa hid a 98k in the...
I'm not disagreeing, just saying what I've seen. My assumption is that the posted sign allows for CC. *Note: not legal advice. We all know that signs, permits, background checks, and laws themselves don't work.
The way things are going back and forth between the judges and circuit court, I'm not...
.Gov doing what .Gov does best. Ignoring agreements that they made. I hope not only does the forest service get slapped, but that Wil and his neighbors get the road outright removed and access denied to the feds.