Yep, I have a good buddy that lives in PA (moved from long Island last year for political reasons). He keeps telling me about all his standard cap mags for rifles and handguns. Think I'll ask him tosend me some..![]()
I'll send you some.
Yep, I have a good buddy that lives in PA (moved from long Island last year for political reasons). He keeps telling me about all his standard cap mags for rifles and handguns. Think I'll ask him tosend me some..![]()
Retired LEO's are not granted carry permits because "they are special",but the do have "special reasons" for needing to continue carrying,particularly in NYC and other metropolitan areas.Over a 20-30 yr career a cop makes many enemies.
Pissing people off on your own is much different than pissing people off because its your job for 30 yrs.Biggest difference is you cant get a PL for being belligerent.I've pissed off people around the world. So that argument is fucking stupid.
Just to add to how bad we ALL have it, my brother just called me to tell me he got his PA license to carry today in a grand total of 5 min for $20 (5 years). I wish I did like him when I got out of the Army and just stayed away.![]()
No but 25 years in the military and doing anti terrorism and force protection does.Pissing people off on your own is much different than pissing people off because its your job for 30 yrs.Biggest difference is you cant get a PL for being belligerent.
If thats the truth then I agree,you should be able to carry after you retired,and thanks for your service.But it doesnt change anything about my original post which merely pointed out the reason LEO's are allowed to carry after retirement.No but 25 years in the military and doing anti terrorism and force protection does.
Stick around you might actually learn something....if you listen.
If thats the truth then I agree,you should be able to carry after you retired,and thanks for your service.But it doesnt change anything about my original post which merely pointed out the reason LEO's are allowed to carry after retirement.
Took me 15 mins. Now I feel gyped!Mine took about 8 minutes. The delay must have been because I was out of state.
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The good people in bad neighborhoods that can't even afford to apply in the city. I feel for them. Even if they could come up with the $ why just throw it away? The threat to retired cops seems to be inflated. I'm sure a google search could find a few but the number has to be low.Id like to see the statistics on how many cops are attacked by someone with a grudge.
Then compare that to the number of abused women who left their abuser, witnesses who testify, people in bad neighborhoods.....etc that are attacked.
I know several retired cops and none have even been threatened.
Just saying.
If they take away the LEO's guns,how much chance to you think anybody else will have?
Leo's are the ones not being team players. I bet most of the cops in the city don't want people getting permits. They are team players as long as the team is other cops. This is not why all gun owners are losing rights. Cops are covered by LEOSA right? Wanting equal treatment for all is not a bad thing. I honestly believe if retired cops had to deal with the same shit others did things would change for everyone (in a good way nationwide). They have a powerful voice and would use it. Cops don't fight for the rights of others form the most part. Some do but most will go along their way happy as long as they can carry. Sorry to say this but many have a superiority complex. They truly believe they are above others. You can still buy evil rifles that have zero to do with your leo employment. What rights have LEO's lost again?I think it is funny how some are equating this guy getting his Permit to the SAFE Act. The two have NOTHING to do with each other. According to the PL as well as the CPL, a cops' badge IS his permit. Having a badge and Police ID are the same as the rest of society having a Pistol Permit. There is no difference. None! A copper goes into the store and shows his ID(Permit) and buys a gun. A regular, non cop, goes into the same store to buy a gun he shows his permit. It is the same exact thing. All handguns are reported back to the State.
The Copper has already gone through all of the same checks (more) then the guy that got a permit.
This guy is being railroaded by the State, the city and his department.
ALL of us should be angry at the injustice. Cop or not, he is being refused his permit; some here are glad about that?
Real team players, this is the reason why ALL gun owners in NY are losing Rights!!!!!
Leo's are the ones not being team players. I bet most of the cops in the city don't want people getting permits. They are team players as long as the team is other cops. This is not why all gun owners are losing rights. Cops are covered by LEOSA right? Wanting equal treatment for all is not a bad thing. I honestly believe if retired cops had to deal with the same shit others did things would change for everyone (in a good way nationwide). They have a powerful voice and would use it. Cops don't fight for the rights of others form the most part. Some do but most will go along their way happy as long as they can carry. Sorry to say this but many have a superiority complex. They truly believe they are above others. You can still buy evil rifles that have zero to do with your leo employment. What rights have LEO's lost again?
As for this guy getting railroaded.... no more than anyone else in the city. They are saying being denied a permit is "treating him like a common criminal". So does that mean the NYPD is treating everyone they deny like criminals? I think so. I don't want him to not get a permit. I just want everyone there to have the same opportunity to exercise their rights. Once a cop gets his he's out of the fight and most don't care about the average joe in NYC. Again, I feel if they were not given special treatment they would change things. Since they are my theory will never be tested.
It's all true though.You are mixing too many things into one. Some of what you typed has nothing to do we th others.
I think a potential powerful nationwide 2a ally is gone by granting cops (active or retired) special rights. It's a theory of course, but I think they have the numbers and political pull to change things for the better if they were not given special rights. If they had to play be everyone else's rules we might have nation wide carry. Of course it's not the cops or unions jobs to fight for everyone. I understand that also. That's the cliff notes version.You are mixing too many things into one. Some of what you typed has nothing to do we th others.
I think a potential powerful nationwide 2a ally is gone by granting cops (active or retired) special rights. It's a theory of course, but I think they have the numbers and political pull to change things for the better if they were not given special rights. If they had to play be everyone else's rules we might have nation wide carry. Of course it's not the cops or unions jobs to fight for everyone. I understand that also. That's the cliff notes version.
The ability to get one in NYC.What special Rights? In regards to Pistol Permits. That is what this story is about. In regards to PP, what do cops have that the rest of society does not?