It's amazing how fast people turn into whackjob nutter theory of the day people when they don't agree with the brainwashed MSM watching sheep.
Ok, but please just list the top three most incriminating, most damning, most irrefutable items that prove a cover up.freddy, post:You provide a single blurry close up. If it was a coverup why would they provide that photo?
Overlooked .
Not obvious it is damage caused by a shotgun or rifle.
I don't know one person on this gun forum who would contest it other than you. If contested, it would need to be contested by Illustration.
Do have any closeup photos in focus?
yes there are, You have to dig through the police photos to find them .
Even if that was damage from shotshell... so what?
Its never been addressed by the police , and it is a mystery why it is there.
Might be a clerical error or ND by police
A clerical error? A shotgun blast was a clerical error? The police said there no empty shotgun casings found, Is that a clerical error also? The police say he never fired his shotgun, it was found in the car,clerical error? A ND would have been recorded. It would Have to be recorded . or the officer could lose his job for omitting it .
Could be either to my untrained eye. Debris from impact of rifle bullet could cause that possibly. But I am not a ballistics expert. Are you?
No Im not an expert, But Ive fired thousands of rounds of both calibers at dozens or hundreds of types of targets and Ive never seen a small caliber rifle round mimic a shotgun round ever. Not once. This is a gun forum , Im sure there are experts or people with enough experience on here to either verify or deny what Im saying . Your going to be hard pressed to find anyone on here who thinks that damage was made by 223.
- what of it? Massive conspiracy? Coverup? Staged shooting with crisis actors? Not a real school?
This shotgun blast contradicts the police official account , that no shotgun was used by police or the shooter. No empty shotgun caseings were found or cataloged. This in itself does not prove a conspiracy . What it does show is that police have omitted this from all the reports . This SUPPORTS my claim that we were not told the truth of what happened.
Come on man. Let's see something substantial. So far we have not. Do you have anything else?
This is massively substantial evidence that We weren't told the truth . Yes I have a shit ton of things to discuss.
There are plenty of crazy cops. I don’t have to watch anything. I know it’s impossible for that many people to be part of a cover up. It simply cannot happen. The director of the cia could not hide the fact that he was banging some author and you think to gov can orchestrate a massive cover up like this?You can add law enforcement officers and other officials to that list who have looked into it as fucking crazy as well. But wait. It's a YouTube video so it's made up. Not that you'd watch the video anyway. Just eat up what CBS tells you. That's real news.
I don't have to watch a video. I know what i know.There are plenty of crazy cops. I don’t have to watch anything. I know it’s impossible for that many people to be part of a cover up. It simply cannot happen. The director of the cia could not hide the fact that he was banging some author and you think to gov can orchestrate a massive cover up like this?
And no more yellow text please - it cannot be read on certain backgrounds. Any dark color will work.
Last question... do you miss your sanity?I don't have to watch a video. I know what i know.
Yep. That's what I thought. Don't ask me another question until you do your homework.
So if I am to understand this correctly, there is a massive conspiracy that would take all of the thousands of people it would take to pull this off...but they can't get the date correct on a check?Its not that simple Sir. Statements must be backed up by some type of documentation .
My screen has a dark background Ill simply use italics .
Police report page 28
The mother wanted to buy the shooter a CZ 83 pistol for Christmas and had prepared a check for that purchase to give the shooter.
The problem is that Adam didn't have a pistol permit because he was only 20 years old. So where are we going with this right?
This supports the fact that we are being fed a false narrative .
I wish I could like this a million times.100 percent.
No more yellow text please and no more inserting text within the quotes. It breaks the quotes.
It's unreadable. I end up skipping over it which is a shame because you know what you are talking about.
The 50k it would take to pull this off are not perfect sir. That’s why they have nbc to cover for them.So if I am to understand this correctly, there is a massive conspiracy that would take all of the thousands of people it would take to pull this off...but they can't get the date correct on a check?
It kind of goes along with my side question of:The 50k it would take to pull this off are not perfect sir. That’s why they have nbc to cover for them.
So if I am to understand this correctly, there is a massive conspiracy that would take all of the thousands of people it would take to pull this off...but they can't get the date correct on a check?
It kind of goes along with my side question of:
So we have this all powerful government that can lie cheat and steal, make up false narratives, censor people, kill people to cover things up right? Ok, and that same government can't censor people "digging too deep into their master plan" on an Internet forum?![]()
That the people orchestrating this cover up...invented a document to make it specifically look false?Pretty sure the mother knew how old her son was, and that he could not buy a Pistol . What does the evidence tell you?
So how many innocents were killed by the cops in the pulse nightclub? That entry could not have been without some collateral damage.
Ah, they are just waiting until your movement gains momentum before they send out the death squads...why would they bother? were no threat to anybody , were just a couple of fruitcake conspiracy theorists who believe the lizards are taking over.
They were never reported. I would say it’s more than a few.At least a few! But that's another case.
That the people orchestrating this cover up...invented a document to make it specifically look false?
What does it tell you, because I am completely lost on that one.
By the way, this brings up another point.
You said the damning evidence was classified, so you couldn't provide proof. But the "evidence" you provided...didn't make it to the classified bin? Did they mail it to the wrong address or something?
Is it possible the mom didn’t know what a cz83 was?It can be one or the other . the mother gave money to her demented son who she was afraid of , to buy a CZ when she knew he didn't have a pistol permit or could buy one , or somebody creating the false narrative overlooked the fact .
Theres no way in the world she gave that kid money to buy a specific gun when she knew he wasn't old enough to buy it.
Yeah, there is no way anybody might not know all of the gun laws of the state they are in...It can be one or the other . the mother gave money to her demented son who she was afraid of , to buy a CZ when she knew he didn't have a pistol permit or could buy one , or somebody creating the false narrative overlooked the fact .
Theres no way in the world she gave that kid money to buy a specific gun when she knew he wasn't old enough to buy it.
I’m good. I will read it and watch wills video when I have to take a dump later. ThanksThat was in reference to the theory, but if you feel left out, sure, we can include you too.![]()
I’m a gun nut and didn’t know much about a cz 83That's really reaching , the narrative is she was gun nut.
THAT is reaching!?That's really reaching , the narrative is she was gun nut.